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10 Jan 2024
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Now granted, the likes of Adobe After-Effects can only do so much in that regard, but to give you an idea, here's the snippet I was thinking of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S8sZxdyu2l4 23:49:24
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat I do, however, think retaining the vanilla game's implications that Samus was thinking of the Baby Metroid when she saw that one would have helped for that particular clip. 23:50:30
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat As it currently stands, the brief pause before the attack is a little...vague on that. Can easily be misconstrued as "Samus was just too slow," which some might take umbrage with. 23:51:05
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat If you want to see the whole thing with regards to the redone cutscenes, they're here, but you...will probably want to grab some popcorn. Even with the edits, "Metroid Other M: the movie" is no joke.

@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat lol 23:55:17
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I might not, I honestly want to re experience the game completely blind 23:55:40
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat but I may give it a look at some point 23:55:55
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat One highlight point for me, though, is how it found the most hilarious-in-hindsight way to improve the flashback monologue scenes:

Take Samus's monologue, and hit the mute button.
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Turns out that if you just do that, the on-screen action by itself is enough to convey whatever she says in them, allowing for a more organic sense of "show, don't tell." 23:56:45
11 Jan 2024
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat As for gameplay, the Maxximum Edition mod is actually rather light on its touches. Mostly just quality-of-life things like being able to fire Missiles while on the move using the B button, and such. It also swaps out the hyper-generic Hollywood sci-fi "ooh, spooky" soundtrack in gameplay for some actual Metroid tracks/remixes, though how OM handles track-looping means some of them get a tad buggy. 00:01:26
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat you can only do so much 00:01:53
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat the missile one is interesting though 00:02:02
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Indeed, especially when all you have are whatever primitive modding tools exist for a pretty controversial game even among those that have played it, and Adobe After-Effects (if not Sony Vegas or the like). 00:02:48
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat The cutscene alterations in general, though, help to support my overall point with the writing: the general premise is fine, but the Devil is in the details. 00:04:16
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat A few small changes here and there, and what was previously the embarrassing "Metroid Gear Survive: Sons of the Baby" becomes "Metroid Gear Solid: Ghost Bottle," which is a pretty big step up, lol 00:05:09
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat The sheer length of the cutscene runtime is still likely to put some folks off, but at least the cutscenes themselves no longer make people want to tear their robes and shout "blasphemy," you know what I mean? 00:06:19
@_discord_259857914456440834:t2bot.iokarmacolorcat I get it 🤔 00:10:15
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody Replaying ZM right now and really missing AM2R's auto climb. 00:40:06
@_discord_335832425059975168:t2bot.ioSpooky Detective Lucario Holy shit, that makes Adam not seem like a dumbass behind the scenes, and does away with pretty much all the monologue. 01:53:47
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Like I said: it's really funny how much of Other M instantly improves by just click-dragging over all of Samus's monologues and pressing "mute." 02:04:20
@_discord_160873715398213632:t2bot.iogenghiskombat Every time Sakamoto drops the ball, I've noticed it typically involves him adding stuff that conflicts with something already there, rather than leaving something out. 02:05:44
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody Blade Runner moment. 02:39:33
@_discord_128649437156343808:t2bot.ioscooterboot 05:40:01
@_discord_335832425059975168:t2bot.ioSpooky Detective Lucario 0/10, Anthony does not live. 06:13:51
@_discord_335832425059975168:t2bot.ioSpooky Detective Lucario https://tenor.com/view/gun-dean-winchester-gif-26534105 06:14:06
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody "But then again who does?" 06:14:39
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody Sorry, I'll stop with the Blade Runner stuff now. XD 06:14:55
@_discord_335832425059975168:t2bot.ioSpooky Detective Lucario Really though, that massively boosted Other M's story across the board, even if I have a few nitpicks on the details. 06:15:41
@_discord_197174737183440896:t2bot.iomonody That's gonna be really awkward for the mod creators if they bring Anthony back in a future game. 06:16:07
@_discord_1190127781871370287:t2bot.ioaleph_1984 wait... metroid prime has space jump? 06:18:20

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