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8 Aug 2024
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanSo your first version might be faster than that 15:22:47
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeI see15:23:17
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeGreat, then I will check out the two workshops you mentioned15:23:31
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanAs soon as you have state that is shared between different threads of the compute shader, it gets slow. 15:23:34
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeYes I understand that15:24:19
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanIt's not what shaders are made for. They want to run independently from each other next to each other 15:24:23
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaximeIn my case I am checking if my dynamic mesh reveals some static areas. And each static area does not care about the state of the other ones. They are independant from each other. So having a shader per area is logic then, right? Because that is exactly what I tried to do with my first screenshots. And what I also tried to do now with the 2nd method15:29:50
@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaxime *

In my case I am checking if my dynamic mesh reveals some static areas. And each static area does not care about the state of the other ones. They are independant from each other.

So having a shader per area is logic then, right?

Because that is exactly what I tried to do with my first screenshot. And what I also tried to do now with the 2nd method

In reply to @maximesouvestre:matrix.org

In my case I am checking if my dynamic mesh reveals some static areas. And each static area does not care about the state of the other ones. They are independant from each other.

So having a shader per area is logic then, right?

Because that is exactly what I tried to do with my first screenshot. And what I also tried to do now with the 2nd method

I'm not sure exactly which nodes create a new shader in Fuse
@tebjan:matrix.orgtebjanBut did you experience performance issues with your first approach?17:18:45
In reply to @tebjan:matrix.org
But did you experience performance issues with your first approach?

So far, no. I'm still running at 60fps. But I might have more calculation to detect more objects later on, which could effect the framerate. Maybe not though, it is still to be determinated 😉

In the end, my question was also to understand a bit more how to use transcript from a ForEach loop to a For loop.

In reply to @tebjan:matrix.org
But did you experience performance issues with your first approach?

So far, no. I'm still running at 60fps. But I might have more calculation to detect more objects later on, which could affect the framerate. Maybe not though, it is still to be determinated 😉

In the end, my question was also to understand a bit more how to use transcript from a ForEach loop to a For loop.

@maximesouvestre:matrix.orgMaxime *

So far, no. I'm still running at 60fps. But I might have more calculation to detect more objects later on, which could affect the framerate. Maybe not though, it is still to be determinated 😉

In the end, my question was also to understand a bit more how to transcript from a ForEach loop to a For loop.

12 Aug 2024
@raphaeldupont30:matrix.orgRaphael DupontHello tim, seems to be a good direction, but in the the patch of augmenta, I do not have a vector 3 but a " MutableArraySegment <vector3> " frome the Points node, How do I translate that ?13:15:04
@raphaeldupont30:matrix.orgRaphael DupontThanks13:15:08
@raphaeldupont30:matrix.orgRaphael DupontFound It : "GetPairedSpreads" thanks you13:29:41
13 Aug 2024
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru How could read in an external static buffer on initialization of a StructuredBufferResource and in my update compute stage update certain elements of that buffer?
In update I use a for loop to get some elements from my external buffer and when a condition is met I want to update those elements. I need to keep track of the updated buffer from the previous frame. Tried to get hints looking at the AppendBuffer and into AttributeToBuffer but couldnt figure it out.
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru * How could I read in an external static buffer on initialization of a StructuredBufferResource and in my update compute stage update certain elements of that buffer?
In update I use a for loop to get some elements from my external buffer and when a condition is met I want to update those elements. I need to keep track of the updated buffer from the previous frame. Tried to get hints looking at the AppendBuffer and into AttributeToBuffer but couldnt figure it out.
@texone:matrix.orgtexoneNot sure if understand correctly so I assume you want to use this buffer to have a per element array? You can use DispatchThreadIdx and setItem(Buffer) combined with an if region in a compute stage13:26:00
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ruyes, thats what i tried. I will give it another go :)13:36:54
@texone:matrix.orgtexoneLet me know if you have a patch I can look at13:37:21
22 Aug 2024
Download 1000029856.jpg
@a_i_n:matrix.orgainHi! Just looked into the help patch for Raymarch (transparent) (fuse beta 06), it doesn't look transparent and has a strange dark spot... Maybe it's broken now because of the latest stride changes, or something's wrong on my PC.. (tried on 2 of them)12:52:25
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_rui think the volumetric raymarching is WIP at the moment, at least texone just added a "Simple DIrectional Lighting" example (which currently is also broken)13:28:54
Download image.png
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru is it possible to somehow do something like above. E.g. drawing multiple lines per particle. Combining multiple DrawShaderGraph into one IEffect? Similar to how it is apperantly handled inside MeshEnitity 13:32:15
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru * is it possible to somehow do something like above. E.g. drawing multiple lines per particle. Combining multiple DrawShaderGraph into one IEffect? Similar to how it is apparently handled inside MeshEnitity 13:40:56
@a_i_n:matrix.orgainTransparent and volume raymarching are different, and it seems this example with transparency worked better before 13:58:15
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru * is it possible to somehow do something like above. E.g. drawing multiple lines per particle. Combining multiple DrawShaderGraph into one IEffect? Similar to how it is apparently handled inside MeshEnitity (Spectral) 14:14:18
@tim_ru:matrix.orgtim_ru * is it possible to somehow do something like above. E.g. drawing multiple lines per particle. Combining multiple DrawShaderGraph into one IEffect? Similar to how it is apparently handled inside MeshEnitit 14:20:23

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