
COVID-19 is a HOAX

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30 Jul 2023
@ahmed_x:matrix.orgAHMED_XNX30 joined the room.20:53:14
@ahmed_x:matrix.orgAHMED_XNX30 left the room.20:53:29
2 Aug 2023
@-cloak-:matrix.orgVeskar the Lawful left the room.22:47:01
7 Aug 2023
@lmdaik:matrix.orge joined the room.18:17:50
9 Aug 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: August, 05 of 2023 - WHERE IS CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE IN MASS STOPPING PAY THESE TAXES FROM AMERICANS TAX PAYERS TO STOP WITH DEPLOYMENT OF TYRANNY IN USA? Are Federal Taxes Actually Mandatory? https://www.infowars.com/posts/are-federal-taxes-actually-mandatory/ August, 05 of 2023 - STOP WITH THIS DIABOLIC CLICK BAIT AND SPREAD PARANOIA ALEX JONES! ARE YOUR SATANICAL IDEOLOGY IS MONEY NOW? ITS SEEMS THAT YOUR IDEOLOGY SINCE 2011 LIKE DAVID KNIGHT DENOUNCED IS MONEY ALEX JONES! INFOWARS.COM 🚫🚫🚫: Vax Shedding Is Real: Study Shows mRNA COVID-19 Jab Particles Transmitted Via Aerosols by Vaccinated to Unvaccinated https://www.infowars.com/posts/vax-shedding-is-real-study-shows-mrna-covid-19-jab-particles-transmitted-via-aerosols-by-vaccinated-to-unvaccinated/ Nanotechnology Found in Both Vaxxed & Un-Vaxxed https://www.infowars.com/posts/nanotechnology-found-in-both-vaxxed-un-vaxxed/ #ReeseReport August, 06 of 2023 - Today August, 06 of 2023. Was in this same day August, 06 of 1945 that 2 Atomic Bombs was played in Satanical Nazi-Fascist Imperialist Japan from Wildest Kamikazes Terrorists that is equal in level of brutality with Islamic Nazi-Fascists from Taliban/Al Qaeda to defeat the SOCIALIST of Satanical Nazi-Fascists... Was so good if the same was done with Communist Russia & Communist China in that time. We are safe from Satanical Communist-Nazi-Fascist Tyranny & Totalitarianism, don't you think? Was what General Patton a True Courageous and American Patriot and VERY MACHO WITH BIG M wants to do in 1945. To preserve and protect us from all this hell that are being SUBMITTED since 2016... Go research who was General Patton... You gonna stay scare to see the difference between Patton's gold American generation with these last three COWARD "American" generations. IT'S SO SCARY. August, 07 of 2023 - If I was grandson, even a parent such cousin or make part of General Patton's family I will persecuted Trump in Justice to force Trump stop using the famous phrases of True American Hero so Courageous of Patton. Trump don't have the moral to use Patton's phrases... In 2015 Trump have moral to use since 2017 he lost all the moral grounds to stay using Patton's phrases. Breaking! Trump Goes Scorched Earth On Deep State – ‘IF YOU GO AFTER ME, I’M COMING AFTER YOU!’ Establishment claiming former president engaged in witness tampering ➤ Infowars - https://ift.tt/eqZ4GFR August, 08 of 2023 - Update now Before my post that I done denounce the truth what is and have behind of "DREX" OF BC (CDBC) they sent TELEGRAM CENSORING one more Channel that are affiliated with my Channel with only 11 subscribers. It will be that they are CENSORING ME each time more is to inflate my ego with this thing "I told you so/Sadly I was right? July, 15 of 2023 - Telegram victim of Unconstitutional & Illegal Tyrannical Abuses without end of Conmunist-Nazi-Fascists now CENSORED this simple & humble channel even when you access by Browser addition /s/ after the name of this channel https://t.me/s/ContraOTotalitarismoDaNOM And of these channels below: https://t.me/s/OinformanteQanon These https://t.me/s/yaush These https://t.me/s/bolsonarianosBR EVEN THESE NOW https://t.me/s/mochileiras in adress bar in Browser where people can make research, now you can see the Evil Message that the Channel was Censored and you can only access the contents if you got Telegram APK/APP installed in your mobile phone. The contents of this channel must be very good because points the origin of problems and only solution that have to Free and Save Themselves in Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from this Evil, Brutal, Satanist, Enslaver & Genocide