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28 Jul 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipJuly, 27 of 2024 - I and Brazilian people must believed in all that you speak Bolsonarists who lie like devil from hell? Well, well for you OPORTUNISTS AND MERCENARIES THAT USING TERRORISM TOO LIKE EVIL MSM THAT YOU LIVING CRITICIZING because how much is worse to people good to keeping be famous get rivers of money. IT'S ALL NEGATIVE DIALECTIC THAT THIS PEOPLE WHO POSE LIKE "CHAMPIONS & DEFENDER OF FREEDOMS" OR TO BENEFITS CORRUPT PEOPLE FROM FAKE RIGHT WING OF BANDITS LIKE BOLSONARO. Owners of websites/organizations who wrote this article like this helping keep this totalitarian dictatorial system alive to keeping people stay dependent of this dirty people. These scum never teach people or given solutions to how AVOID/stop all of this totalitarian tyrannical hell that we are being submitted like damn Mercenaries that you are. This website of "Gazeta do Povo" is from some "politician" from manipulators of Fake Right Wing. They making devil like totalitarians lying or desinform people how much they wants LIKE GOD DOESN'T EXIST AND NOT SAW THIS like Satanists from Extreme Left do FAKE CONSERVATIVES FROM HELL. THESE DAMN FAKE CONSERVATIVES DON'T HAVE A SINGLE DROP OF GOD'S FEAR. THAT IS WHY COMMUNIST-NAZI-FASCIST-SATANISTS DOESN'T CARE ABOUT WHAT THIS "ALTERNATIVE/INDEPENDENT" OUTLET THAT CAN BE WORSE THAN TERCA LIVRE AND OF ALREADY DEAD "CRITICA NACIONAL" FROM PAULO ENEAS. Gazeta do Povo: The Total Censorship from Bill 2630 , resurrected in this Bill of "New Civil Code" in Brazil With new rules (ALL UNCONSTITUTIONAL/ILLEGAL) in the proposed Bill of New Civil Code in Brazil, all social media and internet business are below PERMANENT HEAVY SURVEILLANCE ALL THE TIME AND WILL PREFER CENSORING BIG QUANTITY OF CONTENTS THAT DICTATORSHIP/TOTALITARIAN REGIME DON'T LIKE OR DON'T ACCEPT TO AVOID PUNISHMENTS. https://ift.tt/ehaQ9V7 More here: https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/vozes/cronicas-de-um-estado-laico/novo-codigo-civil-censura-liberdade-de-expressao/04:16:33
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipJuly, 25 of 2024 - Well I see that many people still scaring to see how much Elite DENIES THE EXISTENCE OF GOD because they became again Satanists, Tyrants and Totalitarians adept of Communist-Nazi-Fascist Atheist Ideologies using in Opening of Olympic Games 2024 in France that was a Catholic country. Olympic Games was converted again into a Pagan Party like was in ancient times already that Olympics was made in Greece to pay respect to pagan Gods such Zeus from Greece Mythology with things taken from Revelations/Apocalypse like Pale Horse only to deceive/induce many people to believe in many bad predictions that many still keeping doing/that we already are in Apocalypse and keeping accept Tyranny, Enslavement and Totalitarianism pacific way saying that this is "permission of God or fulfilment of God's Words/God's Prophecies" without taken account consequences of bad choices that French society made in past, only to challenge/affront God and made Blasphemy even of most important sacrament in Christian Churches and to Christians that is celebration of Saint Supper of Lord Jesus Christ. Don't forget that devil knows Holy Bible even more than us and using this to deceive many people. Who is Christian shouldn't care and even watching Olympic Games because of pagan Satanist origins of Olympics like the Christmas itself. I listened many preaching all guided, moved and inspired by Holy Spirit in Church that I frequent since long time ago where God condemned the people's idolatry in relation of Olympic Games and World Cups. I confess in that time when I listen these preaching I don't understand very well why God admonished so much Christians to not even watching Olympics and World Cups but since 2016 I saw and understand with scare how God KNOWS VERY WELL WHAT AND WHO WERE THE MAJORITY OF ELITE'S MEMBERS THAT BECOME AGAIN WERE AND WHAT THIS ELITE PRACTICE IN SECRECY SO FAR AWAY THE EYES OF COMMON PEOPLE.04:28:19
