
COVID-19 is a HOAX

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Fuck Bill Gates and his bullshit "vaccine".10 Servers

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20 Oct 2023
@mpsaro:matrix.orgmfushThis is why we have a "war". It's just a distraction.07:37:25
@mpsaro:matrix.orgmfushDownload d2a5cc237021d0668415f489ee8cdea9.mp407:37:39
25 Oct 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipOctober, 24 of 2023 - Only Now? Is this "manifesto" solve all these problems that became bigger and so serious/grave now? But from origin of this grave problem they never denouncing and live omitting this since 2016 and how administration of Former Pr. Trump could correct this problem when was small yet and avoid all of this scary increase from Big Tech's Monopoly/Control of Information's Flux/Censorship/Gradually destruction of privacy/Surveillance almost total of people by Web/ICANN that was delivered to UN by Obama in October of 2016 and mainly of Western people since 09/11/2001 with Hoax of "Patriot Act" done and imposed by traitors of Mankind and American People. They used Al Qaeda's Terrorist Attacks that this Satanist Elite from Bildebergs + Soviets Communists/Block that fabricated this damn Terrorism/Ideology of Islamic Nazi-Fascists. Islamic religion was transformed into a Satanist Nazi-Fascist Ideology by Communists/Satanist Elite that let these terrorist groups made by Left to attack WTC in 09/11/2001 giving the perfect justification to American People that stay so shocked, scared and despaired to accepted BE GRADUALLY ENSLAVED BY SURVEILLANCE IN NAME OF FAKE SECURITY THAT THESE DEVILS OFFERED TO AMERICAN PEOPLE THAT WAS DECEIVED BY THESE EVIL ELITE. This same satanist elite that kills JFK, RFK, MLK amount many influential people like JFK JR (John John) in 90's that was candidate to Presidency and in G7 and surging of Big Brother that Orwell described in his book 1984 in Trump's Presidency that none of these influential people are denouncing... Bia Kicis: RT @Inarloch: 138 Intellectuals, Artists and Journalists worldwide including Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins and Jordan Peterson, now start launch "The Westminster Declaration", a international manifest to defend Free of Expression. Was a honor to me participated in the firsts... Portuguese Original Message: RT @lnarloch: 138 intelectuais, artistas e jornalistas de todo mundo, incluindo Steven Pinker, Richard Dawkins e Jordan Peterson, acabaram de lançar a Westminster Declaration, um manifesto internacional em defesa da liberdade de expressão. Foi uma honra para mim participar das primeiras… https://t.co/DcYuHSQvwQ https://t.co/lFz9xRXu8h via Twitter https://twitter.com/Biakicis/status/1716097279025672200 October 22, 2023 at 11:20AM20:15:28
27 Oct 2023
1 Nov 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: October, 31 of 2023 - SATANISTS ARE COMING TO KILL MORE BABIES IN BRAZIL WITHOUT ANY KIND OF PUNISHMENT TO MAKE THEIR BIG SACRIFICE STAYS MORE BIGGER TO devil (Baphomet) GAVE MORE POWER TO THESE EVIL TERRORISTS FROM EXTREME LEFT THAT THEY ALREADY STOLEN FROM DISARMED AND INDEFEASIBLE PEOPLE FROM BRAZIL! Made 1 year that Presidential "Elections" in Brazil happened, it's Halloween Day in USA and look their Satanical "Gift" that Genocides, Enslavers, Terrorists and Criminals Herodianos obstinate to REDUCE EVEN MORE FAST BRAZILIAN PEOPLE TO KEEPING GRADUALLY SLAVERING PEOPLE MORE AND MORE. POISONING,SICKENING AND MURDERING FIRST ALL OF BABIES FROM BRAZILIAN PEOPLE... It's the Genocide/Infanticide/Sacrifice for devil to get more power that they got/ Revenge from Evil Tyrannical Communist-Nazi-Fascist-Feudalists, Satanical Elite/WEF/BILDEBERGS by their Poison/Bio-Chemical Weapon disguised into Shots of "Covid-Hoax Vaxx" from BILL GATES/GAVI... The cowards adults from Brazil are transferring this UNCONVENTIONAL WWIII, FIGHT, PAIN, SLAVERY AND DEATH to their own innocent children that are future generations... Who opens this Hell's doors of Totalitarianism, Dictatorship, Genocide & Slavery in Brazil? Bolsonaro that signs Unconstitutional Law 