22 Oct 2023 |
| vilez | 10:40:47 |
| systemd slayer | 10:47:06 |
| UsmanAga | 10:47:07 |
| UsmanAga | 10:51:32 |
| arch user | 10:55:36 |
| systemd slayer | 11:14:02 |
| semprefumo changed their profile picture. | 11:17:13 |
| dengesiz_kokarca | 11:18:41 |
| pamuk changed their display name from 四宮 かぐや to blightto. | 11:29:18 |
| g1ft.king | 11:48:05 |
| hasan1071 changed their display name from hasan1202 to hasan1071. | 11:53:48 |
| misile changed their profile picture. | 13:02:52 |
| knyfic | 13:32:14 |
| thrinot changed their display name from thrinot#0 to thrinot. | 14:35:03 |
| Rakun Terbiyecisi | 14:41:28 |
| quitaxdishere | 14:42:20 |
| quitaxdishere | 15:05:48 |
| multowz changed their display name from multowz to fatih. | 15:37:01 |
| shimijda | 16:06:03 |
| pstandsforprotocol | 18:07:40 |
23 Oct 2023 |
| demir the pi server operator | 13:16:58 |
| UsmanAga | 13:16:59 |
| dengesiz_kokarca | 13:18:16 |
| systemd slayer | 13:25:04 |
| pamuk | 13:27:03 |
| UsmanAga | 14:30:48 |
| dengesiz_kokarca | 15:09:33 |
| systemd slayer | 15:25:05 |
| demir the pi server operator | 16:36:05 |
| pamuk | 17:14:10 |