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipJuly, 25 of 2024 - Well I see that many people still scaring to see how much Elite DENIES THE EXISTENCE OF GOD because they became again Satanists, Tyrants and Totalitarians adept of Communist-Nazi-Fascist Atheist Ideologies using in Opening of Olympic Games 2024 in France that was a Catholic country. Olympic Games was converted again into a Pagan Party like was in ancient times already that Olympics was made in Greece to pay respect to pagan Gods such Zeus from Greece Mythology with things taken from Revelations/Apocalypse like Pale Horse only to deceive/induce many people to believe in many bad predictions that many still keeping doing/that we already are in Apocalypse and keeping accept Tyranny, Enslavement and Totalitarianism pacific way saying that this is "permission of God or fulfilment of God's Words/God's Prophecies" without taken account consequences of bad choices that French society made in past, only to challenge/affront God and made Blasphemy even of most important sacrament in Christian Churches and to Christians that is celebration of Saint Supper of Lord Jesus Christ. Don't forget that devil knows Holy Bible even more than us and using this to deceive many people. Who is Christian shouldn't care and even watching Olympic Games because of pagan Satanist origins of Olympics like the Christmas itself. I listened many preaching all guided, moved and inspired by Holy Spirit in Church that I frequent since long time ago where God condemned the people's idolatry in relation of Olympic Games and World Cups. I confess in that time when I listen these preaching I don't understand very well why God admonished so much Christians to not even watching Olympics and World Cups but since 2016 I saw and understand with scare how God KNOWS VERY WELL WHAT AND WHO WERE THE MAJORITY OF ELITE'S MEMBERS THAT BECOME AGAIN WERE AND WHAT THIS ELITE PRACTICE IN SECRECY SO FAR AWAY THE EYES OF COMMON PEOPLE.04:28:25
31 Jul 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: July, 29 of 2024 - Gideões: The EUA are very occupied with their Communists there, but that can down a COUNTER REVOLUTION from EUA to clean not only Venezuela, but all Latin America that becomes a DUMP. July, 29 of 2024 - Strangely search in my own channel in Telegram I can't find a old post that is right below. Is Telegram are protect Communist China now hidden and Censor this old post? I can't post everything that I wants in Telegram... Thanks God still have places such Gab that aren't Surveillance, Collect Private Information and aren't RAPING privacy of People! June, 05 of 2024 - Brazilians still accepting like was normal being treated like savage and uncivilized Indigenous? Brazil was converted into a DUMP for Communist China plays the rest full of defects their RUBBISH that they produce to the rest of Western World a evil work from Bill Clinton in 90's. Walk in Brazil's supermarkets, little/middle shops even big shoppings centers: THE 90% of products that they sells is made in China. Many people complained in past that Brazil becomes the backyard of Capitalist USA & Allies after WWII but these products have QUALITY but expansive and inaccessible for majority of Brazilians and even middle class that Brazil have before 2000 that are poor in comparison with middle class of USA & the rest of G7 like Japan. What Brazilians admired the most before 2000 was the high quality of products from Great Britain and multinationals such famous tennis from Adidas that they not fabricated since long time ago in West. Communist China becomes Fascist in economy and Monopolist to surviving, Putin do the same with Russia... Communist China are racist making difference in quality when they produce their products for a countries such USA, JAPAN and G7 that have NUCLEAR OGIVES... To poor countries that don't have nuclear weapons and are poor Third World like Brazil or Africa Communist China plays all the poisoned CRAP that is the rest of products that they made... Piece of Junk from Communist China are broken mirrors even worst from Portuguese Conquers & Explorer (Portugal Feudalist Empire) that they give to indigenous female in exchange to these woman give their bodies and making sex with these Imperial Portuguese military of XVI Century! Brazillians like brought Gewgaws that don't have quality that easily broken? Brazilians like to be put into massive Surveillance by SPYWARE that is all APKs and APPs that are from Communist China such TIKTOK, SHEIN, ALIEXPRESS AND SHOPEE? Fravio Bolsonaro: Workers Party tries to put the blame in Bolsonaro by taxation of purchases in APPs such Shopee, Shein etc, even this taxation coming from Lula, with all this LIES: "Always when you paid importation taxes that Bolsonaro put more taxes on you." In Senate we will work to down Lula's Taxes and not let Lula taxes Brazillian People even more than ever! https://t.co/Z3dtdSTtrU July, 30 of 2024 - Elections don't destroy