
Riot iOS

1341 Members
Riot/iOS, matrix-ios-kit and matrix-ios-sdk discussion | https://itunes.apple.com/app/riot-open-source-collaboration/id1083446067 | TestFlight build: https://testflight.apple.com/join/lCeTuDKM196 Servers

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16 Feb 2019
@fridtjof:das-labor.orgfridtjofnice :)23:33:03
17 Feb 2019
* @thomaslewis:matrix.ordoevangelistarum.comThomas Lewis wonders what that JS does…01:14:16
@aaron:matrix.orgaaron Looks like the bookmarklet script for instapaper. 06:06:28
@nadelina-miss:matrix.orgnadelina-miss joined the room.09:17:50
@eastlondonchav:matrix.orgx set a profile picture.11:14:41
@eastlondonchav:matrix.orgx changed their profile picture.14:17:56
@eastlondonchav:matrix.orgx changed their profile picture.14:18:13
@eastlondonchav:matrix.orgx changed their profile picture.17:39:41
@xukashi:matrix.org@xukashi:matrix.org joined the room.21:32:07
@xukashi:matrix.org@xukashi:matrix.org joined the room.21:34:52
@xukashi:matrix.org@xukashi:matrix.org left the room.21:51:09
@kiliankoe:matrix.orgkilian changed their profile picture.22:57:07
@aqtusia:matrix.orgaqtusia joined the room.23:16:14
18 Feb 2019
@6lefevre:matrix.org6lefevre set a profile picture.02:17:43
@mrh:matrix.orgmrh joined the room.07:20:08
@mrh:matrix.orgmrhHaving some issues with my Riot IOS client notifying me of everything... Can't seem to find any settings that allows me to only get notifications on DM's and when I'm specifically mentioned. I can only disable all notifications :P07:21:57
@mrh:matrix.orgmrhor does it simply use the account wide settings?07:23:24
In reply to @mrh:matrix.org
or does it simply use the account wide settings?
@mrh:matrix.orgmrhI must have missed something in there then!07:24:54
@tulir:maunium.nettulirriot ios might not have the UI to change those settings07:25:09
@tulir:maunium.nettulirriot web and recent versions of riot android should have the settings07:26:04
@mrh:matrix.orgmrh Thanks tulir :D 07:26:20
@koleesch:matrix.org@koleesch:matrix.org joined the room.11:28:31
@fredrik:ronnvall.comfredrik joined the room.12:41:44
@rajeevrmenon97:matrix.orgicyfire changed their profile picture.14:43:12
@rajeevrmenon97:matrix.orgicyfire changed their profile picture.14:57:41
@pabloscasas:matrix.orgpabloscasas joined the room.15:17:27
@pabloscasas:matrix.orgpabloscasasHi Riot iOS! I can't enable sound notifications in iOS app, because I don't find such option in the settings section. Instead, sound notifications work well with the Android App. Is it possible to have sounds when a message arrives?15:19:40

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