
COVID-19 is a HOAX

166 Members
Fuck Bill Gates and his bullshit "vaccine".10 Servers

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2 May 2023
@dontbehave68:matrix.org@dontbehave68:matrix.org joined the room.00:48:44
@dontbehave68:matrix.org@dontbehave68:matrix.org left the room.18:25:49
5 May 2023
@russs:matrix.orgrusss📉Geburteneinbuch setzt sich fort "Seit Januar 2022, rund neun Monate nach Impfstart, brechen die Geburten ein. Heute kamen vollständige Daten für 2022 heraus, so dass ich neben den Monatswerten auch Jahreswerte zeigen kann." Der Geburteneinbruch ist kein spezifisch deutsches Phänomen, sondern auch andernorts zu beobachten. Hier vergleicht ein Bundesinstitut Deutschland und Schweden: https://www.bib.bund.de/Publikation/2022/Fertility-declines-near-the-end-of-the-COVID-19-pandemic-Evidence-of-the-2022-birth-declines-in-Germany-and-Sweden.html Link zu den Daten von @destatis: www-genesis.destatis.de, Tabelle 12612-0002 (Quelle: Prof. Stefan Homburg, Twitter) t.me/Schlafschafkanal03:11:37
7 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in joined the room.05:24:40
11 May 2023
@nirobkhan:matrix.orgnirob khan joined the room.18:24:10
12 May 2023
@klm127:matrix.orgscitus joined the room.02:01:39
14 May 2023
@essie314x:matrix.orgEssie joined the room.06:33:57
15 May 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: 15/05/2023 - *Por que sera que a mesma Censura que foi imposta no meu canal não acontece com o canal dos outros que se dizem de "Direita" como este canal do Medicos Pela Liberdade para não citar os dos outros mais conhecidos como o do Leandro Ruschel?* *Porque ainda não caíram na realidade e não param de se comportar como a Esquerda Satanista programou a maioria do povo para agir da maneira que eles querem ao contrario da minoria pensante que ainda existe neste Brasil:* 14/05/2023 - *O Telegram vitima dos abusos ilegais e inconstitucionais tiranicos sem fim dos Comunista-Nazi-Fascistas acaba de Censurar este meu humilde canal no novel da versão para Navegador de Internet onde da para fazer pesquisas inclusive ou seja quando você cola o endereço deste canal nesta forma acrescentando o /s/ antes do nome de qualquer canal do Telegram como eu fiz com o endereço do meu canal https://t.me/s/ContraOTotalitarismoDaNOM na barra de endereço do navegador você vê uma mensagem bem chata com a CENSURA dizendo que só se pode acessar o conteudo vis APP/APK do Telegram instalado no "Telefone Movel" e que deve ser muito bom pois apresenta a origem dos problemas e a unica solução para o povo se Libertar e se Salvar em Nome do Nosso Senhor e Salvador Jesus Cristo desta Ditadura Totalitaria Satanista, Escravagista e Genocida!* É porque eu nunca vou atacar a mim mesma atacando as Forças Armadas como a maioria dos canais dominados pela esquerda fazem. Para acessar do conteudo parcial deste canal que foi CENSURADO NO NIVEL DO NAVEGADOR acesse os links abaixo pelo navegador de preferência o Brave: https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1213145845-contraototalitarismodanom Estes são de Canais afilados ao meu Canal: https://t.me/s/OinformanteQanon https://t.me/s/mochileiras https://t.me/s/yaush https://t.me/s/bolsonarianosBR https://t.me/s/intervencaocivicomilitarja May, 15 of 2023 - Why the same Censorship that was impose in my channel wasn't impose yet in another channels from people who says that they are from "Right Wing" like this channel from Medicos Pela Liberdade/Doctors Fight For Freedom and other most famous even of Leandro Ruschel? Became they yet don't Wake Up and don't stop to act behave like Satanical Left programmed the majority of Brazilian People to act and behave in the way they wanted in contrary of a thinking minority that still exists in Brazil who knows think: May, 14 of 2023 - Telegram victim of Unconstitutional & Illegal Tyrannical Abuses