dictatorships. Hitler (Majority of Western People always forget to mentioned Dictator Nazi-Fascist Tojo that was terrible too even worst than Hitler from Evil Nazi-Fascist Empire of Japan) don't fall I.E don't out from power with elections. Eleição não derruba ditaduras. Hitler não caiu com eleição. — JoseMarcioCastroAlves1953 https://youtu.be/oMd5TwBOsd0 1:58 The American Journal: Venezuelans Riot Against Communist Government After Stolen Election WATCH NOW | #AmericanJournal https://madmaxworld.tv/channel/the-american-journal https://www.infowars.com/posts/watch-live-venezuelans-riot-against-communist-government-after-stolen-election/ ╚»SUPPORT THE INFOWAR: www.infowarsstore.com Tommy Robinson Arrested under Anti-Terror Laws in UK https://www.infowars.com/posts/tommy-robinson-arrested-under-anti-terror-laws-in-uk/ Peter Hotez: Use Police and Military To Counter “Anti-Vaccine Aggression” https://www.infowars.com/posts/peter-hotez-use-police-and-military-to-counter-anti-vaccine-aggression/03:26:28
6 Aug 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: 01/08/2024 - Os Satanistas estão começando a censurar, sabotando e até botando os poucos verdadeiros jornalistas na cadeia como eles fizeram recentemente novamente com o Tommy Robinson na Inglaterra. Até o telefone novel e o Computador da gente como eu estes Terroristas,Subversivos, Genocidas, Ladrões, Corruptos,Escravagistas e Golpistas estão sabotando PARA ME SILENCIAR VIA SABOTAGEM ECONOMICA fazendo com que os meus aparelhos gastem mais energia elétrica além do normal por mais que voce se esforce e faça de tudo para economizar eletricidade além de estar usando muita MEMORIA RAM e ate consumindo demais a banda do plano de dados da Internet móvel / trolando DIMINUINDO a velocidade da Internet Fixa Residencial para evitar que acessamos os CONTEUDOS/ASSUNTOS QUE ESTÃO SENDO CENSURADOS E PROIBIDOS pelos Totalitsrios Até isto os Satanistas da Big Tech Microsoft,Apple e da Google controlam. Olha que situação nós estamos chegando. August, 01 of 2024 - Satanists begin to CENSOR EVEN MORE THAN EVER SABOTAGING AND PUTTING INTO JAIL THE FEW TRUE JOURNALISTS like they made recently with Tommy Robinson in Great Britain. Now even our mobile phone and PC from people like me these Terrorists, Subversive, Coup Planners, Thieves, Corrupts, Enslavers,Genocide,Infanticide and Totalitarians are sabotaging to SILENCE ME BY ECONOMIC SABOTAGE forcing my PC/Mobile Phone wasting more electricity more than normal even if you making everything is possible to economize electricity, less MEMORY RAM and wasting our Internet bandwidth of Residential Internet with objective to CENSOR STOP THAT WE ACCESS THE CONTENTS AND TOPICS THAT ARE BEING CENSORED AND PROHIBITED by Totalitarians. Even this Satanists from Big Tech , Google, Apple and Microsoft controls. See what point we are coming now.14:08:22
15 Aug 2024
@alci:matrix.org@alci:matrix.org left the room.04:05:01
@ghost679:matrix.org@ghost679:matrix.org left the room.05:38:57
17 Aug 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: Aug, 08 of 2024 - Exist the exit and solution to Free People from West even from 6 countries of G7 but "Journalists, Politicians, Judges, Influencers, Experts, Commentators and Analysts" hide, refuse to give and even CENSOR because they are only interested in making their PROFITS let people living in a eternal Vicious Cicle and from disgraces that are falling in the lives of people. The Greed are blinding these people from "Independent Media" that says that is so "Christians" ,"right", "impartial", " "courageous" and "Conservative". They only think to be famous, get many money and only in themselves. They never gave the solution that exist to over with this Totalitarian Dictatorship Hell not only exist in Venezuela,Cuba,Vietnam,China,Rússia and all dictatorships that exist in this worldwide. Aug, 09 of 2024 - Clouthub are censoring me too... I can't put the solution to people of West and even to America there... They don't let me use their weaponize algorithm and block posts that have some keywords. Bunch of Cowards owner of many Social Media like from Clouthub who becomes COHORT OF SATANISTS... We can say the same sadly that Fuentes says about Trump, Trumpism and GOP about Bolsonarismo, "Liberal" Party and Bolsonaro! Aug, 09 of 2024 - Nick Fuentes is One of few true American Patriot Conservative that are still with fidelity and glued with his principals. This is my opinion too what Fuentes says here: “You have alienated us, you have ignored us, you don’t listen to our concerns. We