

2074 Members
Channel for those working on the JS side of the interplanetary stack (e.g, IPFS, libp2p, IPLD). Bridged to #ip-js in IPFS Discord and Filecoin Slack.2 Servers

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3 Sep 2024
@_slack_filecoinproject_U03JVUR4DEV:ipfs.iotruckerfling (catching up) changed their display name from truckerfling (OOO Aug 23 - Sep 3) to truckerfling (catching up).17:30:14
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06D9M94TBJ:ipfs.ioSgtPooki service worker gateway uses trustless gateways currently.. the only transports available for service worker gateway to use direct retrieval is WSS & webtransport.. WSS is not very popular on the network. webtransport is available somewhat on the network but there are various issues across browsers (best in FF afaik) webrtc unfortunately will likely never be in service workers: • https://github.com/w3c/webrtc-pc/issues/230https://github.com/w3c/ServiceWorker/issues/1522 17:42:58
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06D9M94TBJ:ipfs.ioSgtPooki once we get libp2p.direct (certificates for “any” libp2p node) working, wss might be more available on the network 17:45:27
@stfstf:matrix.orgfrench boyok thanks didn't know that19:05:25
@_discord_823761420038307840:ipfs.iomogactually joined the room.19:29:32
4 Sep 2024
@_slack_filecoinproject_U068RQ73CA0:ipfs.ioShobhit Srivastava Folks any pointers on this? https://filecoinproject.slack.com/archives/C046HDAHA13/p1724919189988719 06:08:01
@_slack_filecoinproject_UGTGV0ELQ:ipfs.iorvagg you need to be doing the traversal yourself if you want a delta car - keep track of the CIDs in the original CAR, do the traversal into a new CAR and halt a branch if you encounter a CID that’s in the original easy delta creation because encountering a CID that’s already there means the entire graph under the CID is also duplicated so the trick is just knowing what’s in the original CAR, maybe use @ipld/car directly do do all of this - load original car and track CIDs, then write new CAR and skip the graph where you encounter a new one. Traversal is fairly straightforward to implement, you could copy https://github.com/multiformats/js-multiformats/blob/master/src/traversal.ts but I guess you’d want unixfs in there too (I’m not familiar with the helia codebase so I’m not familiar with the higher level interfaces it affords you but I’m sure it has a lot of the tools in there already to work with this) 08:15:10
@_discord_428218892209487895:ipfs.io.nolski joined the room.08:54:00
@_slack_filecoinproject_U01MVUHC342:ipfs.iobiglep changed their display name from biglep (OOO) to biglep.15:19:34
@_discord_336567624982986752:ipfs.iomlliarm joined the room.17:02:15
@_slack_filecoinproject_U016Q49G5B6:ipfs.iojennijuju - slack overflow changed their display name from jennijuju to jennijuju - backlogged.23:24:26
@_slack_filecoinproject_U016Q49G5B6:ipfs.iojennijuju - slack overflow changed their display name from jennijuju - backlogged to jennijuju.23:24:52
5 Sep 2024
@_slack_filecoinproject_U016Q49G5B6:ipfs.iojennijuju - slack overflow changed their display name from jennijuju to jennijuju - slack overflow.00:51:42
@dietrich:matrix.orgdietrichi got an invite to a js meeting on luma, but the google meet URL seems to be invalid.14:34:16
@dietrich:matrix.orgdietrichis there actually one?14:34:29
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CJ0DLG85:ipfs.ioAlex Potsides There’s supposed to be, Daniel set it up but can’t actually make the meeting 14:37:04
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CJ0DLG85:ipfs.ioAlex Potsides I have updated the event - try this one (cc lidel SgtPooki) - https://meet.google.com/awn-hgxe-dyd 14:38:31
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CE8Z1C1L:ipfs.ioDaniel Norman Weird. I set it up in a way that anyone can join without me 15:09:28
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CE8Z1C1L:ipfs.ioDaniel Norman Not sure why 15:09:32
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CE8Z1C1L:ipfs.ioDaniel Norman I guess you’re done by now? 15:09:36
@_slack_filecoinproject_U06CYM1DWE4:ipfs.iolidel I think Google changed something, and it hard errors if your first google account is not matching email from Luma invite, rather than asking which account you want to use. In my case I had to manually go to meet.google.com, switch to shipyard account, and then manually open meeting ID (awn-hgxe-dyd) 16:24:14
@_discord_618961145939623966:ipfs.iopwohmy joined the room.16:39:07
6 Sep 2024
@bratsmh:matrix.org. joined the room.00:50:27
@_discord_895028056358539294:ipfs.iovitomelchionna joined the room.10:24:01
@bratsmh:matrix.org. left the room.12:49:05
@_slack_filecoinproject_UEKLVJA2V:ipfs.iomosh Fun fact: Helia at 2 years old is 2x more popular than js-ipfs at 2 years old. (But has the benefit of halo effect from wider awareness of IPFS, so it’s not a super clean comparison.) https://star-history.com/#ipfs/helia-verified-fetch&ipfs/helia&ipfs/js-ipfs&Timeline 15:59:05
@browny_jones:matrix.orgBrowny joined the room.23:52:50
7 Sep 2024
@james_scott_001:matrix.orgjames_scott_001 joined the room.01:38:59
@james_scott_001:matrix.orgjames_scott_001Hey there! I wanted to let you know that I have a Telegram channel where I share some amazing Verified sauce and soft cashout
Here are some of the things you can find on my channel:
• Apple Pay
• Bank logs/ bank drops
• Chime transfer
• Cashapp
• Clone card
• Credit Cards( Cvv )
• CC sites
• PayPal transfer
• Wellsfargo sauce
I promise you that all the methods are real and legit. No scams here! And please don't worry about how much money you have. Just be honest and I'll try my best to help you out.
So, if you're interested, please join my channel through the link below. See you there ✅✅
@james_scott_001:matrix.orgjames_scott_001 left the room.16:05:48

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