
COVID-19 is a HOAX

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23 Jan 2023
@pop647:matrix.orgWoKeBrEeD changed their display name from pop647 to WoKe BrEeD.12:31:12
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.org joined the room.18:42:07
24 Jan 2023
@pop647:matrix.orgWoKeBrEeD changed their display name from WoKe BrEeD to plp.19:28:16
25 Jan 2023
@pop647:matrix.orgWoKeBrEeD changed their display name from plp to WoKeBrEeD.05:06:28
@pop647:matrix.orgWoKeBrEeD changed their display name from WoKeBrEeD to BeAsT.05:07:07
@pop647:matrix.orgWoKeBrEeD changed their display name from BeAsT to WoKeBrEeD.05:07:51
27 Jan 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipJanuary, 26 of 2023 - *To Foreigners in General:* *Foreigners can enter there because I understand English, Spanish too.* *Patriots from around the world is welcomed in my groups.* *My groups HERE in Element and in Sessions APK:* *Olha gente eu estou usando o Chat do APP/APK de Mensagens Session com a Privacidade e Segurança completa. Se junte conosco! AS INSTRUÇÕES DE USO ESTÃO INCLUSIVE EM PORTUGUES PARA VCS APRENDEREM A USAR.* Faça o Download do APK (MAIS RECOMENDADO POR SER MAIS SEGURO DO QUE VIA GOOGLE PLAY STORE OU APPLE STORE) no https://getsession.org/ *Para entrar em contato comigo lá por este otimo APP/APK:* My Session ID is 0546b50c53a01b9511560a2af57633ed42c11d11664a6b9f9155c5b952619ff037 ! *Hey, I've been using Session to chat with complete privacy and security. Come join me! Download it at* https://getsession.org/. *Para entrar em contato comigo lá dentro do APP/APK: *Minha Identidade no Sessions é/My Session ID is:* 0546b50c53a01b9511560a2af57633ed42c11d11664a6b9f9155c5b952619ff037 ! *Agora eu estou usando mais este APK do Element.io que está até em Portugues:* *Hey, fale comigo em Element:* https://matrix.to/#/@againstcensorship:matrix.org *Vejam de onde eu fiz o Download deste APK do Element.io de Mensagens Livre de Censura:* https://element.en.uptodown.com/android/download *Você está sendo convidado para fazer parte destes dois grupos no Aplicativo de Mensagens Sem Censura do Element APP/APK:* INTERVENÇÃO NO BRASIL JÁ PARA LIBERTAR E SALVAR O POVO DA DITADURA COMUNISTA-NAZI-FASCISTA! https://matrix.to/#/!QLANUfUxxDpurOezkg:matrix.org?via=matrix.org *REAJA BRASIL PARA VENCER OS DEMÔNIOS DA ESQUERDALHA!* https://matrix.to/#/!OfSAxZjVehGvNqZOMJ:matrix.org?via=matrix.org00:47:10
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgwhat happens here?12:31:57
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgso large previews....12:32:10
28 Jan 2023
@nachdenker:tchncs.de@nachdenker:tchncs.de changed their display name from 🄽🄾🅁🄱🄴🅁🅃 to Norbert.09:43:53
1 Feb 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipFebruary, 02 of 2023 - The Brazilian people that says that are Christians but don't practice in what they say that they believe por inteiro maybe by lack of PRAY ASKING TO GOD STRENGTH, POWER AND SPIRITUAL GIFTS OF GOD TO BECOME BETTER HUMAN BEING TO CAN RECEIVE THE ETERNAL LIFE IN HEAVEN and TO STOP TO BE BLIND, DECEIVE BY devil,ENTICED by their own feelings and desires. I will pray to God by his infinite mercy of Humanity's souls to open YOUR SPIRITUAL EYES TO UNDERSTAND AND SEE THE TRUTH THAT REALLY FREE MAN IN NAME OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST!16:41:36
2 Feb 2023
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgto be a Christian is easy: you just say that you are one of them, and that's all. Look at Americans, they call themselves 'Christians' but they never were. And now look at Muslims. You are not Muslim if you call himself a Muslim. You must to do and not to do some actions everyday, and some of them are very difficult for some persons. 'Christianity' never was a real religion, but a religion of hypocrisy (kill, rape, drink, believe in own angels, prophets, be a Christian in short). No, it's not a religion at all. Joke10:39:41
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgread some history books. Your religion is the most anti-progress religion in earth. Islam brought centuries of plagues and endless wars between muslims to the near east and north africa. 12:39:17
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.org,Nonetheless, illegal sales of girls were reportedly continued at least into the early 1930s. Legislation explicitly prohibiting slavery was finally adopted in 1964.[67]12:40:16
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgCrusaders did not know what is a toothbrush, a soap. They practiced cannibalism, they were always very stinky and dirty. But at the same time: slaves in Islam have rights, they inherit part of the property of the deceased owner (by Sharia law), they eat together with their owner at the same table. Where did you see it except Islam?!13:55:56
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.org illegal sales of girls - is it about Epstein and his Christian clients in USA, France, UK? 13:59:42
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgagain. LOOK INTO HISTORY. You are spreading disinfo. Whether the toothbrush not the soap was an invention by muslims. Your whole religion was founded when these stuff was already in use for centuries. 14:02:29
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgLOL you want to tell me that slaves in Islamic countries had rights. SLAVES WITH RIGHTS, you make no sense14:03:20
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgEpstein could have done his this in Islamic countries until 1964 totally legally14:05:21
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.org * Epstein could have done this in Islamic countries until 1964 totally legally14:05:50
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.org * again. LOOK INTO HISTORY. You are spreading disinfo. Whether the toothbrush, nor the soap was an invention by muslims. Your whole religion was founded when these stuff was already in use for centuries. 14:06:06
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgLMAO, for centuries? Where? In Europe?! Europe was full of filth and plague, leprosy and syphilis, bro, urine and shit in streets even in 18-19 century! lol, "history"...14:08:26
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.org Epstein could have done this in Islamic countries until 1964 totally legally you MAY NOT touch a female if she is not your close relative - it's Sharia, my friend. You cannot sleep with a female if she is not your wife, and you cannot date a girl without her parents ... and... BROTHERS, sometimes uncles approval. 14:10:47
In reply to @n4g4t0:matrix.org
LMAO, for centuries? Where? In Europe?! Europe was full of filth and plague, leprosy and syphilis, bro, urine and shit in streets even in 18-19 century! lol, "history"...
lol you clown Europe and Byzantine Empire were far ahead of any muslim country. Telling Europe was full of filth and plague is just cringe projection and shows one time more that you habe NO CLUE ABOUT History. Look what was built in this time, by christians and then tell me what your bothers did build and invent.
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgbuilt by christans14:12:47
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@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgLook, Jewish Wikipedia: The slave is entitled to receive sustenance from the master, which includes shelter, food, clothing, and medical attention. It is a requirement for this sustenance to be of the same standard generally found in the locality and it is also recommended for the slave to have the same standard of food and clothing as the master. If the master refuses to provide the required sustenance, the slave may complain to a judge14:14:25
In reply to @n4g4t0:matrix.org
Epstein could have done this in Islamic countries until 1964 totally legally you MAY NOT touch a female if she is not your close relative - it's Sharia, my friend. You cannot sleep with a female if she is not your wife, and you cannot date a girl without her parents ... and... BROTHERS, sometimes uncles approval.
OMG have i tell you that these instructions for action dont apply on slaves. HAve i tell you how your religion is working?

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