have been left behind. The Trump movement and the GOP have moved on without us. It serves Israel and corporations and immigrants, but it doesn’t serve native Americans.” “What about native Americans? What about Americans? What about young white men and others too? But what about us?” Fuentes asked. Infowars: America First Leader Nick Fuentes Declares "GROYPER WAR" Against Trump Campaign https://www.infowars.com/posts/america-first-leader-nick-fuentes-declares-groyper-war-against-trump-campaign August, 13 of 2024 - The message App such Whats App are full of Bots from Satanists and the blame for this hell is Obama and Trump inundating and disseminating Lies and Disinformation... They don't stop using the drop that still rest of Privacy and Freedom to DESTROY TOTALLY WITH FREEDOM AND PRIVACY! August, 13 of 2024 - EVIL THING is watch what this Tyrant of Bolsonaro and Corrupt Evil people from Fake Right Wing from devil are made more bad prophecies like him in name of King of Lies and Darkness. God destroy or invert logic when He wants. Power God have to do this too! More disinformation? More Lies? More Falsification even of official docs? More Terrorism? These are bullets from evil enemy that God says and WE MUST TO ERASE AND DESTROY with GIFT OF GOD CALLED FAITH IN NAME OF LORD JESUS CHRIST THAT IS THE LORD OF ARMY! Thanks God, Lord Jesus Christ and Holy Spirit that CONTROLS AND GIVE ORDERS EVEN IN HELL AND ENEMY OF OUR SOULS THE LORD OF DARKNESS. Don't have power who making bad predictions and don't happening these bad predictions that keeping done against people that they hate in name of King of Lies! Even prophecies made by fake prophets guided by devil in Name of Baal, bad spirits, satan and army of evil never comes true! Nothing of this from this criminals and terrorists like you Bolsonaro will never become true in Name of Jesus Christ! Jair M. Bolsonaro: - Lamentable even people die they will pay more taxes with terrible "Tributary Reform" of Luis Inacio. By Twitter: https://twitter.com/jairbolsonaro/status/1823018642029608994 August 12, 2024 at 12:28PM August 13, 2024 - Obvious that preaching from Shepards and Fathers from many Christian Churches is not "Hate Speech" and never will be In Name of Lord Jesus Christ! Satanists begin to measure now "water temperature" to see if people will ACCEPT THE END OF RELIGIOUS FREEDOM" in 2024? Holy Spirit must have freedom in Church to say what God wants to say what He wants! That is why in many Dictatorships like Communist China, Russia or Nazi-Fascist from old Axis don't permitted that exist true Christian Churches and only is permitted Fake Churches controlled or from Totalitarian Satanists. Aug 13, 2024 - The Brazilian "Justice" says: Preaching the Word of God or religious preaching is not a "Hate Speech" https://ift.tt/4ovFN3A Judge of Brazilia City based in "Supreme Court" jurisprudence to affirm that Preaching is not a "Hate Speech" because they don't defended violence against people that made part of LGBT Movement or against Gays and Lesbians. Aug 13, 2024 - The true results from this "pool" is the shocking because is of almost 90% that will not "vote" in this 2024 if they with not obliged to pay to their "government" to justify even their ausence in time to "vote"... The blame for all this totalitarian dictatorial hell is Fake Right Wing and Traitor Corrupt Bolsonaro. Majority of Brazillian population don't wants be used again by evil goals/ends of Tyrannical, Evil, Satanic, Dictatorial, Authoritarian, Thief, Oppressor,Totalitarian, Dirty, Criminal, Dishonest, Enslaver, Infanticide, Genocide, Greed, Miserable and Extremely Corrupt SYSTEM. Almost half of population of São Paulo's City don't wanna vote if the vote wasn't obligatory by "pools" of Datafolha that is from "MSM" Folha de SP. https://ift.tt/Hao3vAx02:31:30
26 Aug 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipAug 20, 2024 - @a Diabolical Satanists are using bad prophecies from Holy Bible and Apocalypse like they always do in all historic ages of history of mankind with objective to SLAVE / DOMINATED PEOPLE'S MIND, BODY AND SOUL taking all HOPE and faith of people in God's Miracles/Providence/Infinite Power and in the power of Lord Jesus Christ! They using this including in DARK AGES OF FEUDALISM, WWI, WWII, 09/11/2001 AND ETC... Inducing people to accept slavery and death with total conformism without fight for real to get their Freedoms, Privacy, Rights and Lives back. Doomerism: The Pernicious Force Defining Our Age - Torba