Communist-Nazi-Fascist Dictatorship! It's because I NEVER will attack myself attacking ARMY FORCES like majority of Channels dominated by left are doing. To access the partially contents of my Channel that WAS NOW CENSORED TO BROWSER'S LEVEL access these links above using Brave Browser of preference: https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1213145845-contraototalitarismodanom https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1204074079-oinformanteqanon https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1364757643-intervencaocivicomilitarja These links are from other channels that are affiliated of my channel that still aren't CENSORED in high level of Browser that have contents that I posted and I still post in my Channel: https://t.me/s/intervencaocivicomilitarja August, 11 of 2023 - STOP SPIRITUALIZE EVERYTHING MR.JONES. THIS JUSTIFICATION IS WHAT COWARDS DO TO ESCAPE from their own responsibility of what American people let happen since 60's with their country by NEGLIGENCE MR JONES. God is not a Dictator. God let people choose what the way they want to follow and do in their lives. Now Americans seems that are pay ALL the heavy price for all grave sins committed in past... All that we done doesn't matter if good or evil in past are coming back to us in future. This is one of natural laws that God give to us. WE HARVEST WHAT WE PLANTED. Infowars - The Demons Have Taken Over https://www.infowars.com/posts/the-demons-have-taken-over/ #BowneReport August, 09 of 2023 - Strange this behavior of these channels because these messages appear in same time since 2022 at least on channels of another influential, famous and artists who aren't from Left such Jon Voight , Stallone, Selleck and James Woods (Is still these people that control their channels in Telegram?). They make these bluffs and threatenings like this all the time because they aren't get what they want yet. AWAKE UP AND DON'T FOLLOW IN THE SAME TRICKS THAT THEY USE TO DEPLOY SCANDEMIC OF HOAX-COVID. THEY ARE SCARED AND SO IN DESPAIR, BELIEVE ME!? August, 03 of 2023 - Is this kind of BAD & EVIl LESSON THAT Lima Barreto shows in his phrase that BRAZILIANS teaches Americans? This Terrible, Coward, Infamous,Evil with full of laziness and Negligence SCARY behavior of majority of Americans are displaying even before of January, 06 of 2021 until now is what I start to think if this NIGHTMARE was consequence of even legalized Immigration of Brazilians and Latinos that are people from old countries that was Exploited,Stolen and so RAPED by Iberian Countries of Spain and Portugal... Lima Barreto denounce this EVIL behavior long time ago : "In Brazil doesn't exist People and yes audience. People Fights to their Freedom and Rights, public only watches in their cabins." -- Lima Barreto Clint Eastwood in his channel in Telegram: John Kerry: 'It's Time for U.S. Farmers To Go Extinct': THIS IS HUGE⬇️ https://t.me/+HIsj5Vd4yjoxYTM0 https://t.me/+HIsj5Vd4yjoxYTM0 https://t.me/+HIsj5Vd4yjoxYTM022:01:39
20 Aug 2023
@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net@sergiomassa:sibnsk.net joined the room.23:24:52
29 Aug 2023
@cryptobuzz:matrix.orgcryptobuzz joined the room.11:27:08
30 Aug 2023
@muingulikut:matrix.orgmuingulikut joined the room.14:32:32
@muingulikut:matrix.orgmuingulikuti like fuck my pussy phone +7905570653915:10:42
@muingulikut:matrix.orgmuingulikut left the room.15:16:39
31 Aug 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipAugust, 31 of 2023 - ARE WE STILL WATCHING IN BRAZIL "THE PRESENT REPEATS THE PAST" LIKE CAZUZA SINGS IN 1987 IN ONE OF HIS FAMOUS HITS " THE TIME DON'T STOP"? Only now that channels such from Federalist of Thomas Korontai stars defends what I always defend since 2017: August, 25 of 2023 - Thomas Korontai: Remember that enemies of Country (Brazil) , intern and from Overseas more wants is puts Brazilian People against their own Brazilian Army Forces. We can't put all Army in trash only because of six Traitors. "The owners of Brazil are ambidextrous [...] The Rough and narrow intuitive of Warlords doesn't known Right or Left, also like labels. What import to them is POWER, THE PERSONAL USE OF POWER, ENRICHMENT ONLY OF THEMSELVES, to DROWN their inferiorities in HATE, GREED AND Pettiness , in a astonish mediocrity of scare that see themselves in high scale of social pyramid - without knowing how nor or wherever." - Carlos Lacerda in his Book "The Power of Ideas" - Forth Edition, 1964, page 1716:25:31
