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5 Feb 2021
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldand you'd have to look at the currently installed stuff to get the transitive deps anyways21:03:48
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1maybe worth writing up the problem description and posting to the -backports list for discussion, with a separate reply for the maybe solutions - it's not really a generic apt problem, it really is specific to backports under a certain use case21:04:34
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldoh I didn't know there's a list just for backports21:05:01
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldgot it, thanks21:07:14
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1there's not usually much discussion about how to manage backports itself, mostly just package-specific issues21:07:44
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldI was going to send this to d-devel, not sure that wouldn't explode badly though :)21:08:31
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1I tried to imagine the feature being used in maybe testing/unstable hybrids and didn't think it fit, but sure you might get more ... discussion ... on the main -devel21:10:10
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 * I tried to imagine the feature being used in maybe testing/unstable hybrids and didn't think it fit, but sure you might get more ... discussion ... on the main list21:10:26
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldI think I'll try backports first, can always repost on d-d21:11:33
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldtesting/unstable hybrids might be another use-case to keep in mind21:12:56
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldin the case where a target-release is defined I think you'd run into the same prio problem just with 990/500 instead of 990/100 as with backports21:13:28
@hcgrove:matrix.orggrove joined the room.23:38:42
7 Feb 2021
@jwest23:matrix.orgjwest23 left the room.01:02:22
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 dxld: timely example that might be wider known than synapse debhelper 13.3.1~bpo10+1 needs to add dwz from backports 07:40:18
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxld emorrp1: I dunno if that is a good example since you wouldn't necessarily need to have that updated by u-a 11:56:19
@mrpenner:matrix.orgMark joined the room.16:25:14
@fauust:matrix.orgfaust left the room.19:16:50
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxld emorrp1: I just finished building a standalone reproducer for this problem if in case you want to play with it: https://salsa.debian.org/dxld-guest/backport-deps-repro/-/blob/master/repro.sh 19:29:42
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxld * emorrp1: I just finished building a standalone reproducer for this problem in case you want to play with it: https://salsa.debian.org/dxld-guest/backport-deps-repro/-/blob/master/repro.sh 19:30:12
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 dxld: I'm starting to wonder if it's a known issue, apparently for sbuild to work with backports you need to add --build-dep-resolver=aptitude, so from your repro can you run apt upgrade and it fails, but aptitude upgrade succeeds? 19:51:48
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxlddid you try with aptitude?19:52:19
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1no (certainly not with your repro.sh), but I might be able to on my laptop which is probably still on the old version19:53:15
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldhmm, just doing s/apt-get/aptitude/ then presents me with a couple of prompts and if I do it right it then asks if I want the new version from backports 19:53:44
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldis there another option that the sbuild resolver adds to automate this or something?19:54:02
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1almost certainly using DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive which would select the default for those prompts19:56:51
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldnot sure DEB_FE has anything to do with those prompts, adding it certainly doesn't make em go away :)19:58:42
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldlooking at AptitudeResolver.pm the only relevant thing it's doing is passing -y and a bunch of -o ProblemResolver options20:03:27
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxldcopying that over just makes aptitude remove the dummy package though, yeah thanks aptitude :P20:03:50
@dxld:it-syndik.atdxld * copying that over just makes aptitude remove the stub package though, yeah thanks aptitude :P20:03:56

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