
Matrix Peer Regulators - ☞ ؟⸮UNOFFICIAL⸮؟ – Public Forum for Moderators to Share Information and Community Members to Air Grievances - A Self Support Community for Community Self Support, not at all affiliated with New Vector!

182 Members
Self Regulating Peer Review of Matrix Community Standards and Conduct - "Regulators" ••• https://matrix.org/docs/guides/code_of_conduct.html ••• Inspired by legendary events of the old American "Wild, Wild West". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lincoln_County_Regulators • Alternatively: Here be "Sherwood Forest". The good & noble "officially" crowned, or beknighted/knightly Dev's might be dispatched off to fight in the "Federation Crusades". And thusly, the ignoble FUD(D)ites try to play shire-reeve/shire o' the reeve/"Sheriff of Nottingham". All ye selectees who pass herein must be sussed out as venerable, august Admin's¦Mod's¦Custom-P.L.s, or otherwise noble "concerned netizens". ••• The following quote, about people "…who have received targeted harassment on Twitter have reported their accounts being suspended after their abusers co-ordinated to file multiple reports against them (a well documented tactic utilizing other platforms such as 4Chan to organize pile-ons) — whereas their one-report-per-abusive-tweet apparently fails to get the attention of Twitter’s algorithms." can happen on Matrix. But not if we band together! ••• Room History is "World Readable" by anyone. → https://view.matrix.org/alias/%23Regulators:matrix.org ••• Someone made an interesting reference to this room, ala "213" here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1plPyJdXKIY 😏 ••••38 Servers

MemberInfo of bryankalfman001 (@bryankalfman001:matrix.org)
Display Namebryankalfman001
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