13 Sep 2023
@jackymeanes:matrix.orgjackymeanes joined the room.14:34:52
@jackymeanes:matrix.orgjackymeanes left the room.16:18:42
19 Sep 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: September, 17 of 2023 - Read the synopsis of this movie based in a real history... See what faith is capable to do even with people that isn't Christians. Like Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ said that is the faith who save all that believed in God and in Christ. The majority of Japanese people is not Christians but not atheist because they are Buddhist. But they are not atheist because the atheist denied the existence of God. The majority of Japanese people imitate Christians from America of 50's. They practice many aspects from Christianity without have knowledge about it in contrary of majority of Westerners mainly from countries that was colonized by Portugal and Spain. Japan was a country that rejected Catholicism but after WWII they accepted partially the Christian Protestantism from USA. See the power of faith... That is why Satanist Communist-Nazi-Fascists manipulate people in general made people believe in their lies by Disinformation & Lies with objective to make all of their hell became real. Wicked people using the faith from people that is manipulated by these evil people to that all their hell being deployed worldwide. https://www3.asianvote.net/drama/the-8-year-engagement Link to watch the movie: https://www3.asianvote.net/drama/the-8-year-engagement/episode-1 September, 17 of 2023 - STOP TO PREDICT EVIL THINGS. They are using all including the faith that is why they continue winning. I stop to make predictions because I understand that future belongs to God. Already is enough see the disgrace of today? Let's live today because tomorrow belongs to God. You are being manipulated by Terrorists & Criminals to make evil predictions. They make people predicting against themselves with faith to complicate the things. If you are a little bit more spiritual and have more knowledge from the God's things you aren't being so manipulated by these scum. GOD CAN MAKE THE IMPOSSIBLE BECOMES TRUE. GOD HAVE POWER TO STOP ALL OF THESE HELL. To get these miracles is enough ask to God more faith. Because with faith you can erase all darts from devil. I feel a little bit guilt by Plandemic of Hoax-Covid... They make we believed that Plandemic could be deployed by Satanists. I need two years to God make me understand what happened since 2020. You must understand that Satanists are servants from devil and they using everything that devil knows. The wood face of devil tempted Lord Jesus Christ three times... Using what? The God's Law that is part of Old Testament. The devil is astute. The devil is old and do you know who created devil? God. How devil called when he was with God before the creation and Foundation of this world and humans? He called Lucifer (Angel light) because of that we can't call devil of Lucifer... God change his name to Satan because he tried take the power & throne from God that is why God expelled the enemy of God with all of his evil cohorts from heaven. We must call devil and his legions of bad spirits of Enemy of God and Humans because devil and his legions are losers. Christ win the hell, devil and all of evil legions of bad spirits in the day Christ accept his own death knowing and believing that God will resurrecting his son from the dead. We must stop to fall in astute traps from devil that are using of these wicked people to obtain all that they wanted.12:23:38
2 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 joined the room.03:36:45
3 Oct 2023
@temp4096:matrix.orgtemp4096 left the room.09:19:42
