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Chat about DroneCI plugin development23 Servers

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27 Jul 2020
@ramona:matrix.allmende.ioramona 19:42:46
29 Jul 2020
@joe:diasp.injoe 08:06:33
@carola:halogen.city@carola:halogen.city joined the room.20:58:00
31 Jul 2020
@fannylee:poddery.comfannylee joined the room.18:11:37
@fannylee:poddery.comfannylee 18:56:50
1 Aug 2020
@jerry:hope.net@jerry:hope.net joined the room.09:34:19
@karl:nobelium.nokarl joined the room.13:46:11
2 Aug 2020
@kevin_k:utwente.io@kevin_k:utwente.io joined the room.10:33:35
@jerry:hope.net@jerry:hope.net 11:21:25
7 Aug 2020
@jerry:hope.net@jerry:hope.net left the room.11:06:53
10 Aug 2020
@oliver:privacytools.iooliver 20:12:38
15 Aug 2020
@marzipan:synod.im@marzipan:synod.im joined the room.18:46:12
@georgios:asra.grgeorgios 20:33:04
17 Aug 2020
@spring:fairydust.space@spring:fairydust.space 21:23:32
19 Aug 2020
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org joined the room.18:05:34
26 Sep 2020
@pedro:chat.weho.stpedro 12:50:20
19 Aug 2020
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org does anyone here can help me to setup drone/vault , i created a docker-compose file with drone, drone/vault and drone-docker-runner but i can not get the secret from vault
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... vault ``` => ... vault ``` version: "3.7" services: drone: image: drone/drone:1 environment: - "DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT_ID=${GIT_TOKEN}" - "DRONE_GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET=${GIT_TOKEN_SECRET}" - "DRONE_RPC_SECRET=${RPC_SECRET}" - "DRONE_SERVER_HOST=${DRON_SERVER_HOST}" - "DRONE_SERVER_PROTO=https" volumes: - drone_data:/data drone-vault: image: drone/vault environment: - "DRONE_DEBUG=true" - "DRONE_SECRET=${DRONE_SECRET}" - "VAULT_ADDR=${VAULT_ADDR}" // http://vault.mycompany.com - "VAULT_TOKEN=${VAULT_TOKEN}" // a token runner: image: drone/drone-runner-docker:1 volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro environment: - "DRONE_RPC_HOST=drone.mycompany.com" - "DRONE_RPC_PROTO=https" - "DRONE_RPC_SECRET=${RPC_SECRET}" - "DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_ENDPOINT=http://drone-vault:3000" - "DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_TOKEN=${DRONE_SECRET}" - "DRONE_SECRET_PLUGIN_SKIP_VERIFY=false" volumes: drone_data: ``` 18:05:39
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... drone_data: ``` => ... drone_data: ``` here is my .drone.yml ``` 18:06:39
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... .drone.yml ``` => ... .drone.yml ``` --- kind: secret name: username get: path: kv/data/docker name: username --- kind: pipeline type: docker name: default steps: - name: prepare image: busybox environment: USERNAME: from_secret: username commands: - echo ${username} - echo $USERNAME ``` 18:06:49
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... $USERNAME ``` => ... $USERNAME ``` Thank you! 18:07:16
@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org@gitter_thanchet_tk21_twitter:matrix.org (edited) ... ``` Thank ... => ... ``` i always see "time="2020-08-19T17:58:50Z" level=debug msg="secrets: cannot find secret username: secret not found"" in the log Thank ... 18:08:21
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org @Thanchet_Tk21_twitter that indicates the vault plugin returns a not found. You should enable debug logging in the vault plugin and you should also consider looking at the vault plugin code, if needed 18:27:00
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org the vault plugin code can be found at https://github.com/drone/drone-vault 18:27:28
@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org@gitter_bradrydzewski:matrix.org (edited) the vault plugin code can be found at https://github.com/drone/drone-vault => @Thanchet_Tk21_twitter that indicates the vault plugin returns a not found. You should enable debug logging in the vault plugin and look at its logs. yYou should also consider looking at the vault plugin code, if needed 18:27:44
23 Aug 2020
@kevin_k:utwente.io@kevin_k:utwente.io 19:18:49
25 Aug 2020
@anne:netzgemeinde.eu@anne:netzgemeinde.eu 18:13:03
7 Sep 2020
@anonymous_zero:matrix.orgAnonymous joined the room.21:09:20
9 Sep 2020
@anonymous_zero:matrix.orgAnonymous changed their display name from anonymous_zero to Anonymous.16:28:32
17 Sep 2020
@marzipan:synod.im@marzipan:synod.im left the room.20:31:58

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