https://news.gab.com/2024/08/doomerism-the-pernicious-force-defining-our-age/ This mindset can manifest in various ways, from apocalyptic religious beliefs to fear-driven political strategies and alarmist media reporting. Doomerism has a detrimental impact on society, eroding trust, fostering cynicism, and stifling innovation. The media is of course complicit in the propagation of doomerism, as fear serves as a potent catalyst for clicks and views. Sensationalist headlines and alarmist reporting have become the norm, as news outlets vie for the attention of an increasingly fractured and desensitized audience. This relentless barrage of doom and gloom further erodes the public’s capacity for critical thinking and discernment, engendering a climate of perpetual apprehension and distrust.13:04:53
29 Aug 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipESTAMOS NA TERCEIRA GUERRA MUNDIAL / WE ARE IN WWIII ! 🇺🇸: August 27, 2024 - We must PRAY and Fasting more to God In Name of Lord Jesus Christ about Pavel Durov to keep the tool Telegram online, encrypted, without Satanist Totalitarian backdoors to SPY ON US, WITHOUT DESTRUCTION OF anonymity, in the good hands of Durov, in our hands and WITHOUT DAMN EVIL CENSORSHIP/SURVEILLANCE. I can't believed how Durov let devils put he into jail so easily like this. Durov don't learning nothing with Satanists done unfairly MURDERED AARON SCHWARTZ  with all impunity, Persecuted & Arrested unfairly Kim Dotcom destroyed Megaupload Plataform with first menace against YouTube/Google Monopoly, Persecuted and Arrested Julian Assange and another innocent people with high skills that developed solutions to protect our Freedom and Privacy after 2013 when traitor of Snowden + Greenwald (See that these Greenwald aren't arrested or persecuted until now because he is Nazi-Fascist and keeping make the devil to enslave and murder more Western people ever) opens this Pandora Box of Surveillance given the justification to Obama delivered ICANN/WEB to UN in Oct of 2016? That is why I can't believed that Durov was arrested in France... Why and How Durov let be caught so easily? Terça Livre: Elon Musk ordered that Pavel Durov the CEO OF TELEGRAM be FREED FROM FRANCE'S JAIL https://ift.tt/durnRCv By Terca LivreLivre http://t.me/aliancabrasil August 28, 2024 - Is worst than that...is to keeping enslave and kill more innocent people... This started by Scandemic in 2020... I feels since that time like Anne Frank who is written a digital diary like Anne Frank wrote when she her family and another families all jews was hidden from Nazis in Netherlands... The end of innocent and poor Anne Frank was very sad. Even the service that I use to keep barely my basic privacy & anonymity protect is more restricted since today Aug 28, 2024 and when Durov was arrested (This is not a Coincidence) and because many people are in despair and started using and providers of service that probably don't have sufficient money to keep all amazing features for free that they let us using for free... Satanists are destroying with all basic rights such privacy, anonymity and freedom of people from West gradually with more speed than ever... Like I told since 2020 and I will repeat that these basic true human rights are becoming a luxury , a privilege that only 1% of population can have for free meanwhile us from 99% can not because are blocked/prohibited to use by force... Matze: Why is the MSM and French government trying to destroy Telegram? https://x.com/ChanelRion/status/1828824872778362973?t=Ul8UtrtGtHEOwyR0ul2flQ&s=19 August 29, 2024 - You Satanists from Controlled Opposition A.K.A FAKE RIGHT WING are making the devil like Dilma Rousseff said long time ago in 2017 to block the use of VPNs such of Proton VPN to restrict / block the features even more from these VPNs that are already so stuffed with many users from many dictatorships or countries that are becoming a Dictatorship like France... To CENSOR / SILENCE even more don't let that TRUE CHRISTIAN PATRIOTS using these VPNs to DENOUCE THEIR CRIMES protecting themselves from Oppression, Persecution, Torture, Tyranny, Violence, Censorship, Heavy MassivevSurveillance and Terrorism and let BOTS USING THESE VPNs. Rumble block/cuts the access from Brazilian users direct from Brazil because of implacable persecution from this Supreme Court of Brazil infested with Terrorists more than a year in Brazil and France... Pavel Durov Owner and Director of Telegram App was indicted / FINED unfaily and was in "jail" by crimes that Durov don't committed in France... This is the