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9 Sep 2023
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️Fully justified.09:23:53
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️What are features that should be added or easy to add in a new bot? (not promising anything ofcourse)09:25:40
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinascheduling is the main one that people wanted I think09:28:10
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️My suggestions are: 1. Support multiple chat networks simultaneously (I think the currrent bot has something simillar) 2. Support game aliases 3. Have a description for each game 4. Being able to get a list of the list's you're in09:29:21
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️Again, Zero promises here!09:29:35
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathe current bot can do 1 independently (they don't share data)09:30:01
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️How do you and everyone expect the scheduling to work?09:30:05
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinait would be trivial to make them share data though09:30:07
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinayeah aliases isn't a bad idea09:30:26
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina https://git.libregaming.org/LibreGaming/matchmaking-bot/issues/3 09:31:02
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina https://git.libregaming.org/LibreGaming/matchmaking-bot/issues/2 09:31:10
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaarcmage's bot has an implementation of that (C#)09:32:14
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️Btw, should we close issue? 09:32:20
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️#6* 09:32:27
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️arcmage's bot? is that the second one or is it an external one?09:33:27
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaan external one09:34:18
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinait was posted recently on #organi09:34:26
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina #libregaming-organization:tchncs.de 09:34:31
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️I missed it09:34:59
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowBleah C#09:35:21
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️I can't find it09:36:08
@franzopow:matrix.orgfranzopowJust search it in the arcmage github repo09:37:12
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️I found it09:42:47
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️will usage of something like sqlite3 be considered a negative or a positive?09:46:40
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinadunno, I guess modifying the database is easier10:00:29
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaI don't think poVoq would have a problem with sqlite10:00:53
In reply to @skyflare:conduit.rs
Fully justified.
I wouldn't say it is, there's lots of useful JVM software, but unless you have a plan to host it yourself then following poVoq's requirements are the easiest (or possibly hribhrib): Yes, hosting was the only objection to the clojure implementation, other than it basically springing fully formed out of the blue.
In reply to @skyflare:conduit.rs
What are features that should be added or easy to add in a new bot? (not promising anything ofcourse)

I'm using dictation here so this may read more of a stream of consciousness than usual:

So I've had all this in my mind for a while now but never actually set it out loud to even like jitsi or something and basically my overall recommendation is to focus first on the data structure. So you've said above more about like features and stuff but what the old bots didn't have was the ability to annotate what we'd already had so all we had was games and players and making them together so that meant that when we wanted to we couldn't add like you know a sub game or server address for example.
In my mind it made most sense to consider storing all this data actually purely in the matchmaking channels matrix data because that way the code just operates on what's there and can be hosted anywhere whereas but I guess sqlite would be a perfectly fine substitution for this it just means that only the person hosting the code can actually access the real live data and for example for export or whatever.
This applies even to you know a user a user could have aliases that they get pinged by or you could store you could provide a mechanism for them to store their own time zone in and so that then when you say got match it'll ping everyone with the time that will actually happen in their own time zone but even that to be fair it was a kind of feature that I'm not sure how much will be used.
The matchbot here does definitely seem to be used mainly for I'm ready to play a game now who else is available but if you look in the channel topic you can see we did have detail of people's overall average weekly availability and which is yeah. Wow this really has been a bit of a stream of consciousness I will try to edit it a little bit hopefully it makes a little bit sense and if it doesn't then feel free to suggest a gypsy Meetup and we can hash it over a bit more one-to-one.

10 Sep 2023
@skyflare:conduit.rsSkyflare ⚡️"most sense to consider storing all this data actually purely in the matchmaking channels matrix data" What? we can save data in a matrix channel, do you have any resources for this (though I'm pretty that this will be blocked by povoq before any technical complexities or issues) "gypsy meetup"? did you mean Jitsi?04:27:47

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