9 Oct 2023
@tired_turtle:matrix.orgtired_turtle joined the room.21:08:35
10 Oct 2023
@x:halogen.cityx (Mastodon: @x@is.nota.live) left the room.17:13:22
9 Oct 2023
@tired_turtle:matrix.orgtired_turtleis this a legit anti-vax room or am I wasting my time here? 😒21:09:24
11 Oct 2023
@enigma:halogen.cityenigma left the room.00:45:01
9 Oct 2023
@tired_turtle:matrix.orgtired_turtleanyways, If anyone here knows how I can acquire a fake but valid covid-19 vaccine card in the U.S without getting the jab, DM me as soon as possible!21:22:25
@tired_turtle:matrix.orgtired_turtle left the room.21:22:39
10 Oct 2023
@ciberneticus:matrix.orgciberneticusTry on emule11:50:51
13 Oct 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: October, 13 of 2023 - Posting again to inform with truth people that still don't have this knowledge below: January, 26 of 2023 - And this hell there's nothing to do against Flesh and Blood. The "Jews" had the material wealth (AND MAJORITY OF MUNDIAL POPULATION HATE THEM BY PURE ENVY) because GOD IS FAITHFULL and don't withdrawn His fulfilled promisses that the material gifts SUCH OF COMMERCE AND FINANCES only to cited some of these material gifts including the vast and deep human knowledge that was given to Jewish People by GOD that CAN'T TAKE NO ONE MAN'S SOULS TO HEAVEN even to BAD JEWS THAT WAS TAKEN BY EVIL THAT WILL BE JUDGED BY GOD CONDEMNED (IF THEY DON'T REPENT AND STOP MAKE THESE GRAVE CRIMES) PLAYED INTO HELL RECEIVED THE HEAVY PUNISHMENT BECAUSE OF THEIR GRAVE CRIMES AND IMPIETY. These material Gifts can't save our SOULS was given by God in Old Testament to Jews. God is FAITHFULL even with BAD AND CRIMINAL JEWS. HUMANS AREN'T LOYAL. People and specially Christians MUST learn this and STOP TO BE GAVE SPEECHES THAT SEEMS SO ANTI-SEMITIC HELPING COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCISTS DEPLOY THEIR ATHEISM AGAIN LIKE WAS IN THE PAST THAT GENERALIZE ALL JEWISH PEOPLE LIKE ALL OF JEWS ARE EVIL BECAUSE SALVATION OF HUMANITY'S SOULS COMES FROM A HALF SPECIAL CERTAIN JEW OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST THAT IS JEW TOO BY HIS HUMAN MOTHER MARIA'S SIDE AND IS THE TRUE SON OF GOD WHO DIES UNFAIRLY IN SO BRUTAL WAY TO SAVE MANKIND. PEOPLE MUST STOP BE SO IGNORANT GUIDED BY LACK OF KNOWLEDGE ABOUT HOLY BIBLE THAT IS A HISTORICAL REGISTER OF JEW PEOPLE'S TRUE HISTORY TOO. PS: JEW IS A NAME SO PEJORATIVE USED MAINLY BY COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCISTS AND SOCIALISTS SO SATANISTS ATHEISTS THAT DENIED THE EXISTENCE OF GOD THAT'S WHY THEY ARE MISERABLY POSSESSED BY DEVIL EXPRESSE ALL CRUELTY SO EVIL, INHUMANE, ENSLAVER, CORRUPT, WICKED, TERRORIST, CRIMINAL, MURDERER, FEUDALIST AND GENOCIDE TAKE BY THE SPIRIT OF ANTICHRIST BECAUSE THEY ARE SADLY HEAVY DRUNK OF THEIR GIGANTIC GREED WITHOUT LIMITS. THESE SATANICAL IDEOLOGIES IS CALLED "LEGION" THAT OWN LORD JESUS CHRIST DEMONSTRATED ASK THE NAME OF MANY EVIL SPIRITS OF A CERTAIN POSSESSED OF VICTIM OF DEVIL AND THESE EVIL SPIRITS GIVE THE ANSWER USING THE POOR MAN'S BODY THAT THEIR NAME IS "LEGION" A THING THAT ALL LEFTISTS, SOCIALISTS, COMMUNISTS AND NAZI-FASCISTS ARE. THESE LEFTIST ARE SO POOR OF SPIRIT. I KNOW IS HARD AND ONLY GOD CAN GIVE POWER BY PRAY TOO MUCH WITH ALL FAUITH THAT ONLY GOD CAN GIVE FOR WHO BELIEVE AND PRACTICE OBEYING SANE DOCRITINE OF GOD THAT ARE IN HOLY BIBLE SPECIALLY IN THE LESSONS COMES FROM GOD INSPIRED BY HOLY SPIRIT OF APOSTLE SAINT PAUL AND ALL LORD JESUS CHRIST'S APOSTLES THAT ARE IN NEW TESTAMENT FOR CHRISTIANS TO LOVE EVEN THE LEFTISTS ABOMINATE,FIGHT AND REJECT COMMUNISM AND NAZI-FASCISM LIKE OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST TEACH US TO LOVE SINNERS BUT NOT LOVE SIN. October, 13 of 2023 - Posting again to inform with truth people that still don't have this knowledge below: Corpus Iuris: Infiltration of Antisemitism in these Days since 2001 until now in 2023 In between so much Disinformation and Counter-Information in all MSM / WEB, The Antisemitism wins power, atraves of DISTORTION OF REAL FACTS AND HALF