
Angular Material

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Material Design components for Angular https://material.angular.io8 Servers

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7 Apr 2021
@vishalgajjar-570d0cdc187bb6f0eadf142f:gitter.imvishalgajjar (vishalgajjar) I am using a mat-table with expandable rows , I have mat-accordion inside the row. After sorting the rows I had an issue where I was not able to open the row with single click. I fixed it be modification animations. Now I am getting same issues for accordion which is inside the expanded row. any idea how to fix it ? 17:29:42
9 Apr 2021
@ishanuda-57286bcfc43b8c601970e63d:gitter.imishanuda (Ishan Udayapriya) joined the room.14:57:58
@ishanuda-57286bcfc43b8c601970e63d:gitter.imishanuda (Ishan Udayapriya) Hi,
I tried to open a bottom sheet using click event and failed to do so. Also tried using a subscription and it also failed.
The bottom sheet opens on the top left corner with no functionalities and freezes the window. can not close.
Would like to know what is the possibility of opening the bottom sheet using an event or a subscription.
NOTE: also tried to open a dialog but the result is the same.
Thank you
@ishanuda-57286bcfc43b8c601970e63d:gitter.imishanuda (Ishan Udayapriya) * Hi,
I tried to open a bottom sheet using click event and failed to do so. Also tried using a subscription and it also failed.
The bottom sheet opens on the top left corner with no functionalities and freezes the window. can not close.
Would like to know what is the possibility of opening the bottom sheet using an event or a subscription.
NOTE: also tried to open a dialog but the result is the same.
Using Angular v10
Thank you
@ishanuda-57286bcfc43b8c601970e63d:gitter.imishanuda (Ishan Udayapriya) * Hi,
I tried to open a bottom sheet using click event and failed to do so. Also tried using a subscription and it also failed.
The bottom sheet opens on the top left corner with no functionalities and freezes the window. can not close.
Would like to know what is the possibility of opening the bottom sheet using an event or a subscription.
NOTE: also tried to open a dialog but the result is the same.
Using Angular v10 and Material v10
Thank you
10 Apr 2021
@joncy92-607200bf6da037398479d93c:gitter.imjoncy92 (joncy92) joined the room.19:47:57
@joncy92-607200bf6da037398479d93c:gitter.imjoncy92 (joncy92) Hey does anyone know how I can use this component in ServiceNow's Service Portal ? 19:47:58
13 Apr 2021
@sourav_007:matrix.orgsourav_007 joined the room.18:55:08
22 Apr 2021
@beginnercoder0011-60813d406da03739847aba52:gitter.imbeginnercoder0011 (beginnercoder0011) joined the room.09:10:26
@beginnercoder0011-60813d406da03739847aba52:gitter.imbeginnercoder0011 (beginnercoder0011) Hello, what are the difference between the echarts and highchart? 09:10:26
@meanstackbasit-5fcba020d73408ce4ff5c45a:gitter.immeanstackBasit (meanstackBasit) mat tab Module: How to keep the tab body in the dome when the tab is change. Is there an expert here? 11:56:44
@rfortunati-59f216efd73408ce4f7bdd5f:gitter.imrfortunati (Richard) joined the room.12:40:39
@rfortunati-59f216efd73408ce4f7bdd5f:gitter.imrfortunati (Richard) I'am using angular 11.0.7 with angular-material 11.0.3, but when I update to angular 11.2.11 and material 11.2.10 I see the html property visibility: visible changes to visibility: inherit. Is this a update in angular or in angular-material and where is this change documented? 12:40:39
23 Apr 2021
@shiva7071007-5fd3b06ed73408ce4ff65372:gitter.imShiva7071007 (shivam kumar)

when I am trying to apply class dynamically inside ngfor like
<button mat-raised-button color="primary" class="delete-range-duration-{{i}}" (click)="deleteRange(i)">Delete</button> where i is index.
it is messing up my material css i.e I am not able to find any material css on the component. button looks like plain HTML button.

The same is happening with other components like input as well.
I am using Angular 7.

@shiva7071007-5fd3b06ed73408ce4ff65372:gitter.imShiva7071007 (shivam kumar) 05:47:15
@meanstackbasit-5fcba020d73408ce4ff5c45a:gitter.immeanstackBasit (meanstackBasit) 07:27:53
@meanstackbasit-5fcba020d73408ce4ff5c45a:gitter.immeanstackBasit (meanstackBasit) 07:28:37
@meanstackbasit-5fcba020d73408ce4ff5c45a:gitter.immeanstackBasit (meanstackBasit) @Shiva7071007 brother I'm shore you need to change your angular version in my for loop every thing working fine that you want. example is mentioned above 07:29:55
24 Apr 2021
@gitterbot:matrix.orgGitter Integration (legacy)changed room power levels.06:56:43
@gitter_pavankjadda:matrix.orgPavan K Jadda (Gitter) left the room.06:56:43
@gitter_waterstraal:matrix.orgMike Markus (Gitter) left the room.06:56:44
@gitter_acollier88:matrix.orgAndrew Collier (Gitter) left the room.06:56:44
@gitter_naabin:matrix.orgNabin Karki (Gitter) left the room.06:56:44
@gitter_meanstackbasit:matrix.orgmeanstackBasit (Gitter) left the room.06:56:45
@gitter_githubbala23:matrix.orgBala_github (Gitter) left the room.06:56:45
@gitter_robinextrant:matrix.orgRobinExtrant (Gitter) left the room.06:56:45
@gitter_philmayfield:matrix.orgPhil Mayfield (Gitter) left the room.06:56:46
@gitter_lavan:matrix.orgPer Bernhardsson (Gitter) left the room.06:56:46
@gitter_brunexx:matrix.orgBruneXX (Gitter) left the room.06:56:46
@gitter_banbanxaixai_twitter:matrix.orgAnton Peltoniemi (Gitter) left the room.06:56:46

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