
Fry Tech - Raven p25 /lorcin L25 /Sundance A25

71 Members
This is the beta for the raven arms raven p25 . Kits are available through me and eBay I think has them to www.Frytech.biz 1 Servers

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19 Jun 2024
@hobl:matrix.orgHunkOfBurninLuv changed their profile picture.20:15:41
31 Jul 2024
@combedcock:matrix.orgcombedcock joined the room.03:32:24
@combedcock:matrix.orgcombedcockDoes anyone have the stl file for the slide?07:56:59
@combedcock:matrix.orgcombedcock @ryanvan:matrix.org: do you have stl for the slide? 08:12:06
16 Aug 2024
@salocin86:matrix.orgTheFunnyFarmThere was no STL for the slide. Slide and internals were bought as a kit21:04:40

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