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26 Jun 2024
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweaselI have a particle system based on the Trails growth help patch, I'd like to be able to control when the trails start emitting and stop based on the seed particles life. So for example turn off at 75% of its emitted life, so I need to get the age of the particle systemA and use it in B. Is this possible? 14:24:14
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweasel * I have a particle system based on the Trails growth help patch, I'd like to be able to control when the trails start emitting and stop based on the seed particles life. So for example turn off at 75% of its emitted life, so I need to get the age of the particle systemA and use it in its trails in B. Is this possible? 14:24:37
@texone:matrix.orgtexoneYou could store the index from the emitted particle in a custom attribute in the trail and than use it to read the age and lifetime from the emit particle, alternatively you could store lifetime and age of emited particle in trail particle and advance it there and check the progress hope this makes sense?14:29:32
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweaselOk, thanks, I'll see whether I can make that work :)15:09:33
Download image.png
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweaselThis seems to make sense, but doesn't work as expected15:41:07
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweaselI've attached age over life to the emissive and it seems to just output 115:41:47
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweaselInverse age of life seems to be the same as non inverse too15:42:55
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweaselSeems the IDtrail doesn't seem to output anything, as deteched its the same as attached to the get item15:46:08
Download image.png
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweaselDownload SDF_ConformToTexture_Trails_Test.vl15:53:55
@catweasel:matrix.orgcatweaselThat shouldnt have any dependancies, and might easier than words to explain15:55:00
28 Jun 2024
Download image.png
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_runot sure if this is what you look to achieve, but maybe you could just do it like this? 08:55:45
1 Jul 2024
@davidbrrrr:matrix.orgDavid BrĂ¼ll

Hi all. We are rescheduling some remaining FUSE courses. Due to unforeseen circumstances, we need to postpone the FUSE workshop this week and adjust the dates and times for the following FUSE sessions:

  • Compute shader with FUSE now Thursday July 11th 2024 6-9 PM (UTC+2).
  • Working with Particles in FUSE now WEDNESDAY July 17th 2024 6-9 PM (UTC+2).
  • Fluid Simulations in FUSE remains untouched on Thursday July 18th 2024 6-9 PM (UTC+2).

Please see the website for an overview and registration: https://thenodeinstitute.org/ss24-vvvv-intermediates/

We would be happy to see some new and old faces. :-) Happy patching!

BTW: Recordings of previous sessios are all up and available also.

2 Jul 2024
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru I have a plane mesh and want to setup a vertex shader. For what i want to achieve i need to find vertices in the grid. I tried to map the VertexID to be in a range from 0 to 1 in x and y just like in a fragment shader, but somehow the VertexID doesnt seem to be mapped in that linear fashion. It appears to be triangulated in some way but i cannot figure out how to remap it. 08:08:01
Download image.png
@texone:matrix.orgtexoneLooks like the triangles are split individually I can imagine this is a post operation you can apply to subdevide any mesh. Maybe it makes more sense to create the grid with the dynamic mesh node where you have more control on the ids?08:19:42
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ruokay thanks. Will look into it.08:21:08
@kopffarben:matrix.orgkopffarbenScreenshot 2024-07-01 182902.png
Download Screenshot 2024-07-01 182902.png

Dynamic Delegate and Invoke

  • Delegate and Invoke support any number of inputs and outputs
  • if you name the BorderControllPoints in Delegate-Region the Pins on connected Invoke will be named to
@texone:matrix.orgtexoneSuper cool addition was thinking about this for a while this is totally how it should work 11:35:12
@texone:matrix.orgtexone * kopffarben: Super cool addition was thinking about this for a while this is totally how it should work 11:35:29
@texone:matrix.orgtexoneJust started to have a deeper look what actually would be much more help is if it would work the other other way around you create a dynamic invoke name als its pins and delegate adjust accordingly do you think this would be possible as well?11:45:56
@kopffarben:matrix.orgkopffarbenI think that should even be possible, but I'll have to take a closer look. 12:08:04
@kopffarben:matrix.orgkopffarben texone: I do not handle the case FunctionParameter.Modifier InOut 12:10:09
3 Jul 2024
@gegenlicht:matrix.orggegenlichtDownload MeshCompute.mp407:35:12
@gegenlicht:matrix.orggegenlichtDownload withsomeparticles.mp408:57:12
@sagishi.znr:matrix.orgsagishi.znr joined the room.11:33:40

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