13.979 becoming cumplice from deployment of Genocide , Slavery (Covid-Hoax "Vaxx" is a Chip/Mark of The Beast too) and Poisoning of Majority of Population... Bolsonaro wants that reduction of Brazilian population by Genocide that he started and let be initiated by this Totalitarian, Despotic, Dictatorial, Inhumane & Satanical System in 2020 be accelerated even more that already is in 2024... Brazil: Carol de Toni: "Ministry of Health" from Brazil taken by Terrorists & Totalitarians annunciated now that, start in 2024, the "vaccination" against Covid-Hoax will make part of National Immunization Program and ALL BABIES/CHILDREN WITH AGES BETWEEN 6 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS WILL NEED (OBLIGED) TAKE THE DEADLY SHOTS/POISON DISGUISED INTO VAXX COVID-HOAX. Brasil: Caroline de Toni: O Ministério da Saúde anunciou agora que, a partir de 2024, a vacinação contra a Covid-19 passará a fazer parte do Programa Nacional de Imunizações (PNI) e toda criança com idade entre 6 meses e menores de 5 anos precisará tomar a vacina.⤵️ https://t.co/jOJE2UHk1F via Twitter https://twitter.com/CarolDeToni/status/1719463104973611341 October 31, 2023 at 06:15PM Carol de Toni: Brazilian Parents that don't OBEY THE ORDER TO POISONING/SICKINING/KILL THEIR OWN CHILDREN WITH DEADLY SHOTS OF COVID-HOAX "VAXX" FROM THIS ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT/SATANICAL TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP WILL BE PUNISHED WITH MANY WAYS LIKE THEY DONE BETWEEN 2020 AND 2022 WITH HEAVY FINES & "LOCKDOWNS". We from Opposition will take and make all measures against this Despotic that is a ABERRATION soon in Congress. Caroline de Toni: Pais que não respeitarem a determinação em calendário estarão sujeitos a diversas punições.Tomaremos as medidas cabíveis contra essa decisão despótica e aberrativa em breve na Câmara. via Twitter https://twitter.com/CarolDeToni/status/1719463108031230160 October 31, 2023 at 06:15PM Bia Kicis: We will present a legislative measure to delete/stop this determination and require a convocation of this "Health Minister" to explain this UNCONSTITUTIONAL, GENOCIDE, TERRORIST, TOTALITARIAN AND CRIMINAL decision that is opposite what is done in another countries with serious research by many other real and serious doctors & scientists. Bia Kicis: Vamos apresentar um PDL para sustar essa determinação e requerer a convocação da ministra da saúde para explicar essa decisão que contrasta com o que vem sendo feito em outros países e com estudos de muitos médicos. https://t.co/jlMYmWiNBV via Twitter https://twitter.com/Biakicis/status/1719488115453120798 October 31, 2023 at 07:54PM October, 31 of 2023 - Bia Kicis: We will present a legislative measure to delete/stop this determination and require a convocation of this "Health Minister" to explain this UNCONSTITUTIONAL, GENOCIDE, TERRORIST, TOTALITARIAN AND CRIMINAL decision that is opposite what is done in another countries with serious research by many other real and serious doctors & scientists. Bia Kicis: Vamos apresentar um PDL para sustar essa determinação e requerer a convocação da ministra da saúde para explicar essa decisão que contrasta com o que vem sendo feito em outros países e com estudos de muitos médicos. https://t.co/jlMYmWiNBV via Twitter https://twitter.com/Biakicis/status/1719488115453120798 October 31, 2023 at 07:54PM October, 31 of 2023 - GOD SAVE AND FREE BRAZILIAN PEOPLE AND THEIR BABIES AND CHILDREN NOW FROM SLAVERY,REDUCTION OF POPULATION, MISERY, POISONING, SICKENING AND DEATH BY THIS INFANTICIDE/GENOCIDE/TOTALITARIAN/SLAVERY HELL BY YOUR INFINITE MERCY IN NAME OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST! Brazil: Carol de Toni: "Ministry of Health" from Brazil taken by Terrorists & Totalitarians annunciated now that, start in 2024, the "vaccination" against Covid-Hoax will make part of National Immunization Program and ALL BABIES/CHILDREN WITH AGES BETWEEN 6 MONTHS AND 5 YEARS WILL NEED (OBLIGED) TAKE THE DEADLY SHOTS/POISON DISGUISED INTO VAXX COVID-HOAX. Brasil: Caroline de Toni: O Ministério da Saúde anunciou agora que, a partir de 2024, a vacinação contra a Covid-19 passará a fazer parte do Programa Nacional de Imunizações (PNI) e toda criança com idade entre 6 meses e menores de 5 anos precisará tomar a vacina.