
Fry Tech - Raven p25 /lorcin L25 /Sundance A25

71 Members
This is the beta for the raven arms raven p25 . Kits are available through me and eBay I think has them to www.Frytech.biz 1 Servers

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28 Apr 2024
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.org wickedmainah: I'm down still making these 14:31:02
@amirjwet:matrix.orgamirjwet joined the room.16:40:02
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskas joined the room.17:04:53
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasHello. Where can I find the frames and grips?17:11:56
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasnevermind i found them17:14:59
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.org mr.petrauskas: hey glad your here 22:34:41
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.org All your mr.petrauskas questions should be answered by looking thru the media and files uploaded on the ether pad or in uploads... Best of luck brother... You'll see my videos sounding like I'm from Boston... lol 22:35:47
Download 1714343824481.jpg
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.org That's what I was speaking of before mr.petrauskas 22:39:13
29 Apr 2024
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasThanks a lot man. Really had me stumped. I've got a bit going on but I'll dedicate some time next week to skimming over this chat and gathering info 👍01:05:34
30 Apr 2024
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.org mr.petrauskas: when u have any questions I'll be here to answer them other then a few others I believe I'm the only one in this room still that's active enough to help in anyway possible... 06:11:45
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.orgNot trying to take anyone's glory here06:12:13
@spaceboundtactical:matrix.orgspaceboundtactical Does the file finally work correctly? 20:53:13
@spaceboundtactical:matrix.orgspaceboundtacticalI haven’t been in here for quite a while element in general I mean20:53:27
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasidk man i can't get my sear to catch the firing pin and I've verified it's facing the right direction 22:25:27
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasso the firing pin rides home with the slide every time I rack it 22:26:15
1 May 2024
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.org spaceboundtactical: are u seriously asking that of course it works had mine for about 2 years now with no issues over 3k rounds 01:52:12
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasDownload 1000003199.mp413:14:20
In reply to @mr.petrauskas:matrix.org
so the firing pin rides home with the slide every time I rack it
this is what i mean
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasDid anyone else have a problem like this?17:32:16
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasit's really got me stumped 17:32:21
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasI've printed six frames and this is the only one that works 17:32:29
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasI am so retarded17:36:19
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasI guess I need to lube the slide or something17:36:25
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasI wasn't pulling it far back enough to cock the sear on the other frame17:36:31
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskasShould I print the all-in-one grips if my grips work with the stock grips? 20:39:54
@mr.petrauskas:matrix.orgmr.petrauskas* Should I print the all-in-one grips if my trigger and sear work with the stock grips? 20:40:08
@thomthejuggalo:matrix.orgThomthejuggaloPrint grips. I never could get the stock ones to work 20:52:10
13 May 2024
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.org mr.petrauskas: true print the all in one grips they are perfect 02:18:01
19 May 2024
@scenedaone:matrix.org@scenedaone:matrix.org left the room.04:21:01

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