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libregaming.org For bursts of high-volume organisational activity11 Servers

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24 Feb 2023
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.net@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.net joined the room.15:39:41
@heisenbridge:irc.freegamedev.netheisenbridge ⚡️ left the room.23:33:31
25 Feb 2023
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina invited @appservice-irc:matrix.f-hub.org@appservice-irc:matrix.f-hub.org.14:44:40
@appservice-irc:matrix.f-hub.org@appservice-irc:matrix.f-hub.org joined the room.14:47:54
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoq joined the room.14:48:13
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqfrom FGD14:48:13
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina \o 14:48:33
@fhubadmin:matrix.f-hub.org@fhubadmin:matrix.f-hub.org joined the room.15:05:22
@cstrauss:matrix.org@cstrauss:matrix.org left the room.20:13:09
@irc_poVoq:matrix.f-hub.orgpoVoqstill exists22:38:33
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1 yes, workshop still exists, but there's not been an overwhelming volume of posts in #libregaming-organization:tchncs.de to redirect here 22:39:21
28 Feb 2023
@bifrost:matrix.orgBifrost Bot left the room.09:00:35
7 Mar 2023
@bifrost:matrix.orgBifrost Bot joined the room.08:34:06
@lovecraft_fanatic:matrix.org@lovecraft_fanatic:matrix.org left the room.16:00:40
17 Mar 2023
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina changed their profile picture.15:06:12
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina changed their profile picture.15:21:19
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina changed their profile picture.15:42:11
@rampoina:matrix.orgRampoina changed their profile picture.15:45:26
18 Mar 2023
@infra_red:matrix.orginfra_red left the room.16:00:39
@infra_red:matrix.orginfra_red joined the room.18:48:03
20 Mar 2023
@tux0:mozilla.org@tux0:mozilla.org left the room.08:57:33
23 Mar 2023
@seancjscherer:matrix.orgseancjscherer joined the room.06:38:23
@seancjscherer:matrix.orgseancjschererJust went through stuff from since I was last around ( that is, before the new year)..06:55:02
@seancjscherer:matrix.orgseancjschererThe potential Launcher sounds interesting.06:55:15
@seancjscherer:matrix.orgseancjschererI still have half a mind of trying for "resurrecting" some of the stuff we were working on a good year ago. Right now I'm pretty enthused by Unvanquished though, so might be a while till I revisit here.06:56:11
@seancjscherer:matrix.orgseancjschererAlso - I think for the most part I'll be sticking to your "backlog, shmaklog" adage poVoq :P. But I will be going through "Organisation" now :) .07:02:41
27 Mar 2023
@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.net@irc_irc.freegamedev.net_povoq:irc.freegamedev.net left the room.09:00:06

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