next step that we waiting that Satanists will give to increase Censorship/TERRORISM/TYRANNY in Brazil even more than already are since 2020. Is all movement so coordinated, orquestraded, organized and very well choreographed between Satanists... Olavo de Carvalho was right again when he warning us saying in 2019 I guess: "A organized minority with power in their hands WINS a disorganized majority." Brazil: Bia Kicis: Already using a VPN? THE CENSORSHIP COMES WITH FULL POWER and Brazil will gonna enter in shameful list of worst countries of this world that are TOTALITARIAN DICTATORSHIP (CUBA, CHINA, VIETNAM, IRAN, NORTH KOREA, VENEZUELA, Afghanistan AND ETC...) that ban TWITTER (X) , the platform that defends FREE SPEECH to People. https://t.co/rDwn71ypD8 via Twitter https://twitter.com/CarolDeToni/status/1828942331808031077 August 28, 2024 at 08:46PM Caroline de Toni: URGENT!!! Supreme Court ordered Elon Musk in post in Twitter (X) ,that threatening BLOCK THE ACESS OF BRAZILIANS DIRECTLY FROM BRAZIL. Moraes giving 24hrs to that his order be obeyed by Musk, and this blatant ilegal inconstitucional order must be obeyed by Musk done by a post in Twitter by Brazil Supreme Court official profile in this Wednesday. https://t.co/krESNl9FBk via Twitter https://twitter.com/CarolDeToni/status/1828942331808031077 August 28, 2024 at 08:46PM August 29, 2024 - David Knight already told to us what happened with another entrepreneur like Durov who build a service of Cryptomoney with robust protection of users PRIVACY with in USA that was condemned to prison for the rest of his life for the "CRIME" of offered PRIVACY TO PEOPLE FOR FREE... The "Crime" of Durov was build a Platform of Telegram that offered Freedom and Privacy... In my country the "Judiciary" wants now Block Twitter access for people if Musk not Censors the people that they wants. The guilt for This hell is Obama, Trump (I don't know why because Trump never explained to us why he don't take ICANN in 2017 back to US Jurisdiction until now 2024) and of negligent, corrupted, lazy and coward people of G7 and specially of USA who trust in their system and in Trump between 2016 until 2020! August 29, 2024 - You Satanists from Controlled Opposition A.K.A FAKE RIGHT WING are making the devil like Dilma Rousseff said long time ago in 2017 to block the use of VPNs such of Proton VPN to restrict / block the features even more from these VPNs that are already so stuffed with many users from many dictatorships or countries that are becoming a Dictatorship like France... To CENSOR / SILENCE even more don't let that TRUE CHRISTIAN PATRIOTS using these VPNs to DENOUCE THEIR CRIMES protecting themselves from Oppression, Persecution, Torture, Tyranny, Violence, Censorship, Heavy MassivevSurveillance and Terrorism and let BOTS USING THESE VPNs. Rumble block/cuts the access from Brazilian users direct from Brazil because of implacable persecution from this Supreme Court of Brazil infested with Terrorists more than a year in Brazil and France... Pavel Durov Owner and Director of Telegram App was indicted / FINED unfaily and was in "jail" by crimes that Durov don't committed in France... This is the next step that we waiting that Satanists will give to increase Censorship/TERRORISM/TYRANNY in Brazil even more than already are since 2020. Is all movement so coordinated, orquestraded, organized and very well choreographed between Satanists... Olavo de Carvalho was right again when he warning us saying in 2019 I guess: "A organized minority with power in their hands WINS a disorganized majority." ⁠Brazil Threatens to Block Access to X Within 24 Hours After the Platform Refused to Censor https://www.infowars.com/posts/brazil-threatens-to-block-access-to-x-within-24-hours-after-the-platform-refused-to-censor17:42:08
30 Aug 2024
@minoria:matrix.orglilac changed their display name from lilac to testi test.18:54:21
@minoria:matrix.orglilac changed their display name from testi test to lilac.18:55:13
