
Fry Tech - Raven p25 /lorcin L25 /Sundance A25

70 Members
This is the beta for the raven arms raven p25 . Kits are available through me and eBay I think has them to www.Frytech.biz 1 Servers

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20 Nov 2023
@wayynetho:matrix.orgWayyne Hey how do I download the raven it won’t work 21:17:21
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgHey can we get Dwayne in the google drive23:09:22
21 Nov 2023
@wayynetho:matrix.orgWayyne changed their display name from Dwayne Roland to Wayyne.00:30:57
@wayynetho:matrix.orgWayyne set a profile picture.00:30:59
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmI don’t think this one went on the drive03:47:33
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org We're is the file at 06:29:52
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgCan somebody put the file up for Dwayne please I can't find my current file06:30:26
22 Nov 2023
Download ima_a83cc40.jpeg
23 Nov 2023
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org Who does that request go to 01:28:36
@wayynetho:matrix.orgWayyne I’m not sure it’s the google drive link from this chat I requested already 01:35:26
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarm That didn’t go to the Fry Tech google drive. 03:35:16
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org I have no clue we're the file is to this 05:36:49
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarm I have a file from December 2022 for it. 15:15:19
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgWhat logo is on it ?16:03:58
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmI believe it’s the limited edition forbidden logo 😂16:57:07
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarm I told ya we should’ve gotten this into my server. It’s local here, no outside access. 16:57:58
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org I can't seem to find the file with no gay ass lotus 16:59:14
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org I guess what do I care I guess if people don't care about the logo it's not like I'm part of "guncad" for it to make a difference 😂 17:05:05
@thomthejuggalo:matrix.orgThomthejuggaloDownload Raven (With FT Logo).stl17:05:52
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org People know I did the raven and not those other people 😂 17:07:46
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgI think this was the first person looking to do the raven in months im guessing most of the people into it already made one 🤷🏻17:09:07
In reply to @thomthejuggalo:matrix.org
sent a file.
You da man Jug
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmIt has now been added to the vault17:17:22
@thomthejuggalo:matrix.orgThomthejuggaloElement keeps all the files. If you need the grips etc they are still attached to the room. 17:18:02
Download 1000007798.jpg
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org What ever happened to all that stuff people made for this 17:18:22
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgOh ok cool17:18:46
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmIt's all there. I was just trying to scroll through on my phone. It was taking forever to load.17:18:53
@thomthejuggalo:matrix.orgThomthejuggaloI find it is cleaner on Android vs iOS or PC. In the uploads you can see just the files vs all the pics 17:19:40
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmPC is definitely better than iOS17:20:03

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