
COVID-19 is a HOAX

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22 Feb 2023
@andvettaern:matrix.organdvettaern(((They))) have their fingers in this pie too.. https://web.archive.org/web/20201219014215/https://samba.noblogs.org/post/2018/08/27/matrix-org-a-federated-app-funded-by-a-mossad-company/06:40:51
@anonymous.nothing:matrix.org@anonymous.nothing:matrix.org joined the room.16:52:17
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25 Feb 2023
@aqswdefrgt1:matrix.organthony nesciTAG-TEAM the government using The citizens to stalk the target A worldwide program https://rumble.com/v2axxvk-tag-team-the-government-using-the-citizens-to-stalk-the-target-a-worldwide-.html #gangstalking 22:15:29
28 Feb 2023
@sk8ordie:matrix.org@sk8ordie:matrix.org left the room.21:35:59
5 Mar 2023
@ultimatesweetie:matrix.org@ultimatesweetie:matrix.org joined the room.07:10:55
8 Mar 2023
@majidvf:matrix.org@majidvf:matrix.org joined the room.08:15:19
10 Mar 2023
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.org joined the room.11:11:09
11 Mar 2023
@thebluepandabear:matrix.org@thebluepandabear:matrix.org left the room.08:15:32
15 Mar 2023
@pry-pr:matrix.org. Priya Atheist joined the room.13:04:27
20 Mar 2023
@indiana_sandstrom:matrix.org@indiana_sandstrom:matrix.org joined the room.10:50:39
@indiana_sandstrom:matrix.org@indiana_sandstrom:matrix.org left the room.10:54:27
21 Mar 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL! 🇺🇸: March,21 of 2023 - For Americans like you Mr Hartwig understand how Brazilian Army Forces from Brazil act in past to counter Left Socialist-Comunist-Nazi-Fascist Terrorists understand their acts since Oct,31 of 2022 you must read this book of "The Asphyxiated Truth/A Verdade Sufocada" -- Carlos Alberto Brilhante Ustra, a Former Colonel and Major of Brazilian Army Forces that was a Commander of DOPS/DOI-CODI that was two Patriotic Security Federal/State Agency from Military Government from 1964-1985 that with minimum of Bloodshed they got defeat only their Socialist-Communist-Nazi-Fascist Satanic Evil Guerrilla. Ustra even cited articles from Olavo de Carvalho's denounces and part of his book "O Jardim das Aflições" (The Garden of Afflictions) and appointed the guilt to The Silence of Winners and omission of authorities. Their error: Let thee devils come back given the General Amnesty in 1985 to these Dangerous Leftist Terrorists. A General called Golbery in 80's let only intellectuals satanic devils taken Press,Media,Entertainment World, Culture,MSM,University and Schools using theory/schemes/tactics developed by Frankfurt School and Communist Theories from Antonio Gramsci they start prepared molded the minds of majority of Brazilian people to accepted without knowing Satanism that is Socialism-Communism-Nazi-Fascism. This postage below are in Portuguese because I don't have time to translated in English: ESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL! 🇺🇸: 18/03/2023 - *Se vocês lerem devagar e com calma o Livro "A Verdade Sufocada" do Ustra vão mudar de opinião.* *Criticar as FFAA é facil quando não se sabe nada a respeito do passado.* *Baixem o PDF do livro e leiam...* *Se informem antes de acreditar nestes Esquerdistas Satanicos ou na Falsa Direita Satanica.* 01/03/2023 - *Os 5 PDFs dos BONS LIVROS que você postou aí no teu canal https://t.me/OinformanteQanon quando você baixa entra na parte de downloads do meu dispositivo mas quando você tenta abrir estes PDFs não abrem de jeito nenhum...