without end of Conmunist-Nazi-Fascists now CENSORED this simple & humble channel even when you access by Browser addition /s/ after the name of this channel https://t.me/s/ContraOTotalitarismoDaNOM in adress bar in Browser where people can make research, now you can see the Evil Message that the Channel was Censored and you can only access the contents if you got Telegram APK/APP installed in your mobile phone. The contents of this channel must be very good because points the origin of problems and only solution that have to Free and Save Themselves in Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from this Evil, Brutal, Satanist, Enslaver & Genocide Communist-Nazi-Fascist Dictatorship! It's because I NEVER will attack myself attacking ARMY FORCES like majority of Channels dominated by left are doing. To access the partially contents of my Channel that WAS NOW CENSORED TO BROWSER'S LEVEL access these links above using Brave Browser of preference: https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1213145845-contraototalitarismodanom These links are from other channels that are affiliated of my channel: https://t.me/s/OinformanteQanon https://t.me/s/mochileiras https://t.me/s/yaush https://t.me/s/bolsonarianosBR https://t.me/s/intervencaocivicomilitarja17:55:37
16 May 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: 16/05/2023 - Até o Monark acordou...mas muito tarde. Veja o vídeo ai acima. Eu fui torturada e quase morta em 2017 por estes Bildebergs que o Monark está falando neste desabafo. Eu tive que voltar de maneira obrigada para onde eu não queria fugindo deste mesmo inferno que Monark esta falando recentemente e que estava sendo implantado num país que era muito mais Livre do que o meu país que é um dos G7 onde o Nazi-Fascismo foi derrotado a custa de Duas Bombas Atômicas e milhares de vidas inocentes com a cabeça lavada por esta mesma Elite Satanista que gerou Duas Guerras Mundiais , Guerra Fria e esta Terceira Guerra Mundial que começou em 1991 e que jogou a sua "Bomba Atômica Gigante" da Fraudemia Covid-Farsa no planeta atacando os povos que eram Livres do JP, HK, Australia, NZ, Europa,EUA e do Ocidente inteiro que ajudou está Esquerda Satanista Nazi-Fascista, Feudalista e Comunistas tomar conta praticamente do mundo inteiro desde 2020... May, 16 of 2023 - Even Monark wake up...but too late. I was tortured and almost MURDERED in 2017 by Bildebergs that Monark is denounce in his video where he is vented. I have to come back, obliged against my will to my own country running away from same TOTALITARIAN COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCIST-FEUDALIST-SATANICAL hell that Monark are denouncing recently that was deployed in a country that was more Free than my own country in a one from G7 Nations where Nazi-Fascism was defeated by the high human costs of Two Nuclear Bombs with thousands of innocent lives with minds brainwashed by these same Evil Satanical Elite that generates Two World Wars, Cold War and this unconventional WWIII that start in 1991 played their Unconventional Gigantic "Atomic Bomb" of "Vaxx" Hoax-Covid by Plandemia/Scandemic in this planet attacking the Western People even from G7 that helping these Left Communist-Nazi-Fascist Satanical taken power practically worldwide since 2020...22:43:37
20 May 2023
@ralph:fx45.in@ralph:fx45.in left the room.21:08:08
