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2 Feb 2023
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgFriend, look at Wikipedia - The spiritual status of a Muslim slave was identical to a Muslim free person, with some exemptions made for the slave. For example, it is not mandatory for Muslim slaves to attend Friday prayers or go for Hajj, even though both are mandatory for free Muslims.[100] Slaves were generally allowed to become an imam and lead prayer, and many scholars even allowed them to act as an imam for Friday and Eid prayers, though some disagreed14:15:48
In reply to @n4g4t0:matrix.org
Look, Jewish Wikipedia:
The slave is entitled to receive sustenance from the master, which includes shelter, food, clothing, and medical attention. It is a requirement for this sustenance to be of the same standard generally found in the locality and it is also recommended for the slave to have the same standard of food and clothing as the master. If the master refuses to provide the required sustenance, the slave may complain to a judge
freakin clown you are sharing a source named "Islamic views on slavery" instead of a historical source. JUST CRINGE
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgcoooool, HUMAN RIGHTS!14:15:54
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgso, when Europe got rid of urine and shit from its streets? Serious question.14:16:33
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgstop pushing useless information from this whitewash islam article that has no historical fundament14:16:58
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgEuropean universities studies Muslims books - astronomy, medicine, algebra, history, even Greek philosophy - because Christians burned books LOL14:17:52
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.org * European universities studied Muslims books - astronomy, medicine, algebra, history, even Greek philosophy - because Christians burned books LOL14:18:07
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgEuropean autonomists used Muslims Astronomic atlases since 19 century! 14:18:58
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.org * European autonomists used Muslims Astronomic atlases till 19 century! 14:19:12
Download grafik.png
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgagain false info because you have no clue about history 14:19:23
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgeye surgery in Europe - from Muslims physicians.14:20:00
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgdid you know it?14:20:04
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgMost surgery tools - from Muslims. You did not know it, yes?14:20:20
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgEurope was wilder than the Wild West. Ppl ran away from Europe to America, from unsanitary conditions, lawlessness, savagery14:21:29
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgyou have proven to be really stupid, wont interact with you further because you are just shitposting false claims. 14:23:01
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgTimur Tamerlane refused to conquer Spain because of the poverty and unsanitary conditions prevailing there and went to conquer India -- historical fact14:23:12
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgman, I shared facts. If you want, I can spend time and to post you medical, astronomical, mathematical Muslims works used in Europe until 18-19 century14:24:37
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgyou can see what a miserable place Europe was in the old paintings. Rembrandt for instance...14:25:32
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgjust stfu nobody is believing your bullshit claims based on a wiki article called "Islamic views on slavery". ALso muslim were fought back thats why they had to move from Spain. This dude is really full of shit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reconquista14:25:33
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgjust kys dude14:25:56
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.orgwont discuss with an low IQ dumbfuck14:26:18
@n4g4t0:matrix.org@n4g4t0:matrix.orgTimur is not "also muslims". It's very specific historical event14:26:30
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.org * wont discuss with a low IQ dumb fuck14:26:32
@ghost679:matrix.org@ghost679:matrix.org set a profile picture.16:54:08
@ghost679:matrix.org@ghost679:matrix.org changed their profile picture.16:59:07
@russs:matrix.orgrusss https://doctors4covidethics.org/vascular-and-organ-damage-induced-by-mrna-vaccines-irrefutable-proof-of-causality/ 18:43:31
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst Censorship I needed denounce more act of SABOTAGE in another Social Media for me got access Telegram today. February, 02 of 2023 - NOW IPS AND TELEPHONY ARE SABOTAGE TROLLING THE ACCESS TO TELEGRAM THAT ARE SLOW TO MAKE UPDATE IN THIS WAY BLOCKING THE ACCESS TO TELEGRAM'S CONTENTS.22:38:44

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