* Ou o Sistema Operacional está CENSURANDO por bloquear a copia destes 5 Livros que vc postou ai Igor ou vc copiou estes PDFs esvaziados de conteudo já com este problema serio. Os 5 Livros são o "1984" , "O que é o Fascismo e Outros Ensaios" - George Orwell , "EUA e a Nova Ordem Mundial" - Olavo de Carvalho, "A Verdade Sufocada" - Brilhante Ustra e do "Como ser um Conservador" - Roger Scruton 01/03/2023 - *AQUI ESTÁ OS LINKS DAS BUSCAS FEITAS E DOS LINKS PARA BAIXAR OS PDFs DOS 5 LIVROS ABAIXO E QUE FICAM NO SETOR DO DOWNLOAD NO SEU DISPOSITIVO COMO EU PUDE BAIXAR COM SEGURANCA:* Os 5 Livros são o "1984" -George Orwell https://search.brave.com/search?q=pdf+1984+george+orwell+em+Portugues&source=web https://archive.org/details/orwell-1984_202101/mode/1up "O que é o Fascismo e Outros Ensaios" - George Orwell https://archive.org/details/o-que-e-fascismo-e-outros-ensaios-george-orwell-paulo-geiger https://www.scribd.com/document/436065989/ORWELL-George-O-Que-e-o-Fascismo-e-Outros-Ensaios https://search.brave.com/search?q=Pdf+O+que+%C3%A9+o+Fascismo+e+outros+ensaios+George+Orwell+-+&source=web "EUA e a Nova Ordem Mundial" - Olavo de Carvalho https://www.scribd.com/document/242088883/Os-EUA-e-Nova-Ordem-Mundial-pdf https://archive.org/details/carvalho-2012-os-eua-e-a-nova-ordem-mundialpdf/page/n11/mode/1up https://search.brave.com/search?q=PDF+Os+Eua+E+A+Nova+Ordem+Mundial+-+Olavo+de+Carvalho+e+Alexandre+Dugin&source=web "A Verdade Sufocada" - Brilhante Ustra https://www.scribd.com/document/310220997/A-Verdade-Sufocada-Carlos-Alberto-Brilhante-Ustra https://search.brave.com/search?q=pdf+A+Verdade+Sufocada+Brilhante+Ustra+&source=web https://archive.org/details/o-que-e-fascismo-e-outros-ensaios-george-orwell-paulo-geiger e do "Como ser um Conservador" - Roger Scruton https://search.brave.com/search?q=Pdf+Como+ser+um+Conservador+Roger+Scruton+&source=web https://search.brave.com/search?q=Pdf+Como+ser+um+Conservador+Roger+Scruton+scribid&source=web https://archive.org/details/livro-poli-tica-roger-scruton-como-ser-um-conservador/page/n1/mode/1up22:53:47
27 Mar 2023
@onek13:matrix.org@onek13:matrix.org joined the room.16:01:27
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5 Apr 2023
@whomstntve:matrix.org@whomstntve:matrix.org left the room.23:52:15
9 Apr 2023
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13 Apr 2023
@plamo:matrix.orgplamo changed their profile picture.16:21:38
@shturcho:matrix.orgshturcho joined the room.16:32:49
16 Apr 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL! 🇺🇸: April, 11 of 2023 - Americans are showing one more time that they are complete different from Brazilians that keep brought their Coke even with the face of Pablo Vittar that is Brazilian Gay that he claim since long time ago that he is a "woman" are stamped in all Coke's can in Brazil without have minimum conscience or idea of Communist-Nazi-Fascist Satanist Pedophile Antichrist Agenda to DESTROY FAMILY that have in behind of this sad fact. They don't defend their Christian Faith/Heritage that they say that they have for God,Christ, don't defend even a little bit the life of their own children... Even Gigantic Boycott that have legs and is different of another boycott that was done by Americans in past by this same motive that Brazilians don't have to do until now... April, 11 of 2023 - Anheuser-Busch Distributors “Spooked” by Backlash to Bud Light Transgender Endorsement Get woke, go broke. ➤ Infowars - https://ift.tt/BXEZ4Ac In April, 12 of 2023 see what negligence and descaso of "Authorities" and Bureaucrats that aren't elected by The People that STOLEN PUBLIC MONEY FROM AMERICAN TAX'S PAYERS that is to justamente CLEAN Esgotos/Ralos and do BASIC maintenance of Airports/Pista de Pouso to PREVENT AND DON'T LET INFAMOUS FLOODINGS like this is capable to produce even in USA now... TRAGEDIES EM CIMA OF DISGRACES... It seems even a DeepFake or a work of fiction because is so surreal and absurd that this situation is... We stay in doubt if this is a fact or not... God has nothing to do with this...And much less with Hoax of Climate Change. This is all the Evil Fruits of bandits that Americans let taken almost everything even in USA. This is not A WRACK OF GOD... EXACTLY LIKE STARTED HAPPEN IN EUROPE, AUS, NZ, CAN AND JAPAN SINCE DECEMBER OF 2012 THESE TRAGEDIES THAT WAS PLANNED AND MADE BY DESIGN BY ENDEMIC CORRUPTION IMPOSE BY SATANICAL COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCIST ELITE TRANFORMING FIRST WORLD COUNTRIES INTO A TOTALITARIAN, FEUDALIST, DICTATORSHIP AND TYRANNIC PRISON OF A HELL HOLE FOR PEOPLE OF COUNTRIES OF FIFTH WORLD (WE CAN'T  NOT CALL EVEN OF THIRD WORLD CONTRIES NOW!)... April, 12 of 2023 - Rain and never saw INFAMOUS FLOODING in International Airport of Ft Lauderdale in Florida. DRAMATIC SCENES! Chuva e inundação histórica no Aeroporto Internacional de Ft Lauderdale  Flórida. Cenas dramáticas! — richardwsanchez https://youtu.be/24bL3U9FvcY 2:16 A Handful of Companies Control the Global Propaganda https://www.infowars.com/posts/a-handful-of-companies-control-the-global-propaganda/02:18:26
