

238 Members
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13 Oct 2023
@_discord_175665598443945985:t2bot.ioMan Pole ᓚᘏᗢ changed their display name from Man Pole ᓚᘏᗢ to kampouse#0.00:21:05
@_discord_644284217525665793:t2bot.ioB4mbus changed their display name from Nix(OS) full time enjoyer to B4mbus.04:51:24
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.10:56:06
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.11:12:39
@paul4412:matrix.org@paul4412:matrix.org joined the room.14:18:42
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.16:22:33
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.16:30:07
@_discord_175665598443945985:t2bot.ioMan Pole ᓚᘏᗢ changed their display name from kampouse#0 to Man Pole ᓚᘏᗢ.18:59:51
14 Oct 2023
@_discord_280070900928479253:t2bot.ioGytis#0001 changed their display name from gytis.iva#0 to Gytis.14:24:44
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.18:39:48
15 Oct 2023
@_discord_783267840752091166:t2bot.ioEpsKu[GMT+6] changed their display name from TOE(Trail of Experience) Snail to camelFan(Kazakh).18:03:17
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.18:22:18
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.18:40:16
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.18:49:22
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.18:57:59
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.19:04:15
@_discord_644284217525665793:t2bot.ioB4mbus changed their display name from B4mbus to Nix(OS) full time enjoyer.19:45:36
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.20:29:25
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.21:59:05
16 Oct 2023
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.00:40:42
@_discord_69910918519070720:t2bot.ioArc#0269 changed their display name from Arc to arc#0.01:55:59
@_discord_69910918519070720:t2bot.ioArc#0269 changed their display name from arc#0 to Arc.03:42:18
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.10:21:48
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.15:54:57
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.16:03:01
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.16:05:10
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from NIXIE BOY to mr_headroom#0.16:06:49
@_discord_440856939409440769:t2bot.iomr_headroom#0 changed their display name from mr_headroom#0 to NIXIE BOY.16:24:34
@_discord_162459498043277312:t2bot.iormu. changed their display name from JOSE to rmu.#0.16:24:57
@_discord_162459498043277312:t2bot.iormu. changed their display name from rmu.#0 to JOSE.16:26:23

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