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8 Nov 2023
@fwygon:beeper.comFwyI don't understand people who don't abstract their dev environments from their bare metal OSes23:59:59
9 Nov 2023
@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)but then again no fedora wsl00:00:00
@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)sad!00:00:00
@fwygon:beeper.comFwybecause that's untried code they're running; it should remain untrusted until release time when all the team(s) are happy with it00:00:32
@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)anyways00:00:47
@riley:matrix.riley-tech.netriley (she/they) it’s funnier to fuck up your own computer with your own shitty code tbh00:00:57
@fwygon:beeper.comFwyIs there Arch? :p00:01:01
@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)image.png
Download image.png
@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)
In reply to @fwygon:beeper.com
Is there Arch? :p
I think? but the VM works for the most part
In reply to @riley:matrix.riley-tech.net
it’s funnier to fuck up your own computer with your own shitty code tbh
At least that's amusing because you know YOU fucked up and you usually get immediate feedback on HOW you fucked up as your computer sits before you twitching and spasming
@riley:matrix.riley-tech.netriley (she/they) exactly00:02:20
@c0mmando:hackliberty.orgc0mmando joined the room.00:02:22
@fwygon:beeper.comFwy computers are required by physics to obey one law unerringly: **Garbage in, Garbage Out 00:03:28
@fwygon:beeper.comFwy * computers are required by physics to obey one law unerringly: Garbage in, Garbage Out 00:03:35
In reply to @fwygon:beeper.com
computers are required by physics to obey one law unerringly: Garbage in, Garbage Out

Don't forget the other saying:
One man's garbage is another man's NFT

or something like that

@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)RIP the NFT people's eyes00:06:49
In reply to @kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.net
RIP the NFT people's eyes
Non fungible eyes
@fwygon:beeper.comFwyIt's always amusing when anything related to BAYC is a huge fucking mistake00:07:50
@riley:matrix.riley-tech.netriley (she/they) aren’t BAYC also associated with a tiktok cult lmao00:08:12
@fwygon:beeper.comFwysince that's the oldest/biggest/most notable token.00:08:17
In reply to @riley:matrix.riley-tech.net
aren’t BAYC also associated with a tiktok cult lmao
I wouldn't know; I stay the fuck away from that chinese spy trap 💀
@riley:matrix.riley-tech.netriley (she/they) i do too, i just read an article about it lmao00:09:00
@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)what's BAYC00:09:10
@fwygon:beeper.comFwyBored Apes Yacht Club00:09:24
In reply to @kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.net
what's BAYC
Burn All Your Cash
@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)lol00:11:09
@fwygon:beeper.comFwyI'm waiting for that NFT to collapse in on itself like the ponzi scheme that it is; It just hasn't run out of suckers yet00:14:29
@fwygon:beeper.comFwyBut this eyeball nuking incident might just speed things along00:15:05
@kf4pe6tymquuxzy9:arcticfoxes.netHonor Harrington (arcticfoxes)crypto bros are idiots but I do genuinely hope they recover their eyesight00:17:14

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