
Intelligent Conversation

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8 Apr 2021
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event13:12:09
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgIn numbers: Sales people make about 475-560 usd. One salary is not enough. The cheapest room is 180-200 usd/month with utilities included. Low quality food min 170 but 200-250 usd/ month for a person. If nothing goes wrong. Business owners usually expect you to rely on someone else. So they don't pay the real cost of the employees.14:05:05
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgIt's a regular practice. I have seen in other stores too.14:06:54
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:07:19
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgThey fire.14:07:27
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgThe people justify by saying: Owners deserve it and they have money.14:09:18
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:09:21
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:09:59
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgYes. That's out of question.14:10:35
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgThey work with about the same prices as in foregin14:11:09
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgyet pay half or two third to the employees.14:12:03
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:12:52
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:15:30
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgYet, they blame the employees for accepting the job. The question, is a deprived person fault for his/her actions?14:22:37
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgThey live their entire life and rise their children as if this were an unchangable reality to live with.14:23:43
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgAnd yeah, owners are at fault. Yet, they are "just" following the local norms. And enjoy the profit.14:26:18
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:28:11
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:28:33
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:30:42
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:31:17
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:33:13
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:35:31
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event14:38:00
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgHungary. They go out sometimes. Than get a raise of 15-20 usd. Bad joke I know, but true.14:41:06
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgHow about the individual owener's responsibility? If he pays his employees well it may lead to trouble. Since other owners will have more money to compete with and even attach his business.14:45:18
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgVery small business are really not different situation than their employees. The mammoth companies dictate everything.14:46:30
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgExcept a few sectors, such as IT, where there is really no excuse for paying less.14:47:28
@bahati:matrix.org@bahati:matrix.orgWhat happened in your country, Robin? How did the government respond?14:48:24
@hamhaunalla98:matrix.org@hamhaunalla98:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:40:43

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