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16 Sep 2024
@lecloneur:matrix.orglecloneurit works09:21:00
@lecloneur:matrix.orglecloneurI'll study this, thanks !09:21:07
@gegenlicht:matrix.orggegenlichtnice have fun :)09:21:16
@gegenlicht:matrix.orggegenlichtwould be nice to have all blender things like this as help i guess09:22:06
@lecloneur:matrix.orglecloneuryes, would benefit from Blender documentation in some way09:26:21
@lecloneur:matrix.orglecloneurthe amount of nodes and technicality in Fuse is overwhelming 09:26:34
@gegenlicht:matrix.orggegenlichtyes always looking at having an ez version node set on my git but its quite a challenge09:35:10
@mburk:matrix.orgmburkHi. Any idea how I can render a fuse material on a mesh in UV space? I want to load a mesh model and determine the diffuse color, based on an sdf function. for example distance to a sphere. then I want to render the result in UV space, so i can use the diffuse texture in another software as a texture.18:54:23
@mburk:matrix.orgmburkmy approach was to use "DrawShaderGraph" and use the UV space as the position input, but the color calculation shoud use the geometry position in WVP as usual. but the whole fuse graph seems to use UV space from that point on.18:56:05
@antokhio:matrix.organtokhioidk might that be off help 19:38:50
@mburk:matrix.orgmburkwell, I got it to work. I had to add the Pos+WorldViewInverse for the sdf calculation. sorry, very specific fix. but thanks for the pointer! consider this solved.20:43:58
@gegenlicht:matrix.orggegenlichtsounds cool, may i ask: what are you up to :)20:50:20
@oberna:matrix.orgBernardo joined the room.22:49:16
@oberna:matrix.orgBernardoHello! Could it be that PLYtoCompute in gamma version 6.6 does not work? 22:53:00
@oberna:matrix.orgBernardogamma version 6.6 and Fuse 1.0.3-beta0622:55:01
@oberna:matrix.orgBernardoDoes anyone know what combination of versions PLY works well on in Fuse? I remember trying it at some point. Or is it just my setup that doesn't work right now? 22:59:15
17 Sep 2024
@mburk:matrix.orgmburkactually just using v4 to do some mockup s. I want to combine it with a rendering of a building in blender. its a lot of boolean operation stuff and that is incredibly slow or not even possible when doing it in blender with mesh bools. so Im doing it in v4 and using the textures in blender.07:55:09
@mburk:matrix.orgmburkIm only interested in the intersection with meshes, so the boolean result in texture space is all I need.07:56:16
19 Sep 2024
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidisDoes the proximity node in geometry nodes would do the trick for you ? I know it is also a bit heavy computationaly speaking, but you may avoid bools10:07:38
@nissidis:matrix.orgc nisidis* mburk: the proximity node in geometry nodes would do the trick for you ? I know it is also a bit heavy computationaly speaking, but you may avoid bools10:08:09

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