
Fry Tech - Raven p25 /lorcin L25 /Sundance A25

70 Members
This is the beta for the raven arms raven p25 . Kits are available through me and eBay I think has them to www.Frytech.biz 1 Servers

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20 Dec 2023
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org It is 15:30:26
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmAnd you said you weren’t doing parts kits for it anymore too, right?15:31:19
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org I got board 15:32:39
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org Nothing happened with this 15:32:57
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmI think those of us who were able to build one are/were just unsure of what our next steps were15:33:59
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:35:21
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:38:07
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:38:26
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:40:14
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event15:41:16
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarm I mean, it can still be released. 15:46:09
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event18:14:47
6 Jan 2024
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event06:27:00
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event06:28:33
8 Jan 2024
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event01:36:19
14 Jan 2024
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event16:38:37
17 Jan 2024
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgSo do we close this room I think everybody that wants a raven did it 16:04:14
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgNot sure what to do but this room is were the files are and I’m probably about to get really busy on other stuff but it’s been a while sense if had to get somebody in this room my check in here is about to get even less16:19:46
22 Jan 2024
@310_2a:matrix.org310_2a | Da Realest Drop the files on Odysee 03:37:05
@310_2a:matrix.org310_2a | Da Realest With all the grips 03:37:19
@310_2a:matrix.org310_2a | Da Realest I still have 4 kits to do 03:37:28
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org I killed my odessy once I heard it was compromised. I figured someone else (who is actually part of guncad) release it and then mabey people would want to build it 15:34:33
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org Also I just started cerakoting these kits I have left I'm gonna have a shit ton of ravens lorcin l25 and Sundance a2 I'm not even trying to sell those kits anymore EGP is back flooded with ravens but so it was a project that had potential and a lot of fun add ons but at this point I'm working on my brujeria stuff (currently the buffers for any AR) 15:43:08
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgTried to pass this project off I'm suprised someone hasn't taken my file and either tried claiming they did it or change mine and say they did but I guess it's a stupid gun to do lol15:44:33
@310_2a:matrix.org310_2a | Da Realest Is there any documentation made up for it? 23:21:32
@310_2a:matrix.org310_2a | Da Realest I’ll post it on my Odysee 23:21:44
23 Jan 2024
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.orgCan you get in the google drive there’s lots of good stuff 00:28:53
@310_2a:matrix.org310_2a | Da Realest I think I still have access 01:22:55
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmI haven’t removed anyone’s access. So if you did have it, you still do05:04:21
27 Jan 2024
@ryanvan:matrix.org@ryanvan:matrix.org Wow George jemmenez grandson DMed me how he's bummed he missed me at shot show 02:42:55

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