11 Nov 2023 |
| .xdrugs joined the room. | 19:44:19 |
| hnmnkrsz_29497 joined the room. | 20:11:05 |
| naflegc14 | 20:13:28 |
| andercrackkyt joined the room. | 20:54:09 |
| dtkgimme_33436 joined the room. | 21:20:34 |
| roman_56150 joined the room. | 22:07:13 |
| jut0xd joined the room. | 22:11:06 |
| Victor_Augusto310304 joined the room. | 22:26:10 |
12 Nov 2023 |
| _lps joined the room. | 02:27:00 |
| daring_mango_49288 joined the room. | 02:49:46 |
| tmadeeee joined the room. | 04:56:36 |
| dsfgrt4_51737 joined the room. | 06:52:35 |
| anton_83210 joined the room. | 09:28:45 |
| mauberry joined the room. | 10:31:33 |
| bombercsomi joined the room. | 10:48:06 |
| naflegc14 | 13:31:32 |
| tilla2280 joined the room. | 15:21:37 |
| malnourishment joined the room. | 17:15:16 |
| vivian01010 joined the room. | 17:44:38 |
| 16.amxr joined the room. | 19:04:32 |
| Carlito | 19:04:34 |
| .hydrooo joined the room. | 19:13:05 |
| Simple Poll joined the room. | 20:02:39 |
| Picsart joined the room. | 20:03:59 |
| Akinator joined the room. | 20:06:55 |
| .Eso | 20:10:09 |
| wannacrypt joined the room. | 20:15:06 |
| Carlito | 20:15:09 |
| novar_ | 20:22:13 |
| chud_1 | 20:57:02 |