
Matrix on Debian

223 Members
Packaging Matrix-related software for Debian - https://wiki.debian.org/Matrix85 Servers

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21 Apr 2024
@phyrik2222:matrix.orgScott Buchanan left the room.20:40:26
24 Apr 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Synapse: 1 security issue in trixie 09:03:15
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Synapse: 1 security issue in sid 09:03:15
26 Apr 2024
@thib:ergaster.orgThib changed their display name from Thib to Thib (away).19:24:41
27 Apr 2024
@tclj:matrix.orgMatrix changed their display name from Martix to Matrix.18:01:57
@kitsune:matrix.orgkitsune uhoreg: any chance to get libquotient 0.8.x, and also the latest Quaternion into testing? 18:23:34
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org, travels to Berlin) joined the room.20:40:56
@thib:ergaster.orgThib left the room.20:42:09
28 Apr 2024
@hubert:uhoreg.cauhoregI think the 64-bit time library transition is still ongoing.01:15:15
30 Apr 2024
@tewuzij:beeper.comNguyễn Trọng Cường joined the room.16:27:41
1 May 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Nheko: Failed to analyze the VCS repository. Please troubleshoot and fix the issue. 21:56:53
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Nheko: Marked for autoremoval on 03 June due to cpp-httplib: #1069357 21:56:53
4 May 2024
@tradgick:matrix.org@tradgick:matrix.org joined the room.14:45:40
@tradgick:matrix.org@tradgick:matrix.org joined the room.14:45:44
@tradgick:matrix.org@tradgick:matrix.org left the room.14:45:47
@nett_:matrix.orgnett joined the room.17:32:18
@nett_:matrix.orgnett left the room.17:32:37
@akileshas:matrix.orgakileshas joined the room.22:56:00
5 May 2024
@andrew.demarsh:matrix.organdrew.demarsh joined the room.03:19:32
@andrew.demarsh:matrix.organdrew.demarsh left the room.03:26:01
6 May 2024
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org, travels to Berlin) changed their display name from Thib to Thib (m.org).19:15:20
7 May 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Nheko: nheko 0.9.3-2 MIGRATED to testing 18:26:03
8 May 2024
@feeds:integrations.ems.hostFeeds New post in Nheko: nheko 0.11.3+~0.9.2+~1.0.0+~0.3.0-2 MIGRATED to testing 04:44:44
In reply to @feeds:integrations.ems.host
New post in Nheko: nheko 0.11.3+~0.9.2+~1.0.0+~0.3.0-2 MIGRATED to testing
is no better to package the other components (0.9.2,1.0.0,.0.3.0) inside independient packages?
@thibaultmartin:matrix.orgThib (m.org, travels to Berlin) changed their display name from Thib (m.org) to Thib (m.org, back May 10).08:19:11

This is explained in README.source and is generally more common with tightly coupled, static or javascript deps:

nheko is currently the only package that uses mtxclient, and nheko links to it statically

@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1* ZenWalker This is explained in README.source and is generally more common with tightly coupled, static or javascript deps: nheko is currently the only package that uses mtxclient, and nheko links to it statically14:48:17
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1* ZenWalker This is explained in README.source and is generally more common with tightly coupled, static or javascript deps: > nheko is currently the only package that uses mtxclient, and nheko links to it statically14:48:33
@emorrp1:freedombox.emorrp1.nameemorrp1* ZenWalker: This is explained in [README.source](https://salsa.debian.org/matrix-team/nheko/-/blob/debian/latest/debian/README.source) and is generally more common with tightly coupled, static or javascript deps: > nheko is currently the only package that uses mtxclient, and nheko links to it statically14:52:29
@zenwalker:matrix.orgZenWalker emorrp1: ok, thanks! 15:01:38

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