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26 Jul 2024
@_discord_904847721360412673:matrix.termux.clubvaliumso proot/chroot the only way?20:09:16
@_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.clubTomIO So in short.
Bun is a no go until upstream decides they wanna support Linux <5.1 and Libc other than glibc.
In reply to @_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.club
Ah there's the major roadblock for Bun I vaguely remembered.
It depends on Kernel version 5.1+, which most phones do not ship.
unfortunate that the comment doesn't say what it depends on in 5.1
@ted:rudebat.iotednot a given that a feature that's common in normal 5.1 kernels will be available in android 5.1 kernels :/20:10:00
@tom_io:matrix.orgTomIO licy183 (Uchiha Kakashi): do you happen to remember the details on a random comment from 10 months ago about Bun requiring Linux 5.1? 20:10:42
@_discord_709798638192427044:matrix.termux.clubO incrível DorganzoThis command returns default values and finds the value of max_phantom_process?20:11:32
@_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.clubTomIO That won't save you if whatever it needs isn't available on your host Kernel.
Proot and Chroot explicitly use the host Kernel.
@_discord_709798638192427044:matrix.termux.clubO incrível DorganzoDamn you guys, it seemed like a big problem.20:12:42
@_discord_904847721360412673:matrix.termux.clubvaliumidt so, bun works in proot, as ted said it the comment doesnt specify what it requires from 5.1+20:13:04
In reply to @tom_io:matrix.org
licy183 (Uchiha Kakashi): do you happen to remember the details on a random comment from 10 months ago about Bun requiring Linux 5.1?



@ted:rudebat.iotedio_uring is the answer. maybe proot fakes that out?20:13:43
@_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.clubTomIO I have no idea if io_uring is something Android turns on or off or has any use for in general. 20:13:57
In reply to @_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.club
I have no idea if io_uring is something Android turns on or off or has any use for in general.
^F "Limiting io_uring" in that googleblog post
@ted:rudebat.iotedcouldn't link directly to the section, sorry20:14:23
@_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.clubTomIODownload https://tenor.com/view/trombone-pusheen-musician-instrument-gif-1143422043291997677620:14:56
@_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.clubTomIO So in short.
That's a no go.
@_discord_904847721360412673:matrix.termux.clubvaliumi think they removed the dependency of io_uring thats why the issue is closed now20:16:59
@_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.clubTomIO Though it looks like they rewrote that function in question to use epoll instead for 1.0.16. 20:17:18
@_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.clubTomIOWelp I already wasted enough time on this, feel free to waste more of your own.20:17:48
@_discord_904847721360412673:matrix.termux.clubvaliumDownload https://tenor.com/view/thanos-curious-explaining-have-you-ever-heard-of-trolled-gif-2516377620:18:34
@_discord_352422159479734272:matrix.termux.clubTomIOYou literally asked.20:18:52
@_discord_904847721360412673:matrix.termux.clubvaliumanyways, i will look into it more after somedays20:19:40
@_discord_709798638192427044:matrix.termux.clubO incrível DorganzoRedacted or Malformed Event20:55:33
27 Jul 2024
@ipumpbuh4:matrix.orgipumpbuh4 set a profile picture.00:06:39
@shadowknight260:mainframe.line.pm@shadowknight260:mainframe.line.pm joined the room.01:05:59
@shadowknight260:mainframe.line.pm@shadowknight260:mainframe.line.pm left the room.01:06:21
@revenant159:mainframe.line.pm@revenant159:mainframe.line.pm changed their profile picture.01:19:53

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