21 May 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: Update now: May, 21 of 2023 - Telegram victim of Unconstitutional & Illegal Tyrannical Abuses without end of Conmunist-Nazi-Fascists now CENSORED this simple & humble channel even when you access by Browser addition /s/ after the name of this channel https://t.me/s/ContraOTotalitarismoDaNOM and NOW of this channel https://t.me/s/OinformanteQanon in adress bar in Browser where people can make research, now you can see the Evil Message that the Channel was Censored and you can only access the contents if you got Telegram APK/APP installed in your mobile phone. The contents of this channel must be very good because points the origin of problems and only solution that have to Free and Save Themselves in Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from this Evil, Brutal, Satanist, Enslaver & Genocide Communist-Nazi-Fascist Dictatorship! It's because I NEVER will attack myself attacking ARMY FORCES like majority of Channels dominated by left are doing. To access the partially contents of my Channel that WAS NOW CENSORED TO BROWSER'S LEVEL access these links above using Brave Browser of preference: https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1213145845-contraototalitarismodanom https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1204074079-oinformanteqanon These links are from other channels that are affiliated of my channel: https://t.me/s/OinformanteQanon https://t.me/s/mochileiras https://t.me/s/yaush https://t.me/s/bolsonarianosBR https://t.me/s/intervencaocivicomilitarja17:42:15
22 May 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: May, 21 of 2023 - Visit, open and subscribed if you wants on my Channels and Profiles that I have in Alternative Social Media with little ou Without Censorship already that my Channel in Telegram with a another Conservative was Censored even in High Level of Browser: People must to use Session/Element APK among others that are without CENSORSHIP! I using Session Message APK with Privacy & Complete Security. Come with us! *Hey, I've been using Session to chat with complete privacy and security. Come join me! Download it at* https://getsession.org/ To talk with me in Session APK My Session ID is: 0546b50c53a01b9511560a2af57633ed42c11d11664a6b9f9155c5b952619ff037 ! Now I recently are using this Message APK without Censorship from Element.io Hey,talk to me accept this invitation in this link: https://matrix.to/#/@againstcensorship:matrix.org Make Download of this APK in https://element.en.uptodown.com/android/download You are being invited to subscribe in these two groups/rooms in Element APK MILITARY INTERVENTION NOW TO FREE & SAVE THE PEOPLE OF COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCIST DICTATORSHIP! https://matrix.to/#/!QLANUfUxxDpurOezkg:matrix.org?via=matrix.org REACT BRAZIL TO WIN DIABOLIC EVIL FROM LEFT! https://matrix.to/#/!OfSAxZjVehGvNqZOMJ:matrix.org?via=matrix.org Check out my pages in web to know what the devils are doing + My Telegram's Channel to learn how to DEFEAT THESE EVIL PEOPLE! If you want to check out my pages in Bastyon,CloutHub, SafeChat,Gab,Minds,Spreely,Gettr,Parler (New Profiles in Politichatter/StreetLoc/Wego.Social) and Brighteon.Social: https://brighteon.social/@ContraACensura/ https://bastyon.com/againstcensorship2 https://m.clouthub.com/#/tabs/connections/profile/3ba341e7-548a-4b3a-a764-577d716c105c https://www.politichatter.com/AgainstCensorship2 https://wego.social/AgainstHellCensorship https://gettr.com/user/AgainstCensors https://streetloc.com/page/view-persons-profile?id=2456 Today Feb,22 of 2022 I was Banned by FAKE FREE AND CHRISTIAN SOCIAL MEDIA THAT ONLY WANTS STOLEN MONEY FROM THEIR USERS PATRIOTS LIKE ME, SEE WHAT THESE DEVILS MAKE WITH MY OLD PROFILE THAT I WAS OPENED IN 2021 IN THIS LINK https://usa.life/AgainstCensorship and in this Second Profile that I need to open https://usa.life/AgainstCensorship2 but they BANNED AGAIN. BUT FEBRUARY,14 OF 2023 BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE UP I MAKE ANOTHER ACCOUNT https://usa.life/AgainstHell?mode=night Below is the Link of old profile in Parler that had 1500 subscribers that already was cut to 800 artificially by Real owners of Parler that sells their souls to Devils of Bildebergs Communist-Nazi-Fascists Banned today: https://www.parler.com/profile/NaoACensuraDaNom/posts But I come back to Parler with new account because I will not give up to Fight in this link bellow: https://parler.com/user/AgainstHell https://gab.com/NaoCensuremaDireita My Group in Gab: https://gab.com/groups/50536 https://www.minds.com/againstcensorship/ https://spreely.com/AgainstCensorship Mumblit DELETED MY ACCOUNT NUMBER 4 that I am opened and using THAT ARE IN THIS LINK BELOW there but THEY WAS BROUGHT BY BILDEBERGS: Since December, 01 of 2022 account in Mumblit comes back online but this Social Media are very unstable since 2020... https://www.mumblit.com/AgainstCensorship5 Today May,8 of 2021 I discovered that Parler come back online but THEY BANNED MY PROFILE and I needed to open a new account in SafeChat! https://safechat.com/user/1390747634394460161 *My Bilingual Channel in Telegram:* https://t.me/ContraOTotalitarismoDaNOM *My Groups in Telegram:* https://t.me/GuerraContraOsTiranicos https://t.me/NaoACensuraDaDireita https://t.me/NaoACensuraDaInternet https://t.me/contrarevolucaoanticomunista *Channel in Whats App (Temporarily):* https://chat.whatsapp.com/KRQvXMRg6tk60CQCTzzVxc https://chat.whatsapp.com/CXUqZXdqnBfIaXsUF40JFq https://chat.whatsapp.com/Fm4EEJY9IiP8O2ZgCATEDn https://chat.whatsapp.com/CCKzwRRBrTEIYU2inBCHwB My other Groups: Real Right Wing https://chat.whatsapp.com/ButUrfol5kKCbn5q8wQkB3 Counter Revolution Anti-Communist-Nazi-Fascists! https://chat.whatsapp.com/EdZrcd29wAO4A53TaR5yse01:55:28
24 May 2023
@misa_19:matrix.org@misa_19:matrix.org joined the room.12:46:01
27 May 2023
@nachdenker:tchncs.de@nachdenker:tchncs.de left the room.21:37:25
4 Jun 2023
@mosishoki18:matrix.orgSiavash joined the room.14:47:07
7 Jun 2023
@majidvf:matrix.org@majidvf:matrix.org left the room.14:07:44
12 Jun 2023
@mtockn:matrix.org@mtockn:matrix.org joined the room.14:08:47
@mtockn:matrix.org@mtockn:matrix.org left the room.14:09:43
21 Jun 2023
@polonii:matrix.org@polonii:matrix.org joined the room.08:19:50
@polonii:matrix.org@polonii:matrix.org left the room.08:24:14
2 Jul 2023
@hamah:matrix.org@hamah:matrix.org joined the room.05:07:55
@hamah:matrix.org@hamah:matrix.org left the room.07:07:37
5 Jul 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: June,30 of 2023 - Bolsonaro deserved this punishment... Why? Because Bolsonaro let like a true Nazi-Fascist the Communist-Nazi-Fascists do the devil and same grave crimes against mankind that Trump until now don't admitted/knowledge by Scandemic of Hoax-Covid and it's COVID-HOAX POISON "VAXX" SHOTS... June, 29 of 2023 - David Knight: Excellent article about Trump & #Lockdown What do his actions tell us about the man, the President? The elephant in the room for the rest of GOP is what they did and did NOT do in 2020 to defend Constitution, rule of law, and individual liberty. No one talks about it b/c they're going to do it again. Can We Please Have Some Honesty About Trump’s Lockdowns? BY Alan Dowd JUNE 15, 2023    https://brownstone.org/articles/can-we-have-some-hone In Gab: https://gab.com/DavidKnightShow?nopins=1 June, 30 of 2023 - Brazilian Court Rules Ex-President Bolsonaro Must Wait Eight Years To Run For Office Again https://www.infowars.com/posts/brazilian-court-rules-ex-president-bolsonaro-must-wait-eight-years-to-run-for-office-again/ See Bolsonaro LIED about SUPREME COURT OF BRAZIL...TAKEN BY EVIL TERRORIST, CRIMINAL, SATANIST, TOTALITARIAN & TYRANNICAL COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCIST LEFT... How God can help & free Bolsonaro that Lied so much from this unjust condemnation from Supreme Court of Brazil that he got today July, 30 of 2023? July, 09 of 2020 - Bolsonaro says that Supreme Court of Brazil is a "SANCTUARY OF BRAZILIAN JUSTICE", in a visit to Supreme Court 9/07/2020 - Bolsonaro diz que o STF é um "Santuário da Justiça Brasileira", em visita à Corte. