
Matrix on Debian

169 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix61 Servers

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10 Aug 2021
@5m34601:matrix.org5m34601 left the room.06:46:16
13 Aug 2021
@Baco:matrix.orgšŸ§‰ baco joined the room.12:14:54
15 Aug 2021
@david:vovo.id.audavoIs synapse in bullseye-fasttrack yet?15:11:41
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshno, because fasttrack is down15:15:32
@praveen:poddery.comPirateĀ ā€Ā Praveen (he/him)sorry about the interruption, we hope to bring it back soon after sorting out the billing issues15:38:47
@praveen:poddery.comPirateĀ ā€Ā Praveen (he/him) for buster-fasttrack, http://mirror.linux.pizza/debian-fasttrack/ can be used as a fallback 15:39:02
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshwhat about uploading?18:20:40
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshI donā€™t think thereā€™s a fallback option šŸ™‚18:21:04
@praveen:poddery.comPirateĀ ā€Ā Praveen (he/him)well, the server is down, so we have to get it back online18:21:10
16 Aug 2021
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmallI was wondering if there is any interest in packaging Conduit? Looks like 1.0 is a few months out at the moment assuming linear progress... https://gitlab.com/famedly/conduit/-/milestones/309:43:22
@TimSmall:matrix.orgTimSmallI've done a small amount of Debian packaging work, and a small amount of Rust development, so might be able to help out a bit...09:44:06
@paul:luon.netPaul I have done the cargo-deb packaging of Conduit, but am interested in turning that in real packaging 11:02:41
@paul:luon.netPaulI'm also a member of the Debian Rust team, albeit not very active in the past months (year?)11:03:09
@paul:luon.netPaulI'm mostly struggling with upstream + Debconf + sysadmin config stuff, as I have not packaged many services before.. I'd like to know what is recommended there11:03:51
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregYeah, a package for Conduit would be great. Unfortunately, I don't really know enough about Rust.14:12:06
@praveen:poddery.comPirateĀ ā€Ā Praveen (he/him)so fasttrack is back online14:35:23
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewsh Paul: if you might be interested to join #oftc#debian-rust:matrix.org 17:51:58
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshthe workflow is very much automated17:52:13
@paul:luon.netPaulYeah, I was on that channel for a long time17:52:19
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshand not following it would result in a lot of pain šŸ™‚17:52:23
@paul:luon.netPauluntil I nuked by IRC bouncer heh17:52:27
@paul:luon.netPaulIndeed, it is debcargo or nothing heh17:59:19
19 Aug 2021
@shulkk:matrix.org0x8FF / shulkk joined the room.03:47:09
@shulkk:matrix.org0x8FF / shulkkhello03:47:39
@shulkk:matrix.org0x8FF / shulkki'd like to ask if libgtk-4-x is available for bookworm03:48:41
@shulkk:matrix.org0x8FF / shulkkor is it still only for experimental03:49:04
@shulkk:matrix.org0x8FF / shulkk invited @bbaovanc:boba.bestbbaovanc.03:49:28
@bbaovanc:boba.bestbbaovanc joined the room.03:49:41
@hartmans:matrix.orghartmansThis isn't really the right place for asking general questions about Debian.03:49:42
@hartmans:matrix.orghartmansIt's a channel for discussing the packaging and to a lesser exten use of Matrix on debian.03:50:07

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