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8 Jul 2024
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHikiyou are rafi ahmad11:19:17
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.ioh@x | NO FUCKING PM ! | [Kaisen Linux / DrunkOS😎]That was a figure of speech11:20:56
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHikibetter make a mighty fall11:18:52
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHikiguys we are doomed11:18:45
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHikia bird has soar up to thesky11:20:45
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHikiso what's the problem guys, what are we facing here?11:20:00
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.ioh@x | NO FUCKING PM ! | [Kaisen Linux / DrunkOS😎]
In reply to Mazy
Why are there so less entry level jobs in AI/ml field ?
Like for intern positions or just graduates
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHikii wonder how he become a mod12:31:37
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHikii'm going to tell12:31:50
In reply to Hiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidah
i wonder how he become a mod
How bout you shut it
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.ioh@x | NO FUCKING PM ! | [Kaisen Linux / DrunkOS😎]
In reply to Hiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidah
i wonder how he become a mod
I'm amazed at how arrogant you can be.
And not give an answer to a simple question.
We don't need people like that here who are toxic. Either you pull yourself together or you leave.
In reply to Mazy
Why are there so less entry level jobs in AI/ml field ?
Like for intern positions or just graduates
There are. It's called "data scientist" and usually requires a PhD in math.
In reply to Hiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidah
wait why are you calling me brother?
"brother" is a common way to refer to another man that is designed to inspire community...
In reply to Hiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidah
i wonder how he become a mod
Same way I did. Show up, do work.
@telegram_1385150369:t2bot.ioᴘʀᴏғғᴀᴘᴛChill out guys, I have seen this guy for years and every time I see he looks like he is on drugs 😂22:31:54
9 Jul 2024
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.ioh@x | NO FUCKING PM ! | [Kaisen Linux / DrunkOS😎]
In reply to ᴘʀᴏғғᴀᴘᴛ
Chill out guys, I have seen this guy for years and every time I see he looks like he is on drugs 😂
Ik him as well dw xD He shares common groups with me since he joined here 😁

Btw: Your Account on the forum was disabled due to inactivity. Please login once - I'v reenabled it.
In reply to #!/usr/bin/env h@x #YachaGang 🦊
Ik him as well dw xD He shares common groups with me since he joined here 😁

Btw: Your Account on the forum was disabled due to inactivity. Please login once - I'v reenabled it.
Ahhh sure
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.ioh@x | NO FUCKING PM ! | [Kaisen Linux / DrunkOS😎]Yeah.. but what is interesting - There still few people who logged in within an year03:05:58
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.ioh@x | NO FUCKING PM ! | [Kaisen Linux / DrunkOS😎]🥲 meep meep, but I can understand you.03:08:09
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowotherif it was active, I might have seen that.... but like I said, nobody is posting.03:05:26
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowother(I took a job as a Sr Systems Administrator)03:07:34
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.ioh@x | NO FUCKING PM ! | [Kaisen Linux / DrunkOS😎]And the chat is also almost dead. I thought, I gonna write something.03:02:15
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowotherI'm sure it still get's a tiny amount of traffic... Just, as I am transitioning to doing server maintinence as my dayjob, the hobby servers become a chore...03:07:17
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowotherI think that should work? Though I have not touched that container to update it in a minute, so you might need to pull an older container at first, unless I just update it before the transfer.03:03:46
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowotherBut, it's "just a docker container" so it woudl migrate rather easily.03:02:06
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.ioh@x | NO FUCKING PM ! | [Kaisen Linux / DrunkOS😎]😆😆😆03:04:54
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowotherI think your blog post is the only "content" that has been posted for more than a year.03:01:40
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowotherno Rose, not now.02:59:01

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