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/CjM51hX2h3s 0:43 July, 01 of 2023 - Bolsonaro LIES TO THE WORLD SAYING IN MARCH, 19 OF 2019 THAT HE DESTROYED THE FORO DE SÃO PAULO (Sao Paulo's Forum) OF Communist-Nazi-Fascist of FIDEL, LULA, FERNANDO HENRIQUE CARDOSO E HUGO CHAVEZ Bolsonaro mentiu ao mundo em 19/03/2019, ao dizer que tinha acabado com o Foro de São Paulo. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/Q_mSHa3cI5Y 1:01 July, 03 of 2023 - Clinton,Bush, Obama & Trump don't delivered to people of this world the all hide truths about the JFK's assassination either. We know who kill these Kennedys... The deep state... Because they show to us that they are killed JFK with all evil that they keeping doing since 2001 against Americans and all Humanity. RFK Jr. Blasts Biden for ‘Maintaining Secrecy Indefinitely’ on JFK Assassination Records https://www.infowars.com/posts/rfk-jr-blasts-biden-for-maintaining-secrecy-indefinitely-on-jfk-assassination-records/ July, 05 of 2023 - PRAYER TO DELIVERY ALL ANXIETIES AND WORRIES, TRUST, GOD HAVE THE BEST TO GIVE TO YOU -- IT'S TIME TO PRAY ORAÇÃO DE ENTREGA DA ANSIEDADE E PREOCUPAÇÃO, CONFIE, DEUS TEM O MELHOR PRA VOCÊ — É TEMPO DE ORAR https://youtu.be/ODygNjXqfwI 5:36 July, 05 of 2023 - Speak the TRUTH and FIGHT with who still are slave of Idolatry and Fanaticism for Bolsonaro or with Fanatical Kamikazes of Terrorists Socialist-Communist-Nazi-Fascist-Feudalist-Satanist-Atheist is a LOST OF TIME! Even if you are with all reason and right, even that you are speaking the truth... All of this is a LOST OF TIME... FANATICAL WILL BE ALWAYS A FANATICAL... Falar a VERDADE e BRIGAR com FANÁTICOS Não Vale a Pena ! — Ozzy Return https://youtu.be/ZZz34KcEhtw 5:34 July, 05 of 2023 - Is a fact that Biden Illegitimate Administration RAPE FIRST amendment! Breaking: Federal Judge Rules Biden Regime Likely Violated First Amendment By Coordinating With Big Tech To Censor Americans https://www.infowars.com/posts/breaking-federal-judge-rules-biden-regime-likely-violated-first-amendment-by-coordinating-with-big-tech-to-censor-americans/ July, 05 of 2023 - Partial Victory is not a Total Victory! #AmericanJournal Wednesday Bombshell Broadcast: Victory For Free Speech – Judge Blocks Biden Social Media Censorship Program  TUNE IN: https://www.infowars.com/posts/wednesday-bombshell-broadcast-victory-for-free-speech-judge-blocks-biden-social-media-censorship-program/   #SupportInfowars:  https://InfowarsStore.com July, 05 of 2023 - How Mr. Alex Jones like to be "RIGHT" all the time with his predictions like to act a "prophet of God'... This is called arrogance. The time of Prophets of God is finished long time ago...John Baptism was the last real and the biggest PROPHET OF GOD! Now what God gave for who He have mercy for some Christians is the " Gift of Prophecy" and who have this one of real God's gifts is who don't appear in spotlight but are hidden by God... These genuine Gifts of God only appears for who God have mercy not for everyone... Federal Reserve Launches Phase One of Their CBDC This Month https://www.infowars.com/posts/federal-reserve-launches-phase-one-of-their-cbdc-this-month/22:23:18
8 Jul 2023
@tratordosertao:matrix.org@tratordosertao:matrix.org left the room.18:36:20
@varick:matrix.org@varick:matrix.org left the room.22:58:39
12 Jul 2023
@ultimatesweetie:matrix.org@ultimatesweetie:matrix.org left the room.15:48:49
