
Edgeware Validators Announcements

17 Members
Edgeware Validator Announcements2 Servers

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10 Sep 2020
@federico:web3.foundationfederico - ooo back 14.09 changed their display name from federico to federico - ooo back 14.09.05:57:31
@federico:web3.foundationfederico - ooo back 14.09 left the room.05:57:32
18 Sep 2020
@_discord_481249087191121921:t2bot.ioThom Ivy | Edgeware joined the room.21:47:10
@_discord_481249087191121921:t2bot.ioThom Ivy | Edgeware left the room.21:47:14
22 Sep 2020
@mollom:matrix.orgmollom joined the room.07:16:52
@mollom:matrix.orgmollom left the room.07:16:53
24 Sep 2020
@dillchen:matrix.orgdillchen!tg help18:38:58
@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

Unknown command. Try !tg help for help.

@telegram:t2bot.ioTelegram Bridge

This is a portal room: you must always prefix commands with !tg. Management commands will not be bridged.


cancel - Cancel an ongoing action.
version - Get the bridge version.
help - Show this help message.


ping - Check if you're logged into Telegram.
ping-bot - Get the info of the message relay Telegram bot.

Creating portals

bridge [id] - Bridge the current Matrix room to the Telegram chat with the given ID. The ID must be the prefixed version that you get with the /id command of the Telegram-side bot.

Portal management

config <help|subcommand> [...] - View or change per-portal settings.
delete-portal - Remove all users from the current portal room and forget the portal. Only works for group chats; to delete a private chat portal, simply leave the room.
unbridge - Remove puppets from the current portal room and forget the portal.


sync-state - Fetch Matrix room state to ensure the bridge has up-to-date info.
id - Get the ID of the Telegram chat where this room is bridged.
caption <caption> - Set a caption for the next image you send

29 Sep 2020
@_discord_399892650666229770:t2bot.ioManuAlzuru | 🥑 joined the room.01:15:29
@_discord_399892650666229770:t2bot.ioManuAlzuru | 🥑 left the room.01:15:30
1 Oct 2020
@shankarwarang:matrix.orgshankarwarang joined the room.05:12:00
@shankarwarang:matrix.orgshankarwarang left the room.05:12:14
@drewstone:matrix.orgzknarkSo in order to jumpstart the finality mechanism, one avenue is to hardcode a future block in which nodes will restart this process, as far as I'm aware.05:19:33
@drewstone:matrix.orgzknarkIn a fashion similar to this PR: https://github.com/paritytech/polkadot/pull/91305:20:02
@drewstone:matrix.orgzknarkI'm working on this right now along with the Substrate 2.0 runtime upgrade which will also enable us to restart finality at the runtime level, but since the upgrade and governance process will take some time we ought to fix this as soon as we can.05:20:46
@drewstone:matrix.orgzknarkFixing it depends on coordinating 2/3 of the network to update their nodes and decide on a predefined block. Therefore, I want to get some opinions from who is here of course around how quickly we can coordinate around an update.05:21:35
@drewstone:matrix.orgzknarkIf 2/3 of us are here and online regularly this should be smooth :).05:21:48
@drewstone:matrix.orgzknark * Fixing it depends on coordinating 2/3 of the network to update their nodes and decide on a predefined future block number. Therefore, I want to get some opinions from who is here of course around how quickly we can coordinate around an update.05:22:26
@drewstone:matrix.orgzknarkI see people can't post on this channel but at least I'll be able to monitor who's reading messages ;)15:54:06
4 Oct 2020
@shankarwarang:matrix.orgshankarwarang joined the room.08:05:10
@shankarwarang:matrix.orgshankarwarang left the room.08:05:11
7 Oct 2020
@ltfschoen:matrix.orgltfschoen joined the room.22:49:51
@ltfschoen:matrix.orgltfschoen left the room.22:50:30
29 Oct 2020
@_discord_387262897056907264:t2bot.ioShankar Warang | Edgeware joined the room.03:34:40
@_discord_387262897056907264:t2bot.ioShankar Warang | Edgeware left the room.03:34:42
@_discord_481249087191121921:t2bot.ioThom Ivy | Edgeware joined the room.18:48:06
@_discord_481249087191121921:t2bot.ioThom Ivy | Edgeware left the room.18:48:06
3 Nov 2020
@_discord_392546632186593280:t2bot.iodillchen [CW/EDG] joined the room.17:15:16

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