
Riot iOS

1305 Members
Riot/iOS, matrix-ios-kit and matrix-ios-sdk discussion | https://itunes.apple.com/app/riot-open-source-collaboration/id1083446067 | TestFlight build: https://testflight.apple.com/join/lCeTuDKM186 Servers

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21 Feb 2019
@mooshoe:matrix.org@mooshoe:matrix.org joined the room.02:03:32
@matthew:matrix.orgMatthewmanu ^08:14:24
@Manu:matrix.orgManu:/ we have a call stack for the crash: https://github.com/vector-im/riot-ios/issues/228108:38:41

which you can see at https://youtu.be/C2eE7rCUKlE?t=3108


@nw:disroot.orgNils left the room.11:32:46
@ngraf:matrix.ultrino.netngraf changed their profile picture.13:05:21
In reply to @nw:disroot.org

which you can see at https://youtu.be/C2eE7rCUKlE?t=3108


note this is not the final design. We wanted to test the UX with a room list in a side menu
@christopherjmedlin:matrix.orgchristopherjmedlin changed their profile picture.15:12:38
@ananaskirsche:matrix.organanaskirsche changed their profile picture.16:17:09
@dvanwissen:decentralizing.worldDempsey joined the room.17:30:48
@midar:matrix.org@midar:matrix.org joined the room.18:47:24
@midar:matrix.org@midar:matrix.org left the room.18:48:19
@midar:matrix.org@midar:matrix.org joined the room.19:00:07
@matrix_nullity:matrix.orgnullity joined the room.19:11:40
@midar:matrix.org@midar:matrix.orgHm, is it a problem with matrix.org, or is the iOS client quite laggy? Often times, I need to restart it for something to take effect, like leaving a room. It will not disappear before I restart.20:21:26
@aaron:raim.istAaron RaimistLikely a matrix.org issue20:34:08
@midar:matrix.org@midar:matrix.org Aaron Raimist: I see. So, I guess Riot iOS does not time out quickly enough? 21:14:27
22 Feb 2019
@lostmypillow:matrix.org@lostmypillow:matrix.org joined the room.00:15:57
@aaron.colichia:matrix.org@aaron.colichia:matrix.orgRedacted or Malformed Event00:47:25
@midar:matrix.org@midar:matrix.orghad it freeze several times for me already. usually it helps to just switch to another app and back.00:47:49
@aaron:raim.istAaron RaimistCan you both use the report a bug feature to send logs to the developers? Make sure to include a description of the problem. That's the only way to help hem determine what is going wrong.00:57:36
@midar:matrix.org@midar:matrix.org Aaron Raimist: I had reinstalled Riot since to see if it makes a difference 00:59:11
@aaron:raim.istAaron RaimistAh, well if it happens again.00:59:29
@midar:matrix.org@midar:matrix.orgcan I review what's included in a bug report before its sent?01:00:08
@aaron:raim.istAaron RaimistNot currently. https://github.com/vector-im/riot-ios/issues/1836 is the relevant issue.01:01:21
@kwemi:matrix.org@kwemi:matrix.org joined the room.03:01:03
@travnewmatic:keelung1.ddns.netTravis Newman left the room.06:04:09
@ngraf:matrix.ultrino.netngraf left the room.07:03:41
@nolz:matrix.nolz.networkNolz left the room.16:33:48

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