
Logseq: Help

3053 Members
Need help with Logseq? Ask the user community here! | This channel is run by the community and is not actively monitored by the Logseq team. For bug reports that the team should look at, please report on GitHub: https://github.com/logseq/logseq/issues/new?assignees=&labels=&template=bug_report.yaml | This is the help channel of the official Logseq Space on Matrix, which you can find at #logseq:matrix.org.22 Servers

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19 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.org 05:27:27
@iath:kraw.euiath banned @hardy_tom:matrix.org@hardy_tom:matrix.org (spam).23:33:27
22 Jun 2024
@jus4scroll:matrix.orgjus4scroll joined the room.01:57:36
@jus4scroll:matrix.orgjus4scroll left the room.02:06:27
@shijin:eientei.orgshikaku joined the room.08:09:44
@shijin:eientei.orgshikaku left the room.08:10:01
@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org joined the room.16:46:31
@iath:kraw.euiath banned @tommyzjones_20:matrix.org@tommyzjones_20:matrix.org (spam).16:46:35
@tsc67:matrix.orgtsc67 joined the room.18:31:47
23 Jun 2024
@paulehr:matrix.orgPaul joined the room.20:19:31
@paulehr:matrix.orgPaul left the room.20:20:03
24 Jun 2024
@blackeyepee:nope.chatblackeyepee joined the room.17:45:53
@blackeyepee:nope.chatblackeyepee left the room.17:51:12
25 Jun 2024
@tsc67:matrix.orgtsc67 left the room.16:45:19
30 Jun 2024
@memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.org 21:47:55
@iath:kraw.euiath banned @memefi:matrix.org@memefi:matrix.org (spam).22:14:58
1 Jul 2024
@mirthless:matrix.orgmirthless joined the room.16:44:33
2 Jul 2024
@jhonce:matrix.orgJhon Honce joined the room.16:29:52
4 Jul 2024
@rushirajsinh:matrix.org@rushirajsinh:matrix.org joined the room.02:39:24
@iath:kraw.euiath banned @rushirajsinh:matrix.org@rushirajsinh:matrix.org (spam).06:30:46
9 Jul 2024
@allyrbaserbelong2:matrix.orgallyrbaserbelong2 joined the room.06:41:17
10 Jul 2024
@geology:matrix.orgGeology changed their display name from Geo Kocheril to Geology.17:19:48
12 Jul 2024
@undercoatjoyride:matrix.orgNoob joined the room.11:10:41
@undercoatjoyride:matrix.orgNoob left the room.11:11:48
20 Jul 2024
@zung25:matrix.orgzung25 joined the room.15:24:43
21 Jul 2024
@iaxat:matrix.orgx joined the room.07:01:01
22 Jul 2024
@iaxat:matrix.orgx changed their display name from iaxat to iaxatx.07:52:16
@iaxat:matrix.orgx changed their display name from iaxatx to x.07:59:44
23 Jul 2024
@h_a:matrix.org@h_a:matrix.org joined the room.09:16:29
@iath:kraw.euiath banned @h_a:matrix.org@h_a:matrix.org (spam).09:16:33

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