
Torrentech public room

311 Members
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30 May 2024
@mealbaffler:matrix.orgGarrett joined the room.10:18:30
@mealbaffler:matrix.orgGarrett changed their display name from G S to Garrett.10:18:56
@mealbaffler:matrix.orgGarretthello yall10:19:03
@mealbaffler:matrix.orgGarretti was an active member back around 2009 and just wanted to say hi and hope everyone is doing great10:19:34
6 Jun 2024
@xphorm:matrix.orgpyccheck this out, remix for little louie vega11:24:06
@jahway603:meowchat.xyzjahway603Nice remix12:37:59
@jahway603:meowchat.xyzjahway603* Idk the original, but enjoying your remix12:38:22
8 Jun 2024
@tandy1000:matrix.org@tandy1000:matrix.org joined the room.23:44:03
@tandy1000:matrix.org@tandy1000:matrix.orgcool tracker!23:44:24
16 Jun 2024
@jimjimson:matrix.orgJames Hare joined the room.21:20:49
@jimjimson:matrix.orgJames HareHi there. I remember my room mate using this tracker back in uni. I'm starting to get into DJing now so am hoping someone could send me an invite? Would be much appreciated jehh87@gmail.com21:22:50
17 Jun 2024
@xphorm:matrix.orgpyc James Hare: no invite needed, just join 12:08:21
@kvrc:matrix.orgkvvrc joined the room.17:00:02
@kvrc:matrix.orgkvvrc pyc: This whole login form is faulty. Can't confirm email adress, and after one try I can change the password, but can't confirm email. So wtf? 19:56:14
@kvrc:matrix.orgkvvrcNever has sean anything like it...19:56:38
@xphorm:matrix.orgpycso you need to enter the code you received in your email, right? did you receive the code?19:58:17
@kvrc:matrix.orgkvvrcyeah the code named token, but after I wrote it, there is a message that captcha was faulty, and thats is. 19:58:49
@kvrc:matrix.orgkvvrcout of form, out of everything. Cant confirm, cant send another code.19:59:10
@kvrc:matrix.orgkvvrcFAULTY FORM19:59:14
@xphorm:matrix.orgpycwill check and get back to ya20:01:16
@kvrc:matrix.orgkvvrcReally weird as there is no button for sending another activation code. Can change the password and token for it are sent even 4 times. Someting seems to be bad. Why there is no send another activation code scenario? Cheers20:04:08
18 Jun 2024
@xphorm:matrix.orgpyc kvvrc: I just checked it, works here... so you push the reset password button and then you enter your registered email address, then you get the code in your inbox and paste the token into newly loaded form, and also put your new password twice - I just went to whole process here. What web browser are you using? 05:18:19
@jonathan121:matrix.orgjonathan121 joined the room.21:59:44
@jonathan121:matrix.orgjonathan121does anyone here happen to have any xhakrik rhizoma parts?22:05:12
@jonathan121:matrix.orgjonathan121ive been looking all over and theres only the green part on the website22:17:51
@jonathan121:matrix.orgjonathan121actually i also have the black red part so ime looking for the rest22:19:26
19 Jun 2024
@kvrc:matrix.orgkvvrcThe problem is I CAN'T LOGIN because account is NOT active due to problem with activation code. The password I can change, but can't login.12:33:40

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