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Stressgrid is an open-source cloud-native tool for load testing at the scale of millions of simulated devices1 Servers

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2 Dec 2020
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenex *

I'm trying to do a query, so I'm doing a POST(that's the way graphql works). This is the query

query {
  me {

0..1 |> Enum.each(fn _ ->
post("/api", [{"Authorization", "Bearer token"}], "query {me {id\n firstName\n }}")
delay(900, 0.1)
end)These should be pass in the params but, they are not showin in the server. I'm using this:

@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenex *

These should be pass in the params but, they are not showin in the server. I'm using this:

0..1 |> Enum.each(fn _ ->
  post("/api", [{"Authorization", "Bearer token"}], "query {me {id\n    firstName\n  }}")
  delay(900, 0.1)

@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenex *

These should be pass in the params but, they are not showing in the server. I'm using this:

0..1 |> Enum.each(fn _ ->
  post("/api", [{"Authorization", "Bearer token"}], "query {me {id\n    firstName\n  }}")
  delay(900, 0.1)

@kt315_:matrix.orgkt315_you are not see the body, or authorization header?22:42:07
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexThe authorization header works ok22:51:41
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexThe body is not working22:51:49
@_slack_stressgrid_UJGFWD9DG:matrix.orgkt315 what content type is this? 22:52:03
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexIt's a graphql query22:52:13
@_slack_stressgrid_UJGFWD9DG:matrix.orgkt315 you'll need to include explicit "Content-Type" header I think 22:52:46
curl \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  --data '{ "query": "{ posts { title } }" }' \
@_slack_stressgrid_UJGFWD9DG:matrix.orgkt315 ok, add {"Content-Type", "application/json"} to the header list 22:55:12
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexok, will try22:55:21
3 Dec 2020
@_slack_stressgrid_UJGFWD9DG:matrix.orgkt315 this might be relevant https://stackoverflow.com/questions/43675933/in-graphql-can-i-send-variables-with-content-type-application-graphql 18:27:26
5 Dec 2020
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenex kt315: thnx! it did work 00:14:28
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexcongratulations for building this usefull tool!00:14:46
@_slack_stressgrid_UJGFWD9DG:matrix.orgkt315 I am glad it did. Thank you! 00:15:03
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexI've been testing my elixir application (phoenix)00:15:38
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexon Azure, using a B1s (1 CPU and 1GB RAM), and I get around 500 req/s, with CPU getting around 85%00:16:16
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexDatabase it's outside the VM00:16:28
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexWhen I use a F2s (2 CPU and 4GB RAM, high performance VM optimized for compute), I get around 1400 req/s (just serving static content, or doing simple queries, no elixir procesing of data00:17:29
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexThese values are far from your metrics which area around 2700 req/s per CPU core00:17:49
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexcould I be doing something wrong?00:18:01
@_slack_stressgrid_UJGFWD9DG:matrix.orgkt315 if you have to reach to other system, like DB or file system, this will add the overhead, in my tests the dummy server was returning constant data blob 00:20:12
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexWhen I do the test, just serving static data (no queries, I get 500req/s, when I perform simple queries to DB, also 500req/s)00:21:17
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexSeems CPU gets lots of overhead just serving static data00:21:33
@_slack_stressgrid_UJGFWD9DG:matrix.orgkt315 I'd need to look at the code to give more definitive answer, you can also look at dummy servers here for reference https://gitlab.com/stressgrid/dummies 00:22:59
31 Dec 2020
@bxo:matrix.orgbxo joined the room.00:38:42
7 Jan 2021
@underfenex:matrix.orgunderfenexHi @k00:58:25
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