TRUTHS, INDUCED PEOPLE TO CONDEMNED ALL JEWISH PEOPLE ONE MORE TIME, LIKE BEING "EVIL" OF THIS WORLD. This condemnation have important grave impact, already condemned Jews, condemned too the Judaic-Christian Culture that is the fundamental base of human principles in our Western Society. These attacks don't occurring without nefarious objectives, and yes are very well orchestrate by people and organizations linked with BILDEBERG "CLUB", with the mainly goals to DESTROY ALL THE BASES OF SOCIETY, THAT ARE RELIGION, FAMILY , FREEDOM, MERITOCRACY , AND BY CONSEQUENCE THE SOVEREIGNTY OF COUNTRIES. Read full article in: https://www.corpusiuris.org/index.php/a-infiltracao-dos-antissemitas-nos-dias-atuais/ Edited again in October, 13 of 2023: October, 10 of 2023 - It's so COOL see Brazillian People surviving from charity of Enemies and who hate like slaves? Cazuza already denounced this terrible situation that was being deployed in Brazil by Evil & Perverse Elite since 1985... We talk so much since 2008 of Ghettos & Gulags from Nazi-Fascists/Communists that People so "Christian" from Brazil slowly/gradually way let these same terrible Gulags/Ghettos was deployed in Rio de Janeiro State/City disguised into "Favelas or Communities" and the direct nefarious consequence is this Urban War that kills much more Brazilians that become slaves from Terrorism of Drug Lords that is violent,bloody and brutal like of these Islamic Nazi-Fascist Terrorists than Israelis in Israel since 1948. September, 17 of 2023 - This is what Brazil become since 1985: Time Doesn't Stop by Famous Brazilian Singer Cazuza I fire against the sun I’m strong, I’m by accident my grief-full machinegun I’m the guy tired of running the wrong way without podium or girlfriend kiss I’m another guy   but if you think I’m defeated notice that the dices are still rolling because time, time doesn't stop   every other day I'm surviving with no scratch of the charity from those who hate me   your swimming pool is full of rats your ideas don't corespond to the facts time doesn't stop   I see the future repeating the past I see a museum full of new things time doesn't stop no, I doesn't stop   I don’t have a day to celebrate sometimes my days pass by in pairs looking for a needle in a haystack   in cold nights it's better not to be born in hot ones, you choose: kill or die and this way we become Brazilians they call you thief, fag, pothead turn the whole country into a brothel because it makes more money   your swimming pool is full of rats your ideas don't speak to the facts time doesn't stop no, I doesn't stop Another Famous Old Singer from Brazil Elza Soares sings Cazuza - The Time Doesn't Stop Elza Soares canta Cazuza - O Tempo Não Para (Áudio Oficial) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=8Mw7RZxOOz423:29:13
14 Oct 2023
@campfirelight:synod.imcampfirelight joined the room.18:53:18
17 Oct 2023
19 Oct 2023
@russs:matrix.orgrusss1srael=H@mas=1S1S https://youtu.be/o7grSsuFSS0?si=RgpNuePdW4Nz0GeG19:33:20
20 Oct 2023
@divinemessenger:matrix.orgdivinemessenger joined the room.07:35:25
@divinemessenger:matrix.orgdivinemessengerSpecial Limited Time Offer From The Savior: Forbidden Sacred Human God Evolution Book Document: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6sU9xWRe9Ig https://ascensionjoy.com/10/2023/special-offer-from-the-savior-forbidden-sacred-human-god-evolution-book-document/ The Divine Guaranteed World Peace Solution Will Be Released In This Condition Only: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8cQtgOuY-8A https://ascensionjoy.com/10/2023/the-divine-guaranteed-world-peace-solution-will-be-released-in-this-condition-only/ The Global Currency Reset Evolution Event Will Begin With Gold, Zimbabwe ZWR Old Bank Notes: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cErExheIBvw https://ascensionjoy.com/10/2023/the-global-currency-reset-evolution-event-will-begin-with-gold-zimbabwe-zwr-old-bank-notes/07:35:53
@divinemessenger:matrix.orgdivinemessenger left the room.07:36:30

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