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1 Mar 2023
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore Does theater mode use 6dof of playstation 22:03:45
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore * Does theater mode use 6dof on playstation 22:03:54
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs No it's 3dof. 22:04:08
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs I guess someone could see if it drifts after a little bit of use? 22:04:24
@_discord_194175235598057473:t2bot.iomoshi swing the headset back and forth real hard 22:04:39
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs The PSVR1 would drift really badly in theater mode because it wouldn't turn the camera on. 22:04:47
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore Yea so it's only having to power the display and gyro I'd assume 22:04:57
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs It does start in parting right when you turn it on, and the power was a little lower then. 22:05:35
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs * It does start in passthrough right when you turn it on, and the power was a little lower then. 22:05:42
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore it might also be powering one camera? For passthrough 22:05:54
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs Passthrough mode was around .35A. 22:06:24
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs I'll test it with a full VR game running later and see if that's different. 22:07:11
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore Yea think with that low power consumption it's only powering one camera 22:07:36
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs Passthrough is definitely using all 4 cameras. You can cover any one with your finger and still see. 22:08:15
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs But only the bottom right camera is shown in the TV. 22:08:31
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore Would if expected higher 22:08:50
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore I'm going to assume the tv only shows one is cause the headset itself is doing something processing locally and it just mirrors the single camera to the system 22:11:09
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs Yeah, here's hoping. 22:11:39
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore Having the processing of the cameras on the headset would reduce latency compared to sending the feed to the system and having it process and then sending it back to the headset 22:12:27
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs If the PS5 had all four camera feeds I don't see why they would do it like that. 22:12:36
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs * If the PS5 had all four camera feeds I don't see why they would only show one. 22:13:16
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs Instead of just showing a single eye's screen like it does the rest of the time. 22:13:40
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore I don't think the ps5 is getting every camera feed 22:15:44
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs Me neither. 22:17:11
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore Of course these are only assumptions but it would be a waste of bandwidth to send all the cameras feeds to the system 22:17:17
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore Wmr also does something similar, and the pc only detects it as one camera 22:22:14
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore Passthrough only uses one camera also though for wmr 22:22:49
@_discord_161923023996190721:t2bot.ioEvening Newbs You only see one camera feed in the headset with WMR? Wouldn't it look weirdly off-center? 22:23:45
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore It doesn't look off actually 22:24:09
@_discord_844270342474432514:t2bot.ioRotToTheCore It shows the right camera only 22:24:55

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