⤵️ https://t.co/jOJE2UHk1F via Twitter https://twitter.com/CarolDeToni/status/1719463104973611341 October 31, 2023 at 06:15PM Carol de Toni: Brazilian Parents that don't OBEY THE ORDER TO POISONING/SICKINING/KILL THEIR OWN CHILDREN WITH DEADLY SHOTS OF COVID-HOAX "VAXX" FROM THIS ILLEGITIMATE GOVERNMENT/SATANICAL TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP WILL BE PUNISHED WITH MANY WAYS LIKE THEY DONE BETWEEN 2020 AND 2022 WITH HEAVY FINES & "LOCKDOWNS". We from Opposition will take and make all measures against this Despotic that is a ABERRATION soon in Congress. Caroline de Toni: Pais que não respeitarem a determinação em calendário estarão sujeitos a diversas punições.Tomaremos as medidas cabíveis contra essa decisão despótica e aberrativa em breve na Câmara. via Twitter https://twitter.com/CarolDeToni/status/1719463108031230160 October 31, 2023 at 06:15PM05:46:29
6 Nov 2023
@neothejoker24:matrix.org@neothejoker24:matrix.org joined the room.17:55:52
@neothejoker24:matrix.org@neothejoker24:matrix.org left the room.17:56:16
15 Nov 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipNovember, 15 of 2023 - "THE TRUTH WILL PREVAIL." - MARGARET THATCHER Warming to some ADMINISTRATOR of some groups in some Messaging Apps that I use that are CENSORING/DELETING MY POSTS: Don't matter stay CENSORING THE TRUTH that I am posting here. The more of 90% from Brazilian People already knows and feels the same that I know and feels about System taken by Evil Satanists,Terrorists,Criminals, Corrupts,Thieves,Liars,Totalitarians,Authoritarian, Feudalists and Communist-Nazi-Fascists, FAKE RIGHT WING AND ABOVE ALL ABOUT THE BOLSONARO (THE LIAR) that I am denouncing and exposing here since his first lie that Bolsonaro says in 2019.22:23:55
22 Nov 2023
@misa_19:matrix.org@misa_19:matrix.org left the room.12:08:42
23 Nov 2023
@sebiedereine15.:matrix.orgsebiedereine16. joined the room.22:00:24
25 Nov 2023
@russs:matrix.orgrusssGaza : 15 min city prototype19:07:57
28 Nov 2023
@sf.x:matrix.orgsf.x joined the room.20:13:49
29 Nov 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipMay, 21 of 2023 - Visit, open and subscribed if you wants on my Channels and Profiles that I have in Alternative Social Media with little ou Without Censorship already that my Channel in Telegram with a another Conservative was Censored even in High Level of Browser: People must to use Session/Element APK among others that are without CENSORSHIP! I using Session Message APK with Privacy & Complete Security. Come with us! *Hey, I've been using Session to chat with complete privacy and security. Come join me! Download it at* https://getsession.org/ To talk with me in Session APK My Session ID is: 0546b50c53a01b9511560a2af57633ed42c11d11664a6b9f9155c5b952619ff037 ! Now I recently are using this Message APK without Censorship from Element.io Hey,talk to me accept this invitation in this link: https://matrix.to/#/@againstcensorship:matrix.org Make Download of this APK in https://element.en.uptodown.com/android/download You are being invited to subscribe in these two groups/rooms in Element APK MILITARY INTERVENTION NOW TO FREE & SAVE THE PEOPLE OF COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCIST DICTATORSHIP! https://matrix.to/#/!QLANUfUxxDpurOezkg:matrix.org?via=matrix.org REACT BRAZIL TO WIN DIABOLIC EVIL FROM LEFT! https://matrix.to/#/!OfSAxZjVehGvNqZOMJ:matrix.org?via=matrix.org Check out my pages in web to know what the devils are doing + My Telegram's Channel to learn how to DEFEAT THESE EVIL PEOPLE! If you want to check out my pages in Bastyon,CloutHub, SafeChat,Gab,Minds,Spreely,Gettr,Parler (New Profiles in Politichatter/StreetLoc/Wego.Social) and Brighteon.Social: https://brighteon.social/@ContraACensura/ https://bastyon.com/againstcensorship2 https://m.clouthub.com/#/tabs/connections/profile/3ba341e7-548a-4b3a-a764-577d716c105c https://www.politichatter.com/AgainstCensorship2 