15 Jul 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: July, 14 of 2023 - Thatcher warned English people but the majority was so ungrateful that time saying even they HATE THATCHER... They do this same evil ungrateful with Churchill... Now they are paying the hard and heavy price for their mistakes and ungrateful that they planted in the past... We harvest now what we are planted... Paul Joseph Watson: Two villages in England in Wales are set to see their populations double with the arrival of over a thousand migrants, virtually all of them men. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2114DYk9j0 "Why can't I see certain content on telegram and why is telegram blocking it?" The Google and Apple app stores require the apps on their store to abide by certain policies. Telegram uses a loophole by censoring content on versions downloaded from the Google and Apple app store. No worries, they provide their own censorship free versions of telegram on their website. It is simple to switch to the non-censored versions. Here is a guide on how to switch. How to bypass telegram censors on apple and android devices: If you are on Android, you can download the telegram app from the telegram website to access censored content.  Download from here:  https://telegram.org/android If you are on Apple, you can go to the telegram website on the safari browser and login to telegram. Next, you create a shortcut to the website in the form of a webapp. This acts just like the app. July,15 of 2023 - I told you so Mr. Jones that this was a partial,weak,fragile and temporary Victory when first order was given by another REAL judge in July, 04 of 2023 from first instance of justice... They are keeping using Overton Window to deceive Americans with these THEATRE OF DECEPTIONS/HORRORS to keeping impose their ILLEGAL UNCONSTITUTIONAL CENSORSHIP & TYRANNY. Appeals Court PAUSES Ban on Biden Big Tech Censorship Collusion While the Biden administration appeals the decision. ➤ Infowars - https://ift.tt/XCVy9bk Update now: July, 15 of 2023 - Telegram victim of Unconstitutional & Illegal Tyrannical Abuses without end of Conmunist-Nazi-Fascists now CENSORED this simple & humble channel even when you access by Browser addition /s/ after the name of this channel https://t.me/s/ContraOTotalitarismoDaNOM and NOW of these channels below: https://t.me/s/OinformanteQanon these https://t.me/s/yaush even these https://t.me/s/bolsonarianosBR in adress bar in Browser where people can make research, now you can see the Evil Message that the Channel was Censored and you can only access the contents if you got Telegram APK/APP installed in your mobile phone. The contents of this channel must be very good because points the origin of problems and only solution that have to Free and Save Themselves in Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from this Evil, Brutal, Satanist, Enslaver & Genocide Communist-Nazi-Fascist Dictatorship! It's because I NEVER will attack myself attacking ARMY FORCES like majority of Channels dominated by left are doing. To access the partially contents of my Channel that WAS NOW CENSORED TO BROWSER'S LEVEL access these links above using Brave Browser of preference: https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1213145845-contraototalitarismodanom https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1204074079-oinformanteqanon These links are from other channels that are affiliated of my channel that still aren't CENSORED in high level of Browser that have contents that I posted and I still post in my Channel: https://t.me/s/mochileiras https://t.me/s/intervencaocivicomilitarja July, 14 of 2023 - See how much are SCARY never saw in America before the size of Totalitarianism, Tyranny, Censorship, Slavery and Control even of Theaters in USA made by Communist-Nazi-Fascist of Bilbebergs. Sabotage? Moviegoers Claim Their ‘Sound Of Freedom’ Theater Experiences Were Ruined https://www.infowars.com/posts/sabotage-moviegoers-claim-their-sound-of-freedom-theater-experiences-were-ruined/16:14:58
20 Jul 2023
@-cloak-:matrix.org@-cloak-:matrix.org joined the room.14:57:29
24 Jul 2023
@ciberneticus:matrix.orgciberneticus changed their profile picture.19:57:03

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