19 Apr 2023
@j450nh:arcticfoxes.net@j450nh:arcticfoxes.net joined the room.22:49:10
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23 Apr 2023
@tratordosertao:matrix.org@tratordosertao:matrix.org joined the room.16:02:07
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26 Apr 2023
@primobalerino:matrix.orgprimobalerino joined the room.01:33:20
27 Apr 2023
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL! 🇺🇸: Florida Senate Passes Harshest Hate Crime Bill in America to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’ Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis may sign expansive hate crime bill into law this week during visit to Israel ➤ Infowars - https://ift.tt/i8KXGq2 Important Read: Ron DeSantis Flies To Israel To Destroy Free Speech In Florida https://news.gab.com/2023/04/ron-desantis-flies-to-israel-to-destroy-free-speech-in-florida/ 27/04/2023 - Telegram was the First to be BLOCKED IN BRAZIL Lilo thinks that Telegram WILL BE BANNED PERMANENTLY IN BRAZIL... O TELEGRAM FOI O PRIMEIRO — LiloVLOG https://youtu.be/wZtfpR8pv-4 15:13 April, 27 of 2023 - THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED IN JAPAN IN 2017 WITH DEPLOYMENT OF UNNCONSTITUTIONAL & ILLEGAL LAW OF "ANTI-CONSPIRACY" LAW THAT WAS THE DESTRUCTION OF JAPANESE PEOPLE'S PRIVACY BECAUSE JAPANESE PEOPLE IN GENERAL HAVE FACILITY TO MAKE AUTO-CENSORSHIP WHEN THEY ARE AFRAID BECAUSE THERE THEY DON'T NEED EVEN DEPLOY CENSORSHIP AND NOBODY EVEN FROM G7 CARES... IT'S NOT A COINCIDENCE THAT THIS ARE TRAGEDY ARE HAPPENING IN FLORIDA A STATE WHERE MILLIONS OF BRAZILIANS LIVE IN THE SAME TIME THAT ALL FREEDOMS ARE BEING ATTACKED IN BRAZIL WITH TELEGRAM'S BLOCKING AND THE THREAT OF BILL 2630/2020 TO CENSOR/SILENCE ALL BRAZILIAN PEOPLE BY FEAR EVEN WITH DESTRUCTION OF ALL INTERNET'S INFRAESTRUCTURE/END OF WHAT STILL REST OF BRAZILIAN PEOPLE'S PRIVACY WORST THAN IN COMMUNIST CHINA CUT ACCESS OF THE REST OF FLUX/EXCHANGE OF INFORMATION BETWEEN BRAZILIAN PEOPLE AND WORLD LIKE IS IN COMMUNIST CUBA OR NORTH COREA FOR EXAMPLE. Florida Senate Passes Harshest Hate Crime Bill in America to ‘Combat Anti-Semitism’ Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis may sign expansive hate crime bill into law this week during visit to Israel ➤ Infowars - https://ift.tt/i8KXGq2 April, 27 of 2023 - It's "Strangely" NOW that I was talking with a Friend by Whats APP and when I started link the events and a parallel showing the many dangerous dark evil similarly of TRAGEDY WITH TOTAL DESTRUTION OF ALL FREEDOMS/PRIVACY OF POPULATION in the same sad way happened in 2016 and 2017 in a country that I lived with what happening now in Florida a American State where live MILLIONS OF BRAZILIAN PEOPLE that was approved by a Senate full of CRIMINALS AND TRAITORS OF AMERICAN PEOPLE a INFAMOUS UNCONSTITUTIONAL AND ILLEGAL LAW TO IMPOSE HEAVY CENSORSHIP THAT NEVER WAS DONE IN USA'S HISTORY TO CENSOR PEOPLE THAT LIVE IN FLORIDA with actual dangerous grave situation of Brazil SOMEBODY THAT I KNOW WHO THEY ARE CUTS THE CALL AND DON'T COMPLETE A NEW CALL THAT I AM EVEN DONE BY MOBILE PHONE SYSTEM. IS A WARNING OR A THREAT THAT THEY ARE SPYING PUTTING ME INTO SURVEILLANCE LONG TIME AGO IN A ILLEGAL AND UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO SILENCE ME BY FEAR?18:36:09
29 Apr 2023
@imlostlmao:matrix.orgimlostlmao joined the room.10:21:43
30 Apr 2023
@arlekin993:matrix.org@arlekin993:matrix.org joined the room.06:52:20
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2 May 2023
@dontbehave68:matrix.org@dontbehave68:matrix.org joined the room.00:40:29

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