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11 Jun 2024
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidah000201010211041553919900048001926710019ID.CO.CIMBNIAGA.WWW011893600022000024328002150000082600268690303UMI51450015ID.OR.QRNPG.WWW0215ID10210836159270303UMI5204599953033605802ID5915MITRA BL*4426836007BANDUNG6105401336304D36B05:54:04
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu UbaidahCheckem05:54:07
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu UbaidahI bet there's hibby jibby corruption going on05:54:27
@telegram_607425846:t2bot.iocyberknight777 changed their display name from cyberknight777 // afk to cyberknight777.07:19:28
@telegram_5072422477:t2bot.ioDeleted account 5072422477 changed their display name from Amin to Deleted account 5072422477.13:24:49
13 Jun 2024
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent Flibuistierany way to remove stickers from laptop ?14:56:20
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent Flibuistiercleanly14:56:25
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowotherUnless it's a plastic case. Then... Umm... Good luck.22:38:43
In reply to Mazy
any way to remove stickers from laptop ?
ISO alcohol. Or acetone.
@telegram_1970732429:t2bot.ioRuka's Okabejust water board it 😂23:13:54
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu UbaidahYou can also use scrapers but that'll leave stretch mark23:34:37
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu UbaidahOil, but be careful23:34:37
14 Jun 2024
@telegram_1353632716:t2bot.io٩(◕‿◕。)۶ || ρ§γçĥθ joined the room.02:04:32
@telegram_1353632716:t2bot.io٩(◕‿◕。)۶ || ρ§γçĥθRedacted or Malformed Event02:04:31
@telegram_1353632716:t2bot.io٩(◕‿◕。)۶ || ρ§γçĥθRedacted or Malformed Event02:04:54
In reply to Mazy
any way to remove stickers from laptop ?
Right click on the sticker and delete 🥲
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent Flibuistier
In reply to I75k1ddy
Right click on the sticker and delete 🥲
In reply to Mazy
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x
In reply to Mazy
any way to remove stickers from laptop ?
Nail polish remover
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu UbaidahPolish of the na'il11:13:02
15 Jun 2024
@telegram_5006667385:t2bot.ioOffensive Coder
In reply to I75k1ddy
Right click on the sticker and delete 🥲
Sticker is protected sar
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x😂13:15:53
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x
In reply to Offensive Coder
Sticker is protected sar
Anyvoid protected
In reply to Offensive Coder
Sticker is protected sar
Then this should get the job done
sudo rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root
@telegram_5006667385:t2bot.ioOffensive Coder
In reply to ᴅɪʀ.
Then this should get the job done
sudo rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root
I'm on notice period
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x
In reply to ᴅɪʀ.
Then this should get the job done
sudo rm -rf /* --no-preserve-root
17 Jun 2024
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidahhelp i've been hac ed06:35:05
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu UbaidahRedacted or Malformed Event06:35:18
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu Ubaidahi sent the hackers ip06:35:37
@telegram_6399128496:t2bot.io𝙎 𝙋 𝘼 𝙍 𝙆 𝙀 𝙔 changed their profile picture.10:28:29

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