11 Sep 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipSeptember 11, 2024 - Brazilian people only goes to Paulista Avenue in São Paulo City in another "Independence Day" of Brazil in September 07, 2024 that is a Fake Independence in reality since 1500 because Brazilian people are in total despair and panic that accept everything to free and save themselves from Totalitarian and Tyrannical Dictatorship and all their hoaxes and fake solutions even these Liars and Corrupts from Fake Right Wing... The Liar of Bolsonaro and Fake Right Wing of Bandits, Totalitarians, Authoritarians, Liars, Corrupts, Censors and Tyrants are so evil machiavellian manipulators , opportunists and mercenaries full of Greed for Power that Lies , hidden all truth , only says halfs truths and distorted the facts everytime that are surfing above Brazilian People again treat people like their propriety I.E CATTLE that are in total despair that only awakes now... After Twitter was banned from Brazil...like is on Communist China, North Coreia, Russia, Iran and in worst Totalitarian/Authoritarian, Satanist, bloody, censor, corrupt, Genocidal,Infanticidal,Brutal  Dictatorships that exists in this world. Only after that they lost the freedom of speech, freedom of flux of information and by consequence lost everything that is precious that are all other freedoms such Religious Freedom/Privacy, Partial American Way of Life, Partial Judeo-Christian Civilization and their own LIFE... ONLY AWAKES TOO LATE... SATANIST LEFT IS NOT SATISFIED AND WANTS MORE AGENDA 2030,CENSORSHIP, TYRANNY, SLAVERY, GENOCIDE,ENSLAVEMENT, SLAVERY,POISONING,INFANTICIDE,POLLUTION, MISERY,DISEASES, STARVATION, ILLITERACY,SCANDEMICS,PLANDEMICS, IGNORANCE AND ALL THAT IS EVIL AND BAD BEFORE GOD SUCH NATURAL LAWS ESQUERDA NÃO ESTÁ SATISFEITA E QUER MAIS RESTRIÇÃO À EXPRESSÃO — Geopoliticando https://youtu.be/LUDfPkJ6FdE 13:3014:04:22
13 Sep 2024
@againstcensorship:matrix.orgAgainst CensorshipSeptember 13, 2024 - Confiscation is robbery and is a thing of Tyrants, Totalitarians and Authoritarians but how a Illegitimate Evil Government can stole a money that don't exist? This is another HOAX of Dictatorial System only to put FEAR in People. Don't exist this thing of "forgotten money" in banks from majority of Brazilian people. Stop treating Brazilian people like they are American of Japanese People that was really Free and Rich that majority of them was of Middle Class that wins honestly more than 7.000 Reais (Brazilian Currency) that had dignity for real. Brazilian people is POOR and don't forgotten money in banks. WTF? What is this history? Brazilian is miserable, miserly and is so glued and attached in money , do you know why? Because Brazilian people have only the few money that not even give to each Brazilian survive and give decent life their family since 1985. Do you think that Cattle of Brazil have money like American and Japanese People before 2013 or 2016? Majority of Americans and Japanese people was of real middle class and they can have this "forgotten money" in banks. Japanese people was the only one people in this world that are notorious of people who built the biggest savings of this world... The majority of Brazilians don't have money to "forgotten" or in savings and hate do economize when they can. Brazillian waste when they have money because they don't have dignity even before 1985... Dignity too is one of important things that this Satanist Elite of 1% treats Brazil like their Plantation full of slaves to serve this damn Evil 1% that never wants give dignity to Brazilian people since 1500...14:20:08
27 Jun 2020
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman changed the history visibility to "world_readable" from "shared".21:05:36
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhumanDownload y2mate.com - Italian Leader Slams 'False COVID-19 Numbers_ 25K Did Not Die, it's a way to Impose a Dictatorship'_bUCWcft6kao_1080p.mp421:07:06
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @svmetallica:matrix.orgsvmetallica.21:18:23
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @a--a:matrix.orga--a.21:18:23
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @ariotgorn:matrix.orgariotgorn.21:18:24
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @brebis_sereine:matrix.orgBrebis Sereine.21:18:25
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @dadol42:matrix.orgdadol42.21:18:25
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @devnull80:matrix.orgdevnull80.21:18:26
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @facedananas:matrix.orgfacedananas.21:18:27
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @flo2mars:matrix.orgflo2mars.21:18:28
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @frank99:matrix.orgfrank99.21:18:29
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @frekvoild5:matrix.orgfrekvoild5.21:18:30
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @gedw_nsic:matrix.orggedw_nsic.21:18:30
@crystalhuman:matrix.orgcrystalhuman invited @joe2i:matrix.orgjoe2i.21:18:38

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