
App Manager | Chat

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Official room for App Manager. Read community guidelines here: https://gist.github.com/MuntashirAkon/ee30789d2d3db2f97402baa60d89e04d18 Servers

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11 Jan 2024
@wildfire8059:matrix.org@wildfire8059:matrix.org left the room.16:45:44
12 Jan 2024
@bleaf:matrix.orgKushMonster joined the room.20:30:41
13 Jan 2024
@tawelwch9:crossbach.de@tawelwch9:crossbach.de joined the room.00:31:09
@tawelwch1:matrix.org@tawelwch1:matrix.org left the room.00:36:23
@tawelwch9:crossbach.de@tawelwch9:crossbach.de changed their display name from tawelwch9 to tawelwchnine.14:00:39
15 Jan 2024
@rusty_shackleford88:matrix.orgrusty_shackleford88 joined the room.02:18:34
18 Jan 2024
@cherry64:matrix.orgcherry64Why does this app issue update notifications on offline devices?10:15:26
22 Jan 2024
@sendbeer:matrix.orgsendbeer joined the room.00:11:01
26 Jan 2024
@zafrkant:matrix.orgzafrkantWhere I can download debug builds?21:54:26
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ https://muntashirakon.github.io/AppManager/en/#subsec:binary-distribution-sources 21:59:16
27 Jan 2024
@theimpulson:matrix.org@theimpulson:matrix.org joined the room.13:04:35
@theimpulson:matrix.org@theimpulson:matrix.orgHi, does App Manager supports batch installation of apps? My use case is installing shared libraries first and the actual app afterwards (trichrome library and chrome for example).13:08:50
@theimpulson:matrix.org@theimpulson:matrix.org * Hi, does App Manager supports batch installation of apps? My use case is installing shared libraries first and the actual app afterwards (trichrome library and chrome for example). Required for Aurora Store support.13:11:00
31 Jan 2024
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir AkonIt does. You need to select trichrome first and then Chrome app, and then install both using the installer. We are also implementing a new APKS format with support for dependencies.05:56:33
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir AkonApp Manager does not distinguish online and offline devices just as Android itself does not.05:57:26
1 Feb 2024
In reply to @muntashir:matrix.org
It does. You need to select trichrome first and then Chrome app, and then install both using the installer. We are also implementing a new APKS format with support for dependencies.
Muntashir Akon: Thanks a lot for the reply. is it possible for me to do this via Intent or someother way? Right now Aurora Store packs the splits into a zip with apks extension and uses Intent to launch App Manager for installation. I would like to do this for dependencies too. So that I just pack the required libs and actual app in one zip if possible and launch app manager and then let it handle everything after that.
@geocraio:matrix.orggeoh joined the room.18:43:40
2 Feb 2024
@katada:matrix.org@katada:matrix.org left the room.16:35:42
@overlock_:matrix.org@overlock_:matrix.org left the room.17:34:49
3 Feb 2024
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @theimpulson:matrix.org
Muntashir Akon: Thanks a lot for the reply. is it possible for me to do this via Intent or someother way? Right now Aurora Store packs the splits into a zip with apks extension and uses Intent to launch App Manager for installation. I would like to do this for dependencies too. So that I just pack the required libs and actual app in one zip if possible and launch app manager and then let it handle everything after that.

Yes, you can leverage the SEND_MULTIPLE intent. Here's an example in Kotlin:

val sharableUris = listOf(APKS Uris in descending order)
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE)
    .putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, sharableUris)
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir AkonA better alternative will be available when the new APKS format is implemented along with App Manager API.10:44:15
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @theimpulson:matrix.org
Muntashir Akon: Thanks a lot for the reply. is it possible for me to do this via Intent or someother way? Right now Aurora Store packs the splits into a zip with apks extension and uses Intent to launch App Manager for installation. I would like to do this for dependencies too. So that I just pack the required libs and actual app in one zip if possible and launch app manager and then let it handle everything after that.

Yes, you can leverage the SEND_MULTIPLE intent. Here's an example in Kotlin:

val sharableUris = listOf(Ordered APKS Uris, first is installed first)
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE)
    .putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, sharableUris)

Here the trichrome lib and Chrome app has to be packaged separately. Since libraries contain only one APK file, you may simply supply it as is, instead of compressing it into APKS.

@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon *

Yes, you can leverage the SEND_MULTIPLE intent. Here's an example in Kotlin:

val sharableUris = listOf(Ordered APKS Uris, first is installed first)
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE)
    .putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, sharableUris)

Here the trichrome lib and Chrome app has to be packaged separately (as AM expects only one app per APKS). Since libraries contain only one APK file, you may simply supply it as is, instead of compressing it into APKS.

@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon *

Yes, you can leverage the SEND_MULTIPLE intent. Here's an example in Kotlin:

val sharableUris = listOf(FIFO ordered APKS Uris)
val intent = Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND_MULTIPLE)
    .putParcelableArrayListExtra(Intent.EXTRA_STREAM, sharableUris)

Here the trichrome lib and Chrome app has to be packaged separately (as AM expects only one app per APKS). Since libraries contain only one APK file, you may simply supply it as is, instead of compressing it into APKS.

4 Feb 2024
@zavocc306:matrix.orgWMCB Tech (marcusz) changed their profile picture.01:31:57
@zavocc306:matrix.orgWMCB Tech (marcusz) changed their profile picture.01:32:13
5 Feb 2024

Allows an app to receive periodic updates of your activity level from Google, for example, if you are walking, driving, cycling, or stationary. This is part of Google Play Services ActivityRecognitionClient.

According to the API reference, the app doesn't receive any coordinates this way, but rather the type of the detected activity – e.g. WALKING, RUNNING, or STILL.


Source: https://android.izzysoft.de/applists/perms

@zavocc306:matrix.orgWMCB Tech (marcusz) changed their profile picture.21:33:32
6 Feb 2024
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ Obtanium CONFLICTING_PROVIDER error 14:49:33

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