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18 Feb 2024
@sushi:comm.cxwonton changed their profile picture.08:02:23
@itsmarta:matrix.orgitsmarta changed their profile picture.20:22:26
@zavocc306:matrix.orgWMCB Tech (marcusz) changed their profile picture.21:12:14
@zavocc306:matrix.orgWMCB Tech (marcusz) changed their profile picture.21:13:29
19 Feb 2024
@sushi:comm.cxwontonanyone else having trouble scanning with virustotal using the alpha lately?00:58:13
23 Feb 2024
@zavocc306:matrix.orgWMCB Tech (marcusz) changed their profile picture.05:54:15
25 Feb 2024
@sennin78:matrix.org☯ ☰ ᛉ ☳ 7 ᛊ ᛖ ᚾ ᚾ ᛁ ᚾ 8 ☶ ᛉ ☷ ☯hey everyone, just wanted to do a friendly share here for anyone interested : I have been pioneering a method of using android with ONLY FOSS apps and have been able to achieve this for over 6 years, things have gotten better over the years and now that I found Obtainium I can't think of any other better way to download apps than by downloading DIRECTLY from the source (Github) so I made a small repo (starred apps) for the most basic and awesome apps for Android (including App Manager) which you can import into Obtainium using the username (awesome-foss-obtainyum) 19:26:50
@sennin78:matrix.org☯ ☰ ᛉ ☳ 7 ᛊ ᛖ ᚾ ᚾ ᛁ ᚾ 8 ☶ ᛉ ☷ ☯awesome-foss-obtainyum.jpg
Download awesome-foss-obtainyum.jpg
26 Feb 2024
I can't think of any other better way to download apps than by downloading DIRECTLY from the source (Github).

I saw your post on F-Droid group. I disagree that GitHub for updates is the best solution, though it's best for fastest updates. F-Droid is safe for multiple reasons which is already discussed in FD group.

AM has similar plans for updates https://github.com/MuntashirAkon/AppManager/issues/464
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir AkonBoth GitHub and Google Play aren’t safe from the possibility of introducing new malware at a later update. IzzyOnDroid, on the other hand, has a better way to handle such issues, though I believe it needs more improvements and transparency (we, for example, do not know how it ensures the APKs downloaded from GitHub are indeed from GitHub). All in all, IzzyOnDroid is the best way to download APK files right now. If the app is available on F-Droid official, only the reproducible builds maybe trusted (but, unfortunately, there’s no way to distinguish between them).10:28:22
27 Feb 2024
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerWhere do i send crash log to? Can i paste it here?15:03:49
@obersuppenruehrer:matrix.orgobersuppenruehrerDownload crshlog.txt15:11:29
29 Feb 2024
@teardrops12:matrix.orgteardrops12 left the room.13:08:50
1 Mar 2024
@teardrops12:matrix.orgteardrops12 joined the room.00:51:03
2 Mar 2024
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ Access Anemo files from AM 13:59:03
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ Is it possible to access Anemo private local files directly from AM>FM with root? Apps like Shelter, Insular paths are accessible from AM but not Anemo. 14:03:33
Download Screenshot_2024-03-02_19-34-41_1.png
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ AM shows only 3 of them. 14:07:13
Download Screenshot_2024-03-02_19-36-21_1.png
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ Anemo info 👇🏿 14:07:49
Download Screenshot_2024-03-02_19-25-35_1.png
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ * Anemo storage path info 👇🏿 14:18:46
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org
Is it possible to access Anemo private local files directly from AM>FM with root? Apps like Shelter, Insular paths are accessible from AM but not Anemo.
Only via SAF. You can add one in the backup settings.
@shuvashish76:matrix.org§ Thanks. It's bit weird to add from "Backup Volume" for this specific purpose. 15:43:00
3 Mar 2024
@muntashir:matrix.orgMuntashir Akon
In reply to @shuvashish76:matrix.org
Thanks. It's bit weird to add from "Backup Volume" for this specific purpose.
Correct. I have some different ideas for it.
4 Mar 2024
@db9:matrix.orgDB9 joined the room.02:34:58
@non_performing:matrix.orgnon_performing left the room.08:04:57
@sennin78:matrix.org☯ ☰ ᛉ ☳ 7 ᛊ ᛖ ᚾ ᚾ ᛁ ᚾ 8 ☶ ᛉ ☷ ☯Hi I would like to suggest to have the Interceptor not enabled by default 🙏🙂 with the best intention to make the app less trouble for everyone I am recommending it to . thank you18:10:03
@sennin78:matrix.org☯ ☰ ᛉ ☳ 7 ᛊ ᛖ ᚾ ᚾ ᛁ ᚾ 8 ☶ ᛉ ☷ ☯Also I suggest making use of AI in writing the code and in translating text when needed . Best wishes to you and thank you for your hard work . Amitabha ☯️✨18:11:19
@db9:matrix.orgDB9Using 4.0 alpha, the coming installer upgrade, apkm>apks, how about splits? Currently the installer installs all the splits. Apps are heavier like that.19:23:36

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