
Matrix on Debian

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Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix57 Servers

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24 Aug 2021
@kurt:roeckx.beQBut no 1.41 yet?21:45:37
@andrewsh:matrix.organdrewshnot yet22:15:50
@qbi:matrix.kraut.spaceqbi joined the room.22:36:37
25 Aug 2021
@gargantua_kerr:matrix.orggargantua_kerr changed their display name from gargantua_kerr to gargantua_kerr (Old).21:41:28
@gargantua_kerr:matrix.orggargantua_kerr invited @gargantua_kerr:tchncs.degargantua_kerr.21:51:21
@gargantua_kerr:tchncs.degargantua_kerr joined the room.21:51:27
@gargantua_kerr:tchncs.degargantua_kerr 21:51:33
@gargantua_kerr:matrix.orggargantua_kerr left the room.22:53:14
@qobi:matrix.orgqobi left the room.23:54:19
27 Aug 2021
@praveen:poddery.comPraveen uhoreg planning to upload nheko 0.8.2 to unstable? gcc 10.3 is now in unstable 12:47:28
@paul:luon.netPaul Heh, the upgrade to Bullseye automatically migrated Matrix' matrix-synapse-py3 to Debian's matrix-synapse.... well, nice, got that transition dealt with automatically hehe 13:04:32
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoreg Pirate ‍ Praveen (he/him): Yeah, it's sitting on my laptop, waiting for me to build it. 14:35:45
@praveen:poddery.comPraveen uhoreg thanks 14:36:35
@humrochagf:gnome.orgHumberto Rocha joined the room.21:18:59
28 Aug 2021
@fishy:matrix.orgfishy joined the room.06:09:47
@lindalap:midov.plLinda joined the room.23:40:56
@lindalap:midov.plLindarichvdh decided to reject my DM invite, so I'll share my message here23:41:30
@lindalap:midov.plLindafrom 2021-08-1523:41:39


I already resolved this issue years ago... made the package, which is now unmaintained.

matrix-archive-keyring (1:2019.04.16+ds.0.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium

  * New upstream key (2019-04-16).
  * Fix Lintian informative warnings.

 -- Linda Lapinlampi <linda@lindalap.fi>  Fri, 19 Apr 2019 07:16:14 +0000

matrix-archive-keyring (1:2015.06.11+ds.1) unstable; urgency=low

  * Initial release in Debian (contrib). (Closes: #922155)
  * Standards-Version and Lintian free.
  * debhelper compat level 12.
  * matrix-archive-keyring: OpenPGP keys for package verification
    * Installs a keyring to the /usr/share/keyrings directory.
    * Prompts the user about trust anchored keys in APT's trusted.gpg and
      trusted.gpg.d files, then removes them.
    * Advanced users: Provides a debconf(1) template to reconfigure the
      keyring as a system trusted APT keyring. (Default: false)
  * matrix-archive-config: APT configuration
    * Installs an apt_preferences(5) file (a symbolic link from APT).
      * Pinned to matrix.org origin.
      * Pinned to priority 100.
    * Installs a sources.list(5) file (a symbolic link from APT).
      * Signed-By a keyring from matrix-archive-keyring.
  * Aware of the APT configuration via apt-config(8).

  * Notable changes since pre-releases prior to uploading to Debian:
    * Added bug-scripts for reportbug(1).
    * Changed version to match the date on the keys, not the upload date found
      on Matrix.org's HTTP servers (epoch increase, backwards incompatible).
    * +ds.x version numbering for Debian Source to match a common practice.
    * Fixed data loss on matrix-org.list (a typo in a test case, which led to
      the config migration code almost never being executed properly).
    * Added standard error output on encountering Debian Bug#696332 in
      lsb_release (re-discovered while testing the change mentioned before).
    * Added debian/copyright disclaimer for contrib area.

 -- Linda Lapinlampi <linda@lindalap.fi>  Thu, 21 Feb 2019 13:11:49 +0000

Related Debian bug: #922155 - ITP: matrix-archive-keyring -- OpenPGP archive key for the Matrix.org package repository

The funny thing is two years ago you (New Vector people) refused my idea for whatever reason

@lindalap:midov.plLindaand I had attached the latest sources23:42:34
@lindalap:midov.plLindaI know this isn't #synapse:matrix.org or #synapse-dev:matrix.org but I think you'll understand why I'm here23:43:01
29 Aug 2021
In reply to @lindalap:midov.pl
I know this isn't #synapse:matrix.org or #synapse-dev:matrix.org but I think you'll understand why I'm here
not really? I for one am confused how it's relevant, most people don't accept unexpected DMs and this is about an upstream repo key that debian users have no need of.
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 Additionally, I was going to say there's not much point in having an ever growing list of foo-archive-keyring and point you at the new extrepo tool, then I saw it's already there element.yaml. So all that needs to happen from the Debian side is to encourage people to use that and then update the key in the data repo. 01:28:23
30 Aug 2021
In reply to @emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.name
Additionally, I was going to say there's not much point in having an ever growing list of foo-archive-keyring and point you at the new extrepo tool, then I saw it's already there element.yaml. So all that needs to happen from the Debian side is to encourage people to use that and then update the key in the data repo.

Instead of explaining myself, I'll just blame you for being new to incooperation and conflicts of interest with New Vector.

My package predated the extrepo tool. Thanks for letting me know about it.

31 Aug 2021
@jcromero:disconfor.mejcromero joined the room.20:41:37
1 Sep 2021
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1I'm more excited for the 1.41.1 that was uploaded yesterday, proper federated pagination of spaces should fix discovery.15:34:00
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1and then I hope to not be excited for many releases, they should release an LTS16:13:37
2 Sep 2021
In reply to @paul:luon.net
I have done the cargo-deb packaging of Conduit, but am interested in turning that in real packaging
any news on possible conduit packaging? https://conduit.rs/release-0-2-0/
@paul:luon.netPaulThat is basically the news for now, there is a release that can be used to build a package. Q also got involved in the development, so he also might have some thoughts on it.11:04:49

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