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7 Jan 2020
@gitter_garora123:matrix.orgGaurav Arora (Gitter)hope i am not responsible :)16:09:47
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter)tests are failing because the unit tests were not updated to include subnetwork in the payload16:56:50
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter) https://github.com/drone/autoscaler/blob/master/drivers/google/create_test.go#L79:L139 16:57:54
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter) (edited) https://github.com/drone/autoscaler/blob/master/drivers/google/create_test.go#L79:L139 => tests are failing because the unit tests were not updated to include the newly added subnetwork field in the payload 16:58:38
@gitter_garora123:matrix.orgGaurav Arora (Gitter)got it. will add. thx17:07:00
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter)one question I had is whether or not we should set a default subnetwork if empty. My concern is that this could break existing installations that do not expect this behavior.17:14:35
@gitter_tboerger:matrix.orgThomas Boerger (Gitter)There seem to be a standard subnet, or do I get the option default wrong?18:27:30
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter) @tboerger what happens if I set a custom network, but subnetwork is blank and defaults to subnetworks/default? I do not know enough about gcp to know if this will cause problems. 18:36:01
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter) It could be completely fine, but I'm just asking questions because I don't fully understand the consequences :) 18:36:21
@gitter_tboerger:matrix.orgThomas Boerger (Gitter)Idk, I never used gcp 18:36:53
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter)I have only used gcp to test the autoscaler18:39:05
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter)in my testing (which was ~2 years ago) setting a subnetwork was not required18:39:16
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter)so there may be no need to default this value18:39:31
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter) (edited) ... this value => ... this value, although things could have changed 18:40:02
8 Jan 2020
@gitter_garora123:matrix.orgGaurav Arora (Gitter) @bradrydzewski if custom network is specified and subnetwork is blank, then GCP instance creation will fail, as it happened in my case. this is bcoz GCP api expects subnetwork to be specified for custom networks. on the other hand, if custom network is provided and default subnetwork is used, then also GCP will crib. so net-net, when using custom network, a valid subnetwork has to be given as default subnetwork will fail. hope this helps 05:29:32
@gitter_garora123:matrix.orgGaurav Arora (Gitter) @bradrydzewski i see the following in test stage logs: --- FAIL: TestCreate (0.00s)
create_test.go:53: Post https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/my-project/zones/us-central1-a/instances?alt=json&prettyPrint=false: gock: cannot match any request
panic: runtime error: invalid memory address or nil pointer dereference Seems instance creation is failing before any tests can be invoked
@gitter_garora123:matrix.orgGaurav Arora (Gitter) removed defaults for subnetwork, tests are passing now. thx for the help 08:26:55
@gitter_tboerger:matrix.orgThomas Boerger (Gitter) @bradrydzewski time for a new autoscaler tag :) 19:39:57
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.orgBrad Rydzewski (Gitter)good call ... tagging now19:46:49
@fritz:tchncs.defritz joined the room.23:36:03
10 Jan 2020
@guillermo:hispagatos.orgguillermo left the room.17:34:21
24 Jan 2020
@banana:matrix.kiwifarms.netbanana joined the room.23:40:00
29 Jan 2020
@gunter:ggc-project.degunter joined the room.10:18:34
30 Jan 2020
@gitter_prakritish_twitter:matrix.orgprakritish (Gitter) joined the room.10:06:44
@gitter_prakritish_twitter:matrix.orgprakritish (Gitter) Hi All! I am trying to use Hashicorp Vault for Secret Store with Drone. Any tutorial available? I followed the steps mentioned in https://github.com/drone/drone-vault and https://docs.drone.io/configure/secrets/external/vault/ but it does not work for me. Even with DEBUG enabled, I don't see a single line of log which may help me in debugging. 10:06:44
@matias:utwente.iomatias joined the room.21:26:09
3 Feb 2020
@maxime:hackerspaces.bemaxime joined the room.22:55:00
@einar:feneas.orgeinar joined the room.22:58:46
5 Feb 2020
@matias:utwente.iomatias left the room.14:14:07
28 Feb 2020
@gitter_appleboy:matrix.orgBo-Yi Wu (Gitter) @tboerger Please help to review: drone-plugins/drone-gh-pages#28 05:12:21

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