https://wego.social/AgainstHellCensorship https://gettr.com/user/AgainstCensors https://streetloc.com/page/view-persons-profile?id=2456 Today Feb,22 of 2022 I was Banned by FAKE FREE AND CHRISTIAN SOCIAL MEDIA THAT ONLY WANTS STOLEN MONEY FROM THEIR USERS PATRIOTS LIKE ME, SEE WHAT THESE DEVILS MAKE WITH MY OLD PROFILE THAT I WAS OPENED IN 2021 IN THIS LINK https://usa.life/AgainstCensorship and in this Second Profile that I need to open https://usa.life/AgainstCensorship2 but they BANNED AGAIN. BUT FEBRUARY,14 OF 2023 BECAUSE I DON'T GIVE UP I MAKE ANOTHER ACCOUNT https://usa.life/AgainstHell?mode=night17:57:14
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipBelow is the Link of old profile in Parler that had 1500 subscribers that already was cut to 800 artificially by Real owners of Parler that sells their souls to Devils of Bildebergs Communist-Nazi-Fascists Banned today: https://www.parler.com/profile/NaoACensuraDaNom/posts But I come back to Parler with new account because I will not give up to Fight in this link bellow: https://parler.com/user/AgainstHell https://gab.com/NaoCensuremaDireita My Group in Gab: https://gab.com/groups/50536 https://www.minds.com/againstcensorship/ https://spreely.com/AgainstCensorship Mumblit DELETED MY ACCOUNT NUMBER 4 that I am opened.Since December, 01 of 2022 account in Mumblit comes back online but this Social Media are very unstable since 2020... https://www.mumblit.com/AgainstCensorship5 Mumblit was blocked my account temporary above and unblock me today but I opened new account in mumblit today June, 01 of 2023: https://www.mumblit.com/AgainstCensorship7 Mumblit banned my account that link above but I open a new account in June, 13 of 2023 that are in this link below: https://www.mumblit.com/AgainstHell Today May,8 of 2021 I discovered that Parler come back online but THEY BANNED MY PROFILE and I needed to open a new account in SafeChat! https://safechat.com/user/1390747634394460161 *My Bilingual Channel in Telegram:* https://t.me/ContraOTotalitarismoDaNOM *My Groups in Telegram:* https://t.me/GuerraContraOsTiranicos https://t.me/NaoACensuraDaDireita https://t.me/NaoACensuraDaInternet https://t.me/contrarevolucaoanticomunista *Channel in Whats App (Temporarily):* https://chat.whatsapp.com/KRQvXMRg6tk60CQCTzzVxc https://chat.whatsapp.com/CXUqZXdqnBfIaXsUF40JFq https://chat.whatsapp.com/Fm4EEJY9IiP8O2ZgCATEDn https://chat.whatsapp.com/CCKzwRRBrTEIYU2inBCHwB My other Groups: Real Right Wing https://chat.whatsapp.com/ButUrfol5kKCbn5q8wQkB3 Counter Revolution Anti-Communist-Nazi-Fascists! https://chat.whatsapp.com/EdZrcd29wAO4A53TaR5yse17:57:27
9 Dec 2023
@jamminman:matrix.org@jamminman:matrix.org joined the room.00:18:33
@russs:matrix.orgrusssnow add to it invisible rainbow - 5G09:05:02
@jamminman:matrix.org@jamminman:matrix.org left the room.17:15:12
11 Dec 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipDecember, 11 of 2023 - Part of the sad and heavy hard truth hard to digest right below about Brasil since 1985, Bolsonaro, Fake Right Wing of Corrupts controlled by Satanists from Extreme SATANIST, EVIL,CRIMINAL,TERRORIST,WICKED,FEUDALIST,TOTALITARIAN, ENSLAVER AND GENOCIDE/INFANTICIDE Left below: "IT'S BETTER DIED FIGHTING IN A WAR THAN WATCH OUR NATION BE DEGRADED." - WINSTON CHURCHILL -- José Marcio Castro Alves 1953 https://youtu.be/558VhFE8K8A General Paulo Chagas are telling the hard and sad Truth that: "Bolsonaro don't used Brazilian Army Forces to make a Patriotic Military Intervention only to protect his son Flavio Bolsonaro's CORRUPTION AND BRIBERY that is a Senator", FEAE OF SUPREME COURT FROM BRAZIL. -- Jose Marcio Castro Alves 1953 https://youtu.be/v8axqggk4_U Even Satan use Holy Bible (Sacred Scriptures) when he wants to use to deceive people. -- Jose Marcio Castro Alves 1953 https://youtu.be/kNdmrWl3GRc Point Indecency of others with dirty fingers is ugly. -- José Marcio Opinion https://youtu.be/_L6ZY1cCRyg The majority of leftists in Brazil don't know - José Marcio Opinion https://youtu.be/7nz4Epf6NsI16:15:29
