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6 Jul 2024
@telegram_208121891:t2bot.ioLina Torvalds: Heartbreaker (躺平)"hi" "where are you from" and "are you a boy or a girl" is the telegram vacuum energy, observable at the zero point of group activity21:03:29
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowother(we used to doxx ourselves decades ago)21:11:51
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x
In reply to wother
this place is a graveyard...
7 Jul 2024
In reply to wother
this place is a graveyard...
@telegram_1970732429:t2bot.ioRuka's Okabehi12:04:57
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent Flibuistierhi19:36:18
@telegram_7105176753:t2bot.ioLinearArray changed their profile picture.22:20:02
8 Jul 2024
@telegram_1456539843:t2bot.ioh4ck3r@parrotWell hi01:27:55
@telegram_1456539843:t2bot.ioh4ck3r@parrotLol guys really are we gonna keep doing this ??01:27:45
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@xBildschirmfoto 2024-07-08 um 03.36.25.png
Download Bildschirmfoto 2024-07-08 um 03.36.25.png
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@xDev ? Not Stable ?01:36:55
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x
New blogpost by me

@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent FlibuistierWhy are there so less entry level jobs in AI/ml field ? Like for intern positions or just graduates11:06:36
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@xSo who is taking it seriously? Is it me or you? Looks like its me.11:22:09
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x😆11:21:01
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@xNo clue what you talking about11:19:09
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@xI'd asked you a question which is still unresolved tho11:21:37
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@xBrother from another mother, what the hell are you talking about?11:20:13
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@xBruh... I gonna ban that word soon.11:18:48
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidahwait why are you calling me brother?11:20:36
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidahwell maybe you don't take something literally11:21:12

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