12 Nov 2023 |
| @_discord_309408702530846730:t2bot.io joined the room. | 21:25:36 |
| top_level_admin joined the room. | 21:32:35 |
| chud_1 changed their profile picture. | 21:42:50 |
| yousfyas joined the room. | 21:43:02 |
| xyxyxyxyyxy_77299 joined the room. | 21:58:48 |
| notaboredguy | 22:46:06 |
| notaboredguy | 23:23:53 |
| chud_1 | 23:25:32 |
| babybat joined the room. | 23:58:03 |
13 Nov 2023 |
| Carlito | 01:04:15 |
| Goon joined the room. | 01:19:27 |
| aboos joined the room. | 01:23:06 |
| Skeelo joined the room. | 04:23:34 |
| mw_nation joined the room. | 05:04:11 |
| ksmdexx joined the room. | 06:21:10 |
| cute_tiger_45989 joined the room. | 06:33:41 |
| foxbeat07 joined the room. | 06:36:02 |
| ss012 joined the room. | 07:16:29 |
| dilwale99 joined the room. | 10:30:14 |
| .Eso changed their display name from es.o to .Eso. | 10:51:49 |
| naflegc14 | 13:24:32 |
| kendpaler_81306 joined the room. | 13:36:59 |
| malnourishment | 14:02:17 |
| lila_36809 joined the room. | 14:36:06 |
| konstantinm. joined the room. | 15:21:56 |
| gymjnhjum_31901 joined the room. | 15:57:10 |
| DexterThePsycho joined the room. | 16:27:46 |
| reallysanderl joined the room. | 17:27:08 |
| sdsad123 joined the room. | 17:34:35 |
| hypermiling_09926_89399 joined the room. | 17:52:09 |