26 Dec 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipWorst of all and sadly what Mr. Ruschel are inform us like how Dictatorship Authoritarian and Totalitarian like of Nazi-Fascist and Communist all evil sons of Socialism that DENIES THE EXISTENCE OF GOD AND HIS MORAL I.E ARE SATANISTS, ENSLAVERS, INFANTICIDAL, TERRORIST, LIAR, MURDERER, ANTICHRISTIAN, INHUMANE ANG GENOCIDAL slowly are deployed in Brazil since 1985. Only in this detail that Ruschel sins because He omitted that all of this hell are being deployed long time ago in discretion way so slowly that Brazilian people can't perceived this... Only some more Brazilians are perceive this only after March of 2020... Leandro Ruschel: Read my recent article: Political Polarization isn't the problem that Brazil are confront, but yes the Authoritarianism https://open.substack.com/pub/leandroruschel/p/polarizacao-politica-nao-e-o-problema?r=1wqlqg&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcome=true20:18:01
29 Jan 2024
@infinitereactions:matrix.orginfinitereactions set a profile picture.19:02:03
8 Feb 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.23:39:20
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.23:41:05
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: 08/02/2024 - A maioria dos que se dizem Crista, de Direita e Conservador se tornaram iníquos e parciais como a esquerdalha Comunista-Nazi-Fascista-Feudalista, Satanista, Tirana, Totalitária, Gananciosos, Avareza, Narcisista, Escravagista, Mentirosa, Maléfica, Escravagista, Iníqua, Genocida, Corrupta, Ladra, Infanticida e Censuradora... Como eu infelizmente já previa desde 2016 que com a imposição da Censura a maioria dos Youtubers e "Influenciadores" iriam ficar assim como eu estou descrevendo ai abaixo por conhecer um pouco da natureza humana que é CARNAL, ANIMALESCA E DIABOLICA: Eles já venderam ou sao capazes de vender a própria alma para o diabo só para manter o canal deles no YouTube e nas "Redes Sociais" da Big Tech e manter ou inflar mais o numero de inscritos na maioria falsos ou seja fantasmas compostos de Bots Informaticos da ONU e da Elite Satanista / WEF / BLOCO COMUNISTA / BLOCO NAZI-FASCISTA ISLAMICO controlados pela "Inteligência Artificial" que nada mais é do que um simples programa (software) de computador (informático) que uma hora são "Bolsonaristas" outra hora são Comunista-Nazi-Fascistas falsificando a verdadeira opinião publica ou da maioria do povo impondo uma "realidade" e uma polarização fabricada, falsa e artificial utópica/distópica... A maioria desta gente que se considera "Influencer" adora se exibir... Fingem que são pessoas que não são, nunca foram e nunca serão... Oportunistas e mercenários que usam a crise dentro da crise para ganhar muito dinheiro, fama e sucesso as custas do sofrimento do povo do Ocidente, do mundo inteiro e da humanidade. Acordem. Eles estão manipulando a percepção das pessoas via farsa e censura. Quem se exibe desta forma inventando males que nao estao acontecendo com denuncias falsas em sua grande maioria nas redes e na web não tem boa intenção! Esta gente é narcisista adoradora de si mesmos... Egolatras que foram dominados e escravizados espiritualmente pelo diabo... Que se adora e se torna narcisista e egolatra arrogante se torna incapaz de Amar à Deus acima de Tudo e ao seu próximo como a ti mesmo como o Senhor Jesus  Cristo não só ensinou falando como deu o testemunho eficaz com suas perfeitas e boas acoes. Conselho sincero da parte de Deus: O dia do amanhã pertence a Deus. Viva, sirva e ame à Deus e ao teu próximo como a ti mesmo intensamente o dia que se chama hoje e um dia de cada vez como se não houvesse o amanhã. February, 08 of 2024 - The majority that says or identify with Right Wing , Christian and Conservative becomes iniquos people so PARTIAL FULL OF BIAS like Evil Satanic Communist-Nazi-Fascist-Feudalist, Tyrant, Totalitarian, Greed, Avarenta, Narcissist, Enslaver, Liars,Corrupt, Terrorist, Infanticide and Censors... Like I sadly already predicted since 2016 that with deployment of Censorship the majority of YouTubers, "Influencers" even many from "Alternative and