29 Jan 2025 |
Adin Schmahmann | There's this comment: https://github.com/w3c/webtransport/issues/623#issuecomment-2515258382
But it's not relevant from the perspective of a security issue. A leak is a leak, an abuse vector is an abuse vector. Preventing this in webtransport doesn't stop anything bad from happening. It just forces use of a crappier transport (and I suppose something something about service workers). | 22:11:22 |
Adin Schmahmann | > but this conversation was inevitable.
Unless I'm reading it wrong, the latest meeting comment seems positive. But does that mean anything? i.e. if Anne refuses to budge what's the likely to mean? | 22:13:29 |
Adin Schmahmann | Don't have enough history / context to know what happens when Google + FF go one way and Chrome the other and there's not some critical consumer at Google who cares about the feature to keep pushing it against all others. | 22:15:18 |
dietrich | History says that the web can stay non-interoperable on a given API for decades. | 22:18:18 |
dietrich | ... despite the W3C TAG's Ethical Web principle of "one web" 😂 | 22:19:42 |
Adin Schmahmann | There's just one. It's called "things that work with my browser". Anything else being compatible is incidental | 22:20:32 |
dietrich | That's why I worked on the Baseline project last year. | 22:23:37 |
dietrich | Brings some focus to exactly that. | 22:23:49 |
Adin Schmahmann | Is Kadir still working on that? | 22:24:10 |
dietrich | Yeah he's running the Google participation in it. | 22:26:40 |
30 Jan 2025 |
| Talib expert changed their display name from 🃏 jokers to Talib Hussain. | 09:56:39 |
| @lilgpg:matrix.org joined the room. | 17:52:16 |
| @lilgpg:matrix.org left the room. | 18:13:24 |
Mauve | Kinda related, are there devgrants or some sort of microgrants available for migrating from kubo to helia? | 18:20:40 |
Mauve | We (distributed.press) have a kubo dependency via the old js-ipfs libraries but were thinking it'd be good to give helia a spin since we're node based. Sadly we don't have budget for it. Main outcome would be helia based scripts for publishing folders to IPNS and keeping them seeded + a reduced min system requirements for self hosting DP | 18:22:16 |
31 Jan 2025 |
| bee07834 joined the room. | 02:33:33 |
| careless_eel joined the room. | 02:57:25 |
| @kaiquearth:matrix.org joined the room. | 05:49:25 |
dietrich | probably better to ask in #ip-js:ipfs.io or #ipfs-ecosystem:ipfs.io | 07:54:14 |
| @+920+67:matrix.org joined the room. | 08:08:29 |
| DharmaBum (focused hacking on FWS payments) changed their display name from DharmaBum to DharmaBum (DDO is awesome for everyone). | 08:25:03 |
| @+920+67:matrix.org left the room. | 09:04:27 |
| @kaiquearth:matrix.org left the room. | 15:09:04 |
| @tioww:matrix.org left the room. | 20:58:39 |
1 Feb 2025 |
| @jahdjr:matrix.org joined the room. | 02:08:20 |
| @jahdjr:matrix.org left the room. | 02:08:43 |
| Maks joined the room. | 10:25:09 |
| @prostoneyana:matrix.org joined the room. | 11:25:40 |
| @prostoneyana:matrix.org left the room. | 11:26:03 |
| saadson joined the room. | 13:11:33 |