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19 Jul 2024
@telegram_6685280081:t2bot.ioᴍr. Aкча Jr.Ello15:16:15
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent Flibuistier changed their display name from Mazy to Vincent Flibuistier.16:21:06
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent FlibuistierHello from crowdstrike 👽16:04:48
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent FlibuistierJob's done for now16:56:17
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent FlibuistierNext friday, we go again16:55:46
@telegram_734233248:t2bot.iokanakesh Rin
In reply to Vincent Flibuistier
Hello from crowdstrike 👽
Hold my beer
@telegram_734233248:t2bot.iokanakesh Rin changed their profile picture.16:58:30
@telegram_5259058880:t2bot.ioHiki Fansnya Abu UbaidahVincent hacked into this group?22:26:50
20 Jul 2024
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent FlibuistierShh , don't tell anyone abt that02:24:09
21 Jul 2024
@telegram_6058623829:t2bot.ioVincent Flibuistierimage.jpeg
Download image.jpeg
@telegram_1970732429:t2bot.ioRuka's Okabeand I don't get why girls are being blamed for this shitshow lmao15:43:51
@telegram_1970732429:t2bot.ioRuka's OkabeI don't think they get hired because of their looks15:43:02
@telegram_38231706:t2bot.iowotherWe need more women in tech.19:01:00
22 Jul 2024
In reply to Vincent Flibuistier
sent an image
😅Only DSA is not enough
23 Jul 2024
In reply to I75k1ddy
😅Only DSA is not enough
then what are needed??
In reply to wother
We need more women in tech.
s/ in tech//
In reply to #sparrow
then what are needed??
For freshers DSA is fine 🥲
In reply to I75k1ddy
For freshers DSA is fine 🥲
24 Jul 2024
@telegram_1871813121:t2bot.ioRaveen joined the room.05:10:49
@telegram_1871813121:t2bot.ioRaveen Hi wother, Can you suggest a good Cms ? 05:09:53
In reply to Arun Mani J
Happy Birthday @cyberknight777 !!!

Now only Raveen reminded in Minty Fresh 🙈
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x
In reply to Raveen
Hi wother, Can you suggest a good Cms ?
Wordpress is very common. But there are also others like Dupral, Joomla, Shopify, Magento and TYPO3
@telegram_1172051279:t2bot.ioJeet Solanki Hey I'm developing Complaint management system with python(flask) and for security i have confusion to use Flask-Security-Too or go with other libraries like flask_login and more
As my application need RBAC(Role Based Access Control)
In reply to #!/usr/bin/env h@x #YachaGang 🦊
Wordpress is very common. But there are also others like Dupral, Joomla, Shopify, Magento and TYPO3
What about ghost ?
@telegram_1172051279:t2bot.ioJeet Solanki
In reply to Jeet Solanki
Hey I'm developing Complaint management system with python(flask) and for security i have confusion to use Flask-Security-Too or go with other libraries like flask_login and more
As my application need RBAC(Role Based Access Control)
If any have idea then it will be valuable for me
In reply to Raveen
Hi wother, Can you suggest a good Cms ?
There are a lot out there. Wordpress is by far the most popular, though it comes with a whole host of issues.

What are you trying to do? For Forums I default to "Discourse" which is what the old forum was. Otherwise for something like a simple blog I would never discourage a simple Gitlab pages site.

But it really depends on what you need in a CMS.
@telegram_372084874:t2bot.io#!/usr/bin/env h@x
In reply to Raveen
What about ghost ?
If you want to have static pages and as blog, go ahead with Ghost
25 Jul 2024
@telegram_607425846:t2bot.iocyberknight777 changed their profile picture.14:17:32
26 Jul 2024
@telegram_1517336445:t2bot.ioVaibhav Pratap Singh changed their display name from V8V88V8V88 to Vaibhav Pratap Singh.04:48:41

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