Independent" MSM will be like I describes right below became I known a little bit of how human nature that is flesh, wild and DIABOLICAL: They already or are capable to sell their own soul to devil only to keep their channel / Profiles in YouTube / "Social Media" Big Tech even using the dirty tricks to keep or up artificially the number of their subscribers in their majority false and composed of ghost subscribers of BOTS controlled by "I.A" of UN/WEF/SATANICAL ELITE/COMMUNIST BLOCK/ISLAMIC NAZI-FASCIST BLOCK disguised certain times into "Bolsonarists" and other times in Communist-Nazi-Fascists" falsified true public opinion keep deploying a fake reality of a fake polarization so utopic / dystopic... The majority of these "Influencers" adores exhibitionism. They living pretend that they what they never was, never is and never will be... Opportunists and mercenaries that using this real , fake or consequences generated from crisis inside crisis to get MONEY, FAME AND SUCCESS nas costs of heavy suffering from people around the world. HAVE A TRUE WAKE UP. They are manipulated even the perception of people by HOAXES AND CENSORSHIP. Who exhibits in this way invented evil things that aren't happening with fake denounces in their big majority in "social media" and web don't have good intention! This people is narcissist who worship themselves... Self-worshippers that was spiritually dominated and enslaved by devil... Who worship themselves becomes narcissist and arrogant incapable to LOVE GOD ABOVE ALL AND LOVE YOUR FELLOW HUMAN BEING LIKE YOURSELF LIKE LORD JESUS CHRIST not only teaches but gave efficient testimony with his perfect good actions. Sincere advise that comes from God: The day of tomorrow and the future belongs to God. Live, serve and Love God and your fellow man like yourself with intensity the day that caller today of each time like were your last day in this earth.23:57:05
13 Feb 2024
@ghost679:matrix.org@ghost679:matrix.org changed their display name from ghost679 to ghost.12:55:26
14 Feb 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipFebruary, 14 of 2024 - The Bots from Totalitarian System / UN in action again CENSORING AND BLOCKING until February, 21 of 2024 my Account/Main Channel and affiliates Channels abusing of system against spam that Telegram developed... This is the "social credit" system of Communist China in action again! If I was LYING the Evil System never will be activated their BOTS that sometimes pretending that they are Bolsonaro's supporters/Fake Right Wing or Communist-Nazi-Fascists controlled by companies that using A.I to control these ARMY OF BOTS/GHOST OR EVEN FAKE PROFILES that they pay to DEPLOYING CENSORSHIP MAKE MASS ATTACKS THE PROFILE OR CHANNEL ABUSING OF SYSTEM AGAINST SPAM DEVELOPED AND USED BY TELEGRAM THAT SHOULDN'T SAYS THE TRUTH... THE SYSYEM AND EVEN UN/WHO USING THE STOLEN PUBLIC MONEY NOT ONLY FROM BRAZILIAN PEOPLE TO CENSORING WHO ARE SAYING THE TRUTH TO CONTROL OR EVEN FALSIFIED AGAIN PUBLIC OPINION! November, 29 of 2023 -Edited now again: August, 08 of 2023 - Update now Before my post that I done denounce the truth what is and have behind of "DREX" OF BC (CDBC) they sent TELEGRAM CENSORING one more Channel that are affiliated with my Channel with only 11 subscribers. It will be that they are CENSORING ME each time more is to inflate my ego with this thing "I told you so/Sadly I was right? July, 15 of 2023 - Telegram victim of Unconstitutional & Illegal Tyrannical Abuses without end of Conmunist-Nazi-Fascists now CENSORED this simple & humble channel even when you access by Browser addition /s/ after the name of this channel https://t.me/s/ContraOTotalitarismoDaNOM And of these channels below: https://t.me/s/OinformanteQanon These https://t.me/s/yaush EVEN THESE NOW: https://t.me/s/bolsonarianosBR in adress bar in Browser where people can make research, now you can see the Evil Message that the Channel was Censored and you can only access the contents if you got Telegram APK/APP installed in your mobile phone. The contents of this channel must be very good because points the origin of