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10 Jul 2024
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmnt davidebeatrici: Do you know if Flatpak would prevent shared memory stuff? 18:42:15
@davidebeatrici:matrix.orgdavidebeatriciYup, we received a few reports about that.18:42:28
@davidebeatrici:matrix.orgdavidebeatriciNot sure about AppImage.18:42:42
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmntI recall issues with regards to the overlay, but not positional audio18:42:51
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte Rabe
In reply to @davidebeatrici:matrix.org
Yup, we received a few reports about that.
But which should I choose instead?
I only know AppImage, snap, deb and well Flatpak
In reply to @hartmnt:matrix.org
I recall issues with regards to the overlay, but not positional audio
It's more or less the same issue, as both Link and the overlay use a shared memory area.
In reply to @jonter:matrix.org
But which should I choose instead?
I only know AppImage, snap, deb and well Flatpak
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmntSnap and Flatpak are somewhat sandboxed. If you can live without Flatpak I would say use the native Mumble version that Ubuntu ships. 18:44:44
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmnt(DEB, yes)18:44:54
In reply to @jonter:matrix.org
But which should I choose instead?
I only know AppImage, snap, deb and well Flatpak
* Deb, but analyze the package first to make sure it doesn't do anything fishy.
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmntJust use the packaged version 1.5.51718:45:46
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmnt apt-get install mumble 18:45:52
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmntIt is not the latest version with all the fixes, but you'd get the best chance of positional audio working18:46:10
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte Rabe
In reply to @hartmnt:matrix.org
It is not the latest version with all the fixes, but you'd get the best chance of positional audio working
Oh, that's why I installed with FlatPack in the first place, cause the other versions weren't up to date
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmntYes. The Debian maintainer of the mumble package was not able to update to the latest version yet. And I have no ETA if/when they will18:48:27
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmntI'd say we are somewhat lucky that Debian now ships 1.5 RC118:48:46
@hartmnt:matrix.orghartmntThe other (not even remotely recommended) method to get the latest 1.5.x native version on Ubuntu would be to use the artifact of my custom Ubuntu build pipeline. But you would throw out every comfort and advantage a package manager has over that method...18:51:10
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte Rabe
In reply to @hartmnt:matrix.org
apt-get install mumble
It still doesn't ship with any plugins, can I use the file I downloaded earlier?
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte Rabe
In reply to @hartmnt:matrix.org
apt-get install mumble
* It still doesn't ship any plugins, can I use the file I downloaded earlier?
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte RabeNo way19:47:51
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte RabeI found a mod which works19:47:58
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte RabeThanks for explaining how to get the link plugin, much appreciate it19:48:47
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte RabeHm, I should test if it works with the FlatPack version as well19:50:14
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte RabeIt's confusing, a second ago it worked and now it won't work on either version20:00:13
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte RabeMaybe it does work on Linux, just very inconsistent or I've seen it wrong where it like it worked20:17:36
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte Rabeoo20:19:07
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte RabeI see in the Minecraft chat that it's linking to something20:19:37
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte Rabe[22:25:18] [Render thread/WARN] [de.ge.mu.li.MumbleLinker/]: Auto Connect failed: Desktop Api browse action not supported I think y'all also don't know what this means, I think it just doesn't work properly on Linux20:27:26
@jonter:matrix.orgJonte Rabe
In reply to @jonter:matrix.org
Hello guys, I just installed Mumble on Ubuntu to use it for Minecraft using the flatpack image but it doesn't come with the link plugin (No plugins at all besides the manual placement plugin actually).
Before that I tried the snap and the deb version, but these didn't come with any plugins either.

How can I install the link plugin? I couldn't find any tutorials online and I don't know how to get it from https://github.com/mumble-voip/mumble/tree/master/plugins/link
Alright I tinkered around with it a lot now, is there a proper way with which I can remove all files related to Mumble (server version included)?

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