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21 Jan 2023
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqthe project I linked is targeting a Quad-core Cortex-A7 CPU, Mali GPU and 1GB DDR3 Memory, so don't tell me about godot being to heavy17:25:01
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqwho cares about compile times for something you write script code for that doesn't need compiling17:25:33
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqcompiling the engine you either do never or once every few months at most17:26:17
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqvery Windowish though and more aimed towards emulators18:19:17
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina poVoq: people using gentoo care obviously 20:48:36
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina poVoq: the project running on a low powered computer doesn't tell much about godot to be fair 20:49:43
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinait's just UI20:49:52
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina specing: my CPU is barely 20% better according to benchmarks 20:50:36
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaso fix your shit20:50:46
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinait can't be 6x slower20:50:54
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqrampoina it say something about using Godot for cross-platform GUI applications 20:51:19
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinaif you don't care about the GUI being an immediate mode gui yes20:51:47
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathe tools are pretty decent as well20:52:49
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqexcept for some possible accessibility concerns I don't really see a problem with that20:53:04
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathey're not possible20:53:19
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinathey're real20:53:28
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqsince a launcher is an optional tool I feel less concerned about that though ¯\_(ツ)_/¯20:54:28
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinait's not the end of the world20:55:06
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqand the launcher tool actually has controller and keyboard input it seems20:55:45
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqso people will probably find ways to use it20:56:36
@specing:libera.chat@specing:libera.chatoh that20:58:12
@specing:libera.chat@specing:libera.chata lot of games neglect a nice input configurator tool :|20:58:35
@specing:libera.chat@specing:libera.chat so it'd be nice if it were in launcher 20:58:46
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqseems to be included in the one I shared first21:02:14
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqbut on a normal PC I am not sure if that will work21:02:38
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoinayou could rebind controls system wide before launching the game and restore them when stopping, I don't see why not21:03:25
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqyes, I meant the way it is currently done in that launcher21:04:04
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.netpoVoqas it is targeting very specialized hardware21:04:20

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