problems and only solution that have to Free and Save Themselves in Name of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ from this Evil, Brutal, Satanist, Enslaver & Genocide Communist-Nazi-Fascist Dictatorship! It's because I NEVER will attack myself attacking ARMY FORCES like majority of Channels dominated by left are doing. To access the partially contents of my Channel that WAS NOW CENSORED TO BROWSER'S LEVEL access these links above using Brave Browser of preference: https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1213145845-contraototalitarismodanom https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1204074079-oinformanteqanon https://telemetr.io/en/channels/1364757643-intervencaocivicomilitarja These links are from other channels that are affiliated of my channel that still aren't CENSORED in high level of Browser that have contents that I posted and I still post in my Channel: https://t.me/s/mochileiras https://t.me/s/intervencaocivicomilitarja18:56:36
21 Feb 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: 20/02/2024 - Isso é tentativa de impor mais censura...as leis que eles querem impor são todas vagas e subjetivas e não objetivas e precisão como deveriam ser escritas todas as Projeto de Leis no Brasil. É a Maldita Dialética Hegeliana (Tomada de Três Pinos) em ação novamente: PROBLEMA-REACAO-SOLUCAO. Implantar mais Censura aos poucos ou por partes é o que estes vermes oportunistas querem impor mais ainda na Internet no Brasil aproveitando a crise que foi criada pelos Comunista-Nazi-Fascistas da Esquerdalha! O lema da ORCRIM é este: "Nunca deixe passar uma crise provocada, verdadeira ou falsa  criada por eles em vão!" Se eu critico os maus feitos ou erros que as vezes o Governo/Administração de Israel por causa da tirania e medidas totalitárias Comunista-Nazi-Fascista que foi aplicada via Fraudemia Fraude-Covid significa que sou uma Antisemita? Não Ser Antisemita é não aceitar a existência do Estado de Israel e dos Israelenses no mundo. Mas estes totalitários querem aproveitar esta porcaria causada pelo Luis Inácio para CERCEAR, CRIMINALIZAR, CONTROLAR E CENSURAR MAIS AINDA O POVO E A INTERNET... Projeto que criminaliza a trivialização do Holocausto ganha requerimento de urgência https://ift.tt/JO8Ac5d por Media Deputado Junio Amaral (PL-MG) quer votação direto no plenário de uma proposta de 2020 que atualmente tramita na CCJ. t.me/aliancabrasil February, 20 of 2024 - This is a push to deploy more censorship... The Bills they wants to impose are all vague/subjectives and are not objective/precise like they should be in all Proposed Bills in Brazil. Is the damn Hegelian Dialect in action again: PROBLEMS-REACTION-SOLUTION. Deployed more Censorship gradually by parts is what these SCUM SO OPPORTUNIST WANTS TO DEPLOY EVEN MORE ON BRAZIL'S INTERNET using this "Crisis" that was created by Communist-Nazi-Fascists from Evil Left! The scheme of these SATANICAL ELITE is this: "Never let pass a "CRISIS" even if is a Fake or True created by them in vain!" If I criticized the wrong doings or mistakes made by any Administration even of Israel like of Tyranny,draconian and Communist-Nazi-Fascist Dictatorial Totalitarian measures that was deployed by Plandemic Covid-Hoax means that Am I a Antisemitic? No. Be Antisemitic is denied Holocaust exist, not accept the existence of Israel's State/Country and of Israelis in this world. But these totalitarian wants using this OPPORTUNITY this "CRISIS" created by Luis Inacio to COERCE, CENSOR, CRIMINALIZE AND CONTROL EVEN MORE BRAZILIAN PEOPLE AND INTERNET IN BRAZIL... Bill that criminalize the trivialization of Holocaust wins urgent requirement https://ift.tt/JO8Ac5d By Congressman Junio Amaral (Liberal Party the same Party of Bolsonaro from corrupt of Valdemar da Costa Neto) wants direct vote in Congress of his proposal of this bill that actually transits in Justice Council in Congress. http://t.me/aliancabrasil00:52:51
26 Feb 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship changed their profile picture.05:13:52

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