
Nim Appdev

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23 Jul 2024
@_discord_180601887916163073:t2bot.ioPhil There's 2 ways to do multithreading in owlkettle 20:40:19
@_discord_180601887916163073:t2bot.ioPhil The GTK way or the nim way 20:40:23
@_discord_180601887916163073:t2bot.ioPhil As in, either you do multithreading managed by nim or you use GTKs mechanisms 20:40:33
@_discord_180601887916163073:t2bot.ioPhil The nim way you can forget, there is no decent nim way 20:40:39
@_discord_180601887916163073:t2bot.ioPhil The GTK way is hyper complicated and not yet wrapped 20:40:50
@_discord_607600292086939696:t2bot.iofabric.input_output lol why 20:41:03
@_discord_607600292086939696:t2bot.iofabric.input_output because shared memory quirks? 20:41:33
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch But I need a webview, the js engine, and gobject message passing stuff for what I'm doing 20:41:45
@_discord_607600292086939696:t2bot.iofabric.input_output gtk uses message passing for inter thread communication? 20:42:12
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch Wait, you can't use the Nim way of threading? 20:42:23
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch That's what I do.. 20:42:29
@_discord_180601887916163073:t2bot.ioPhil Decent ways ala Giving the GTK guiloop a mailbox that threads with tasks can send messages to do not work well in terms of being datarace and memory leak free 20:43:59
@_discord_180601887916163073:t2bot.ioPhil All the multithreading I see that doesn't have those issues block the GTK Loop, which is unacceptable 20:44:55
@_discord_607600292086939696:t2bot.iofabric.input_output can't you mutex or lock? 20:47:01
@_discord_168791779758309378:t2bot.iosha265sum joined the room.23:29:13
24 Jul 2024
@_discord_715502783104548864:t2bot.ioxhh.me joined the room.13:48:46
@_discord_402569706021584903:t2bot.iousawiniko i merged the changes from this pr, including the genui macro https://github.com/nim-lang/ui/pull/42

genui commit: https://github.com/nim-lang/ui/commit/2a3208a4b9197d37445683832a0e7573c4a921e1
@_discord_402569706021584903:t2bot.iousawiniko looks like it was from 7 years ago! no wonder you dont remember haha 19:27:49
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch Ah, makes sense 😅 The macro is generally easy to implement, so I implemented it for a couple different toolkits. 21:05:46
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch I was thinking of creating something more full-fledged for it, but couldn't land some of the major design decisions 21:06:26
25 Jul 2024
@_discord_402569706021584903:t2bot.iousawiniko considering making a dsl for my libtray bindings ww 00:31:54
@_discord_1162281573299798067:t2bot.ionimblebeee just we need better and better documentation. Im trying with uing + genui 💀 00:36:34
@_discord_396628001422311436:t2bot.iosakesun joined the room.03:42:29
@_discord_881664434651672596:t2bot.io.aizon joined the room.19:08:54
26 Jul 2024
@_discord_656540400546480128:t2bot.ioTӨMΛ ☠ changed their profile picture.07:54:55
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch Hard to improve them if you don't tell me what needs to be improved 08:20:31
@_discord_657927201395834897:t2bot.iomo_ar2006 joined the room.14:36:53
@_discord_1162281573299798067:t2bot.ionimblebeee Challenge accepted. Give me a few hours 🗿 16:21:17
@_discord_1106323935227813909:t2bot.iobbbscarter joined the room.19:31:12
@_discord_392962235737047041:t2bot.iopmunch No stress, I'm on vacation until Sunday, so probably won't have much